(a) It is a deceptive practice for a storage warehouse operator or his authorized agent to move a consumer's goods from one location to another without informing the consumer of the reason for the move and the street address and borough of the new location. Such notice must be given at least 30 days prior to the move unless there is an emergency necessitating immediate removal of the goods to another location. In that event, notice shall be made as soon as practicable.
(b) It is a deceptive practice for the storage warehouse operator to charge or attempt to charge the consumer any additional amount for transportation of the consumer's goods which has not been requested by the consumer, unless the storage warehouse shall have first given the consumer 45 days written notice of the amount of such charge prior to the date of such transportation.
(c) In the event that a storage warehouse operator has transported a consumer's goods after being placed in storage from one location to another, where such transportation has not been requested by the consumer, any transportation charges for redelivery of the property from storage shall be determined as if the goods were being delivered out of the first location in which they were placed in storage.
(a) It is a deceptive practice for a storage warehouse operator to:
(1) solicit storage of household goods in a name other than the name in which it is licensed by the Department of Consumer Affairs;
(2) fail to include its Department of Consumer Affairs license number in its advertisements soliciting storage of household goods;
(3) fail to include in display advertisements soliciting storage of household goods the name and address of each storage warehouse it operates in New York City where household goods are stored.
(b) It is a deceptive practice for any person who is not a licensed warehouse operator to advertise, represent in any manner, or claim to operate a storage warehouse.
It is a deceptive practice for the storage warehouse operator to:
(a) fail to provide without cost to the consumer legal liability coverage for loss or damage to the consumer's property caused by negligence, as defined in the UCC § 7-204. This coverage is to be provided at the minimum value of $0.30 per pound per item up to $2,000;
(b) fail to inform a consumer that (s)he may purchase through the storage warehouse operator additional coverage to cover specific items or all of the household goods at additional cost.
It is an unconscionable practice for a storage warehouse operator to refuse a consumer access to his/her stored household goods to retrieve needed medication or documents which are necessary to enable the consumer to apply for social welfare benefits or employment; or to charge a consumer more than the scheduled rate for access, which shall be based upon the hourly warehouse labor charge or rate.