(a) No licensee may transact for laundry service or laundry delivery service with an unlicensed industrial laundry or industrial laundry delivery.
(b) If an industrial laundry licensee does not disclose to the Department that it will be engaging in industrial laundry delivery when it applies for the industrial laundry license, such licensee may not engage in industrial laundry delivery until such licensee has complied with § 20-297.3(b)(11) of the Administrative Code and has an amended license from the Department authorizing licensee to engage in industrial laundry delivery.
(Added City Record 6/20/2018, eff. 7/20/2018; amended City Record 12/20/2021, eff. 1/19/2022)
Subchapter O: Locksmiths
No person shall employ or engage a locksmith to provide services to the public for a fee that are required to be performed by a licensed locksmith unless the person who employs or engages such locksmith displays in his place of business in a conspicuous place where it can be readily seen by anyone entering the premises the name and license number of every locksmith such person currently employs or engages to provide such services. Such business shall also retain at its business premises and at all times have available for inspection a copy of the currently valid license of every such locksmith.
(a) Every locksmith requested to open a locked item shall, prior to opening the item, make a good faith effort to obtain from the person requesting that the item be opened (hereinafter the "Customer"), two forms of identification and evidence that the Customer either owns the locked item or is authorized to have it opened. One form of identification shall be a photo identification or, if the Customer does not have a photo identification, the locksmith shall obtain personal identification of the Customer by a witness, such as a neighbor or a policeman. If personal identification is made by a witness, the locksmith shall obtain the name, address, telephone number and relationship of the person providing such identification and, if such person is a policeman, his or her shield number. Evidence of ownership may include, but shall not be limited to, a deed, a lease, an envelope addressed to the Customer from the telephone, gas or electric company, verification by a family member, a driver's license and registration, or such other evidence that the locksmith deems appropriate to demonstrate that the Customer owns the locked item, a description of which evidence the locksmith shall record in accordance with subdivision (b)(1) below. Evidence of authority to open a locked item may include, but shall not be limited to, a deed, a lease, a photo identification of the Customer as an employee, an affidavit made by or on behalf of the Customer's employer, or such other evidence that the locksmith deems appropriate to demonstrate that the Customer is authorized to have the locked item opened, a description of which evidence the locksmith shall record in accordance with subdivision (b)(1) below.
(b) (1) Every locksmith shall complete, and cause to be completed, a two-part form consisting of Part I, to be completed by the locksmith, and Part II, to be completed by the Customer (hereinafter the "Form"), at the time of opening a locked item. Every locksmith requested to open a locked item shall, at the time of opening the item, record on Part I of the form the following information:
(i) The license number of the locksmith;
(ii) The evidence obtained by the locksmith in accordance with subdivision (a) of this section corroborating the Customer's statement in Part II of the Form that he or she is authorized to have the item opened or a statement in accordance with paragraph (2) of this subdivision that such evidence is unavailable and the locksmith's reason(s) for proceeding without it;
(iii) The location of the item to be opened, including street address, building floor, and apartment or office number;
(iv) The date and time the item was opened;
(v) A description of the item requested to be opened and the means to be employed to open the item;
(vi) The two forms of identification that are provided by the Customer to identify himself or herself in accordance with subdivision (a) of this section or a statement in accordance with paragraph (2) of this subdivision that such evidence is unavailable and the locksmith's reason(s) for proceeding without it; and
(vii) The signature of the locksmith who opened the locked item certifying that all statements made by him on Part I of the Form are true to the best of his knowledge.
(2) If the Customer cannot provide the locksmith with two forms of identification or other evidence of ownership or authority to open the locked item in accordance with subdivision (a) above at the time the locksmith opens the locked item, the locksmith shall so indicate on Part I of the form and state in writing his or her reason(s) for proceeding in the absence of such identification or other evidence. If forms of identification or other evidence of ownership or authority to open the locked item are made available by the opening of the locked item, the locksmith shall, immediately after opening the locked item, obtain the forms of identification and other evidence, and record on Part I of the Form which forms of identification and other evidence were provided by the Customer prior to the unlocking of the item, and which were in the item unlocked by the locksmith.
(c) (1) Every locksmith shall, at the time of opening a locked item, obtain from the Customer, the following information, which the locksmith shall record or cause to be recorded by the Customer on Part II of the Form:
(i) The name, address and telephone number of the Customer;
(ii) Whether the Customer is the owner of the locked item;