Subchapter I: Motion Picture Projectionists [Repealed]
Subchapter J: [Reserved]
Subchapter K: Dealers in Second-Hand Articles
It shall be the duty of every second-hand dealer to verify the identity of every person from whom he purchases an article, and to make and keep a written record of the nature of the evidence submitted by such person to prove his identity. Only the following shall be deemed acceptable evidence of identity:
(a) Any official document issued by the United States government, any state, county, municipality or subdivision thereof, any public agency or department thereof, or any public or private employer, which requires and bears signature of person to whom issued.
(b) Police, fire department and postal department badges containing numbers.
In addition, and in every case, it shall be the duty of every second-hand dealer, to require that every person from whom he purchases an article, sign his name in the presence of the second-hand dealer, compare the signature with the signature on the identifying document and retain on his premises the person's signature together with the number and description of the identifying document.
(a) The words "discount," "finance," "credit," or others of similar meaning, shall not be used as part of a firm, trade or corporate name or title unless the licensee is actually engaged in the financing for other firms of installment or other purchases of furniture.
(b) The words "warehouse," "storage," "unclaimed," or others of similar meaning, shall not be used as part of a firm, trade or corporate name or title unless the principal business of the licensee is the actual storage of furniture for hire in a recognized storage warehouse.
(c) The words "railroad," "unclaimed freight," or others of similar meaning, shall not be used as part of a firm, trade or corporate name or title unless the licensee is actually a department of a railroad.
(d) No licensee shall sell or advertise for sale furniture from a private residence under any circumstances, nor shall he be affiliated with, or knowingly provide furniture to, any dealer selling furniture to the public from a private residence.
(e) No licensee shall conduct any sale under the name of "auction sale" unless an auctioneer, duly licensed by the City of New York, is employed to conduct such sale. Such auction sale must be bona fide and without reserve and in all other ways must comply with the laws relating to auctions.
(f) New, used or reconditioned furniture, respectively, must be advertised and sold as such.
(g) The restrictions applying to the use of certain words as part of a firm, trade or corporate name or title of licensees apply equally to the misleading use of the said words in advertising. Licensees will be held to strict accountability for any misleading or false advertising, and the use of such shall be grounds for disciplinary action on the license.