(a) Notice upon signing of a lease, including a renewal lease, if any, or upon any agreement to lease or at the commencement of occupancy if there is no lease.
(1) The owner of a multiple dwelling erected prior to January first, nineteen hundred sixty or of a multiple dwelling erected on or after January first, nineteen hundred sixty and before January first, nineteen hundred seventy-eight, where an owner has actual knowledge of the presence of lead-based paint, shall provide to an occupant of a dwelling unit at the signing of a lease, including a renewal lease, if any, or upon any agreement to lease, or at the commencement of occupancy if there is no lease, a notice in English and Spanish inquiring whether a child of applicable age resides or will reside therein. If there is a lease, such notice will be attached as a rider to the lease. In addition, such owner shall deliver to the occupant at the time the occupant signs a lease, if any, or upon any agreement to lease, or, at the commencement of occupancy if there is no lease, the pamphlet developed by the department of health and mental hygiene pursuant to § 17-179(b) of the Administrative Code of the City of New York. Such notice shall be printed on a single form, the content of which shall be as specified in Appendix A hereto, and shall be printed in not less than ten point type, and shall bear the title "Prevention of Lead-based Paint Hazards – Inquiry Regarding Child". Such notice shall be in duplicate, one copy of which will be for the occupant's records, and one copy of which will be returned to the owner. Such notice shall be kept for a period of ten years from the date of receipt by the owner or transferred to a subsequent owner and maintained by such subsequent owner during such time period, and made available to the department upon request. The notice provided at the signing of a lease, or upon any agreement to lease, or at the commencement of occupancy if there is no lease, shall also contain a statement, signed by such owner, stating that he or she has complied with the provisions concerning apartments at turnover pursuant to §27-2056.8 of Article 14 of the Housing Maintenance Code and 28 RCNY § 11-05, and that he or she has delivered such pamphlet developed by the department of health and mental hygiene to the occupant.
(2) No occupant in a dwelling unit in such multiple dwelling shall refuse or unreasonably fail to provide accurate and truthful information regarding the residency of a child of applicable age therein, nor shall an occupant refuse access to the owner at a reasonable time and upon reasonable prior notice to any part of the dwelling unit for the purpose of investigation and repair of lead-based paint hazards.
(3) Where an occupant has responded to the notice provided by the owner pursuant to paragraph (1) of this subdivision by indicating that no child of applicable age resides therein or has failed to respond to such notice, if a child of applicable age subsequently comes to reside in such dwelling unit at any time during the immediately following year prior to the delivery of the annual notice by the owner pursuant to subdivision (b) of this section, the occupant shall have the duty to inform the owner in writing that such child has come to reside therein.
(b) Annual Notice.
(1) Each year an owner of a multiple dwelling erected prior to January first, nineteen hundred sixty shall cause to be delivered to each residential unit a notice in English and Spanish inquiring as to whether a child of applicable age resides therein and advising the occupant of his or her duty to report the presence of such child in writing.
(2) Such notice shall be delivered as provided in § 27-2056.4(e) of Article 14 of the Housing Maintenance Code, no earlier than January first and no later than January sixteenth, provided, however, that if such notice is enclosed with the January rent bill, such notice may be delivered no sooner than December fifteenth and no later than January sixteenth.
(3) Such notice shall be printed on a single form, the content of which shall be as specified in Appendix B hereto, and shall be printed in not less than ten point type, and shall bear the title "Prevention of Lead-based Paint Hazards – Inquiry Regarding Child". Such notice may be combined with the annual window guard notice required by 24 RCNY Chapter 12 in a form approved by the department of health and mental hygiene. Such notice shall be in duplicate, one copy of which will be for the occupant's records, and one copy of which will be returned to the owner. Such notice shall be kept for a period of ten years from the date of receipt by the owner or transferred to a subsequent owner and maintained by such subsequent owner during such time period, and made available to the department upon request.
(4) Upon receipt of such notice, the occupant shall have the duty to deliver a written response to the owner indicating whether a child of applicable age resides in the dwelling unit, by February fifteenth of the year in which the notice is sent. Where an occupant has responded to the notice provided by the owner pursuant to paragraph one of this subdivision by indicating that no child of applicable age resides therein, or has failed to respond to such notice, if a child of applicable age subsequently comes to reside in such dwelling unit at any time prior to delivery of the next annual notice, the occupant shall have the duty to inform the owner in writing that such child has come to reside therein.
(5) If, subsequent to the delivery of such annual notice, the owner does not receive a written response by February fifteenth, and does not otherwise have actual knowledge as to whether a child of applicable age resides therein, then the owner shall at reasonable times and upon reasonable notice inspect the occupant's dwelling unit to ascertain whether a child of applicable age resides therein. Where, between February sixteenth and March first of that year the owner has made reasonable attempt to gain access to the dwelling unit and was unable to gain access, the owner shall notify the department of health and mental hygiene of that circumstance in writing.
(c) The wording of the notices specified in this section shall not be altered or varied in any manner, unless otherwise approved by the department or the department of health and mental hygiene, provided, however, that such owner may provide such notice in any languages in addition to English and Spanish as such owner believes will be of assistance in ensuring communication of the content of such notice to the occupants of the multiple dwelling.
(a) In any dwelling unit in a multiple dwelling erected prior to January 1, 1960 where a child of applicable age resides, and in any dwelling unit in a multiple dwelling erected on or after January 1, 1960 and before January1, 1978, where a child of applicable age resides and the owner has actual knowledge of the presence of lead-based paint, and in common areas of such multiple dwellings, the owner shall cause a visual inspection to be made for peeling paint, chewable surfaces, deteriorated subsurfaces, friction surfaces and impact surfaces. A visual inspection for lead-based paint hazards shall include every surface in every room in the dwelling unit, including the interiors of closets and cabinets. Such inspection shall be undertaken at least once a year and more often if necessary, such as when, in the exercise of reasonable care:
(i) an owner knows or should have known of a condition that is reasonably foreseeable to cause a lead-based paint hazard, or
(ii) an occupant makes a complaint concerning a condition that is likely to cause a lead-based paint hazard or requests an inspection, or
(iii) the department issues a notice of violation or orders the correction of a violation that is likely to cause a lead-based paint hazard.
(b) No later than the earliest of August 9, 2025, one year after a child of applicable age comes to reside in a dwelling unit subject to the requirements of subdivision a of Administrative Code § 27-2056.4 and subdivision (a) of this section, or the issuance of an order by the department of health and mental hygiene as required by such order, one investigation for the presence of lead-based paint undertaken pursuant to subdivision a of this section must be performed by a person who (i) is not the owner or the agent of the owner or any contractor hired to perform work related to the remediation of lead-based paint hazards, and (ii) is certified as an inspector or risk assessor pursuant to section 745.226 of title 40 of the code of federal regulations. Such inspection must be conducted with an x-ray fluorescence analyzer on all types of surfaces in accordance with the procedures described in chapter 7 of the United States department of housing and urban development guidelines for the evaluation and control of lead-based paint hazards in housing, including on chewable surfaces, friction surfaces, and impact surfaces, to determine whether lead-based paint is present, and where such paint is located, in such dwelling unit and in the common areas of such multiple dwellings. Provided, however, that the investigation specified by this subdivision shall not be required if an investigation that complies with the requirements of this subdivision was previously completed and the owner retains records of such investigation, or if the dwelling unit or common area has an exemption from the presumption of lead paint, as provided in subdivision (b) of Administrative Code § 27-2056.5. If a new owner does not receive from the previous owner records of such investigation having been performed, such new owner must perform the investigation required by subdivision (a-1) of § 27-2056.4 of the Administrative Code and retain records of such investigation.
(c) (1) An owner must maintain and transfer to a subsequent owner records of inspections of dwelling units and common areas performed pursuant to subdivisions (a) and (b) of this section. Such records must include the location of such inspection, the results of such inspection for each surface in each room, as specified in subdivisions (a) and (b) of this section, and, for subdivision (b) of this section, for any such inspection that is performed after August 9, 2020, an affidavit from the lead inspector or risk assessor who performed the investigation for the presence of lead-based paint. An owner must also keep a record of the actions taken as a result of an inspection performed under subdivisions (a) or (b) of this section pursuant to 28 RCNY § 11-02 or 28 RCNY § 11-05.
(2) If an owner claims an inability to gain access to the unit for an inspection, such records must contain a statement describing the attempt made to gain access, including, but not limited to providing a written notice to the tenant, delivered by certified or registered mail, or by first class mail with proof of mailing from the United States Postal Service, informing the tenant of the necessity of access to the dwelling unit to perform the inspection, and the reason why access could not be gained. Such records must be kept for a period of ten years from either the date of completion of the inspection, or from the date of the last attempt to gain access by the owner, or transferred to a subsequent owner and maintained by such subsequent owner during such time period, and made available to the department upon request. In addition, the owner must make such records available to the occupant of such dwelling unit upon request.
(d) Nothing in this section precludes an owner from conducting any additional types of inspections for lead-based paint hazards, provided, however, that such owner shall correct any lead-based paint hazards identified pursuant to such inspection in accordance with the work practices specified in 28 RCNY § 11-06.
(Amended City Record 9/8/2020, eff. 10/8/2020; amended City Record 1/11/2021, eff. 2/10/2021; amended, City Record 4/16/2021, retro. eff. 8/9/2020; amended City Record 2/14/2025, eff. 3/16/2025)
(a) Upon the earlier of (i) turnover of any dwelling unit in a multiple dwelling erected prior to January first, nineteen hundred and sixty, (ii) by July 1, 2027 for any dwelling unit in such multiple dwelling where a child of applicable age resides as of January 1, 2025, or (iii) within 3 years after the date a child of applicable age begins to reside in any occupied dwelling unit in such a multiple dwelling prior to turnover, the owner shall within such dwelling unit have the responsibility to:
(1) remediate all lead-based paint hazards and any underlying defects, when such underlying defects exist for each turnover of a dwelling unit and prior to turnover as provided in this subdivision;
(2) make all bare floors, window sills, and window wells in the dwelling unit smooth and cleanable for each turnover of a dwelling unit and prior to turnover as provided in this subdivision;
(3) provide for the removal or permanent covering of all lead-based paint on all friction surfaces on all doors and door frames; and
(4) provide for the removal or permanent covering of all lead-based paint on all friction surfaces on all windows, or provide for the installation of replacement window channels or slides on all lead-based painted friction surfaces on all windows.
(b) Such work must be performed in the time period commencing with the vacancy of the unit and must be completed prior to reoccupancy of such unit, or earlier, in occupied dwelling units where a child of applicable age resides as provided in subdivision a of this section. All work performed pursuant to this section upon turnover must be performed using the applicable safe work practices set forth in 28 RCNY § 11-06(g)(3). All work performed pursuant to this section prior to turnover in a dwelling unit where a child of applicable age resides must be performed pursuant to safe work practices set forth in 28 RCNY § 11-06(a) - (g)(1) and (2) as applicable.
(c) An owner shall maintain or transfer to a subsequent owner records of work performed in dwelling units pursuant to this section in accordance with the recordkeeping requirements of 28 RCNY § 11-06(c) and 28 RCNY § 11-12(h). In addition, the owner shall make such records available to the occupant of such dwelling unit upon request.
(d) An owner shall certify that he or she has complied with § 27-2056.8 of Article 14 of the Housing Maintenance Code and this section in the notice provided to an occupant upon signing of lease, if any, or upon any agreement to lease, or at the commencement of occupancy if there is no lease pursuant to subdivision (a) of 28 RCNY § 11-03.
(e) An owner may submit evidence regarding the date of a current tenant's signing of a lease, or agreement to lease, or commencement of occupancy of a unit to the department to rebut the issuance of a violation for failure to comply with § 27-2056.8 of Article 14 of the Housing Maintenance Code and this section.
(Amended City Record 9/8/2020, eff. 10/8/2020; amended City Record 1/11/2021, eff. 2/10/2021; amended City Record 2/14/2025, eff. 3/16/2025)
(a) Filing procedures. Not less than ten days prior to commencement of work that will disturb lead-based paint pursuant to § 27-2056.11(a)(2)(ii) of Article 14 of the Housing Maintenance Code, an owner shall file with the department of health and mental hygiene a notice of the commencement of the work. Such notice shall be signed by the owner or by a representative of the firm performing the work. Where work is required to be commenced in a lesser period of time than that specified herein for the filing of a notice of commencement of work, then such filing shall be made as soon as practicable but prior to the commencement of work. Such notice shall be in a form satisfactory to or prescribed by the department of health and mental hygiene and shall set forth at a minimum the following information:
(1) The name, address and telephone number of the owner of the premises in which the lead-based paint work is to be performed;
(2) The address of the building and the specific location of the lead-based paint work within the building;
(3) The name, address and telephone number of the firm who will be responsible for performing the work;
(4) The date and time of commencement of the work, working or shift hours, and the expected date of completion;
(5) A complete description and identification of the surfaces and structures, and surface areas, subject to the work; and
(6) Any changes in the information contained in the notice required by this section shall be filed with the department of health and mental hygiene prior to commencement of work, or if work has already commenced, within 24 hours of any such change.
(b) Licensing and training.
(1) Abatement. All work conducted as part of an abatement as defined in this chapter shall be performed by firms and personnel certified to perform lead-based paint activities in accordance with regulations issued by the United States environmental protection agency at subpart L of 40 C.F.R. Part 745 for the abatement of lead hazards, or successor rule.
(2) Work ordered by the department to correct a lead-based paint hazard violation in accordance with § 27-2056.11(a)(1) of Article 14 of the Housing Maintenance Code, or work performed pursuant to § 27-2056.11(a)(2)(ii) of Article 14 of the Housing Maintenance Code, shall be performed in accordance with the following requirements:
(i) Firm requirements. Firms conducting such work shall be certified to perform lead abatement by the United States environmental protection agency in accordance with subpart L of 40 C.F.R. Part 745 for the abatement of lead hazards, or successor rule.
(ii) Worker requirements. Workers conducting such work shall be trained, at a minimum, in accordance with the regulations issued by the United States department of housing and urban development at 24 C.F.R. § 35.1330(a)(4), or successor rule, or under an equivalent program approved by the department or the department of health and mental hygiene.
(iii) Clearance dust testing. No person shall perform a lead-contaminated dust clearance test pursuant to this section unless such person is a third party, who is independent of the owner and any individual or firm that performs such work. All personnel performing lead-contaminated dust clearance testing after completion of such work shall be trained, at a minimum, in accordance with regulations issued by the United States department of housing and urban development at 24 C.F.R. § 35.1340(b)(1), or successor rule, or under an equivalent program approved by the department or the department of health and mental hygiene.
(3) Work performed in accordance with § 27-2056.11(a)(2)(i) of Article 14 of the Housing Maintenance Code, shall be performed in accordance with the following requirements:
(i) Worker requirements. Workers conducting such work shall be trained under regulations issued by the United States department of housing and urban development at 24 C.F.R. § 35.1330(a)(4), or successor rule, or under an equivalent program approved by the department or the department of health and mental hygiene.
(ii) Clearance dust testing. No person shall perform a lead-contaminated dust clearance test pursuant to this section unless such person is a third party, who is independent of the owner and any individual or firm that performs such work. Personnel performing lead-contaminated dust clearance testing after completion of such work shall be trained in accordance with regulations issued by the department of housing and urban development at 24 C.F.R. § 35.1340(b)(1), or successor rule, or under an equivalent program approved by the department or the department of health and mental hygiene.
(4) Work performed in a dwelling unit upon turnover in accordance with § 27-2056.8 of Article 14 of the Housing Maintenance Code. No person shall perform a lead-contaminated dust clearance test pursuant to this paragraph unless such person is a third party, who is independent of the owner and any individual or firm that performs the work upon turnover. Personnel performing lead-contaminated dust clearance testing after completion of such work shall be trained in accordance with regulations issued by the department of housing and urban development at 24 C.F.R. § 35.1340(b)(1), or successor rule, or under an equivalent program approved by the department or the department of health and mental hygiene.
(c) Recordkeeping. An owner shall keep a record of the following information for all work performed pursuant to this section:
(1) The name, address, and telephone number of the person or entity who performed the work; the start date and completion date for the work;
(2) A copy of all licenses and training certificates, required pursuant to subdivision (b) of this section, for the firms and personnel who performed work and lead-contaminated dust clearance testing;
(3) The location of the work performed in each room including a description of such work and invoices for payment for such work;
(4) Results of lead-contaminated dust clearance tests analyzed by an independent laboratory certified by the state of New York;
(5) Checklists completed pursuant to (g)(1)(ix)(F)(f) when occupants are allowed temporary access to a work area; and
(6) Such records shall be maintained by such owner for a period of ten years from the date of completion of such work or transferred to a subsequent owner and maintained by such subsequent owner during such time period, and made available to the department upon request.
(d) Work methods.
(1) Minimizing dust dispersion. Work that disturbs lead-based paint as defined in this chapter shall be carried out in such a manner as to minimize the penetration or dispersal of lead contaminants or lead-contaminated materials from the work area to other areas of the dwelling unit and building or adjacent outdoor areas.
(2) An area designated as a clean changing area shall be segregated from the work area by a physical barrier to prevent the penetration or dispersal of lead contaminants or lead-contaminated materials from the work area to other areas of the dwelling unit and building and to prevent occupant exposure to materials containing lead.
(3) Repair of lead-based paint hazard violations may be performed by wet sanding, wet scraping, removal, enclosure, encapsulation, replacement or abatement except where otherwise specified in Article 14 of the Housing Maintenance Code or these rules.
(e) Prohibited methods. The following methods shall not be used while performing work in accordance with these rules that disturbs lead-based paint or paint of unknown lead content:
(1) Open flame burning or torching.
(2) Machine sanding or grinding without HEPA local exhaust control.
(3) Abrasive blasting or sandblasting without HEPA local exhaust control.
(4) Heat guns operating above 1,100 degrees Fahrenheit or charring the paint.
(5) Dry sanding or dry scraping.
(6) Paint stripping in a poorly ventilated space using a volatile stripper that is a hazardous substance in accordance with regulations of the United States consumer product safety commission at 16 C.F.R. § 1500.3, and/or a hazardous chemical in accordance with the United States occupational safety and health administration regulations at 29 C.F.R. §§ 1910.1200 or 1926.59, as applicable to the work.
(f) Work practices and surface finishing.
(1) All tools and materials used when disturbing paint shall be used in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions.
(2) Wet sanding, wet scraping, removal, enclosure, encapsulation, replacement, abatement and other maintenance and repair activities shall be performed using standard construction and treatment methods, and in accordance with manufacturer's instructions, where applicable.
(3) All surfaces where paint has been disturbed shall be sealed and finished with appropriate materials. Underlying surface substrates shall be dry and protected from future moisture before applying a new protective coating or paint, and all paints and coatings shall be applied in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations.
(g) Occupant protection.
(1) Work ordered by the Department to correct a lead-based paint hazard violation in accordance with § 27-2056.11(a)(1) of Article 14 of the Housing Maintenance Code, or work performed pursuant to § 27-2056.11(a)(2)(ii) of Article 14 of the Housing Maintenance Code.
(i) Postings. The following information shall be conspicuously posted no later than twenty-four hours prior to beginning work and shall remain in place until the work area has been cleared for re-occupancy:
(A) Notice of commencement of work information submitted to the department of health and mental hygiene pursuant to § 27-2056.11(a)(2)(ii) of Article 14 of the Housing Maintenance Code. Such information shall be posted at the entrance to the dwelling and at the entrance to the dwelling unit.
(B) A warning sign of at least 8 1/2" by 11" with letters at least one inch high, reading as follows: WARNING: LEAD WORK AREA – POISON – NO SMOKING OR EATING. Such information shall be posted adjacent to the work area.
(ii) Pre-cleaning and protecting moveable items. All floors, moveable furniture, draperies, carpets, or other objects in the work area shall be HEPA-vacuumed or washed; all moveable items shall then be moved out of the work area or otherwise covered with two layers of six-mil disposable polyethylene sheeting before work begins. Such sheeting shall be taped together with waterproof tape, and taped to the floors or bottom of the walls or baseboards, so as to form a continuous barrier to the penetration of dust.
(iii) Sealing vents. Forced-air systems within the room where work that disturbs lead-based paint is occurring shall be turned off and covered with two layers of six-mil polyethylene sheeting and waterproof tape to prevent lead contamination and lead dispersal to other areas.
(iv) Affixing doorway entrance flap. After all moveable objects have been removed, the work area shall be sealed off from non-work areas by taping with waterproof tape, two layers of disposable, six-mil polyethylene sheeting over every entrance or doorway to the work area, as follows: To deter the dispersal of lead dust one sheet shall be taped along all sides of the doorway and a slit shall be cut down the middle of the sheeting, leaving intact at least six inches of sheeting on the top and six inches of sheeting on the bottom of the doorway. A second sheet of polyethylene large enough to cover the doorway, shall be attached to the top of the doorway in the room or area where work is being conducted and shall act as a flap opening into the work area.
(v) Covering floors. The floor of the work area shall be covered with at least two sheets of disposable six-mil polyethylene sheeting. Such sheeting shall be taped together with waterproof tape, and taped to the bottom of the walls or baseboard, so as to form a continuous barrier to the penetration of dust to the floor. The furniture and non-moveable furnishings, such as counters, cabinets, and radiators in the work area shall be removed or covered with such taped sheeting.
(vi) Sealing openings. All openings, including windows, except those required to be open for ventilation, not sealed off or covered in accordance with subdivision (g)(1)(iii) of the section, shall be sealed with two layers of six-mil polyethylene sheeting and waterproof tape to prevent the penetration or dispersal of lead contaminants or lead-contaminated material.
(vii) Instructing occupants. Occupants shall be instructed by the owner and contractor to avoid entering the work area until final clearance levels have been achieved.
(viii) Hazardous materials. All paints, thinners, solvents, chemical strippers or other flammable materials shall be delivered to the building and maintained during the course of the work in their original containers bearing the manufacturer's labels, and all material safety data sheets, as may be required by law, shall be on-site and shall be made available upon request to the occupants of the dwelling unit.
(ix) Clean-up and lead-contaminated dust clearance testing procedures.
(A) Daily clean-up. At the completion of work each day, the work area shall be thoroughly wet-mopped or HEPA-vacuumed. No polyethylene sheeting, drop cloths, or other materials that are potentially hazardous to young children or infants shall be accessible outside the work area. In addition, any work area and other adjoining area exposed to lead or lead-contaminated materials shall be cleaned as follows:
(a) Large debris. Large demolition-type debris (e.g., door, windows, trim) shall be wrapped in six-mil polyethylene, sealed with waterproof tape, and moved to the area designated for trash storage on the property to be properly disposed of in a lawful manner.
(b) Small debris. Small debris shall be HEPA-vacuumed or wet swept and collected. Before wet sweeping occurs, the affected surfaces shall be sprayed with a fine mist of water to keep surface dust from becoming airborne. Dry sweeping is prohibited. The swept debris and all disposable clothing and equipment shall be placed in double four-mil or single six-mil plastic bags which shall be sealed and stored with other contaminated debris in the work area and shall be properly disposed of in a lawful manner.
(c) Clean-up adjacent to the work area. On a daily basis, as well as during final clean-up, the area adjacent and exterior to the work area shall be examined visually to ensure that no lead debris has escaped containment. Any such debris shall be wet swept and HEPA-vacuumed, collected and disposed of as described above.
(d) Supply storage. Upon finishing work for the day, all rags, cloths and other supplies used in conjunction with chemical strippers or other flammable materials, or materials contaminated with lead dust or paint shall be stored at the end of each work day in sealed containers or removed from the premises, in a lawful manner.
(B) Final clean-up. Final cleaning shall be performed as follows, in the following sequence:
(a) The final cleaning process shall start no sooner than one (1) hour after lead-based paint disturbance activities have been completed, but before repainting, if necessary.
(b) First, all polyethylene sheeting shall be sprayed with water mist and swept prior to removal. Polyethylene sheeting shall be removed by starting with upper-level polyethylene, such as that on windows, cabinets and counters, folding the corners, ends to the middle, and placing in double four-mil or single six-mil plastic bags. Plastic bags shall be sealed and properly disposed of in a lawful manner.
(c) Second, all surfaces in the work area shall be HEPA-vacuumed. Vacuuming shall begin with ceilings and proceed down the walls to the floors and include furniture and carpets.
(d) Third, all surfaces in the work area shall be washed with a detergent solution. Washing shall begin with the ceiling and proceed down the walls to the floor. Wash water shall be properly disposed of in a lawful manner.
(e) Fourth, all surfaces exposed to lead dust generated by the lead-based paint disturbance process shall be HEPA-vacuumed again. Vacuuming shall begin with ceilings and proceed down the walls to the floors and include furniture and carpets.
(f) Fifth, all surfaces shall be inspected to ensure that all surfaces have been cleaned and all visible dust and debris have been removed. If all visible dust and debris have not been removed, affected surfaces shall be re-cleaned.
(C) Final inspection. After final clean-up, and re-painting if necessary, has been completed, a final inspection shall be made by a third party retained by the owner who is independent of the owner and the contractor. The final clearance evaluation shall include a visual inspection and lead-contaminated dust clearance testing. Three wipe samples shall be collected and tested from each room or area where work has been conducted; one wipe sample contaminated dust clearance samples shall be collected and tested from the floor in rooms or areas immediately adjacent to the work area.
(D) Clearance for re-occupancy.
(a) Lead-contaminated dust levels in excess of the following constitute contamination and require repetition of the clean-up and testing process in all areas where such levels are found. Areas where every lead-contaminated dust sample result is below the following levels may be cleared for re-occupancy:
Floors: | 10 micrograms of lead per square foot. |
Window Sills: | 50 micrograms of lead per square foot. |
Window Wells: | 100 micrograms of lead per square foot. |
(b) Only upon receipt of laboratory test results showing that the above dust lead levels are not exceeded in the dwelling may the work area be cleared for permanent re-occupancy. However, temporary access to work areas may be allowed, provided that clean-up is completed and dust test samples have been collected in compliance with this section. The owner shall provide all lead-contaminated dust clearance test results to the occupants of the dwelling or dwelling unit.
(c) On and after June 1, 2021, lead contaminated dust levels in excess of the following constitute contamination and require repetition of the clean-up and testing process in all areas where such levels are found, unless the board of health adopts more stringent standards in accordance with local law:
Floors: | 5 micrograms of lead per square foot. |
Window Sills: | 40 micrograms of lead per square foot. |
Window Wells: | 100 micrograms of lead per square foot. |
(E) Relocation.
(a) An owner must request that an occupant temporarily relocate from a unit pending completion of work where it appears that work cannot be performed safely with occupants in residence. Such owner must offer a suitable, decent, safe and similarly accessible dwelling unit that does not have lead-based paint hazards to such occupants for temporary relocation. Unreasonable refusal by such occupants to relocate pursuant to such offer shall constitute a refusal of access under Housing Maintenance Code §§ 27-2009 and 27-2056.4(b), and, where applicable, 9 NYCRR § 2524.3(e). Relocation shall not be required provided that work can be done safely with occupants in residence, and provided further that at the end of each day of work, the work area is properly cleaned as specified in subdivision (g)(1)(ix)(A) of this section; occupants have safe access to areas adequate for sleeping; occupants have bathroom and kitchen facilities available to them; occupants have safe access to entry/egress pathways; and the work does not create other safety hazards (e.g., exposed electrical wiring or holes in the floor).
(b) Where compliance with § 27-2056.8 of the Administrative Code would necessitate that an occupant of a dwelling unit where a child under age six resides temporarily relocate from the dwelling unit in accordance with the safe work practices in this section, and the occupant of such dwelling unit refuses to relocate, the owner shall be exempt from such compliance with § 27-2056.8 upon approval by the department of documentation demonstrating the owner’s good faith effort to perform the required work and to show the occupant’s refusal to relocate. Such exemption shall remain in effect until the dwelling unit is vacated by the previous occupant and turned over to a new occupant. Upon approval of such exemption, the department shall dismiss any violation of § 27-2056.8 which was the basis for the owner’s request for the exemption, or which was issued after the exemption was granted and prior to the dwelling being turned over to a new occupant.
(c) An owner must submit the following documentation to apply for an exemption from compliance with § 27-2056.8: (1) a copy of the notice to the tenant explaining the scope of work required to be done, the reasons that temporary relocation is necessary, and an offer of a suitable, decent, safe and similarly accessible dwelling unit; (2) a document detailing the scope of all work required to be done in the dwelling unit to comply with the requirements of § 27-2056.8; (3) the reasons that the work cannot be done without the occupant temporarily relocating from the dwelling unit, including, but not limited to, why the owner cannot provide safe temporary access to the work area as required under clause F of subparagraph ix of paragraph I of subdivision g of 28 RCNY § 11-06; (4) the offer of a suitable, decent, safe and similarly accessible dwelling unit that the owner conveyed to the occupant for temporary relocation; and (5) a document, signed by the occupant, refusing to temporarily relocate from the unit so that the work described in the scope of work can be performed, or, if the tenant has refused to relocate and has refused to sign such document, an affidavit from the owner regarding such occupant’s refusal, including the date and time of the owner’s good faith effort to contact the occupant.
(F) Temporary access to the work area when occupants not relocated. When occupants are not relocated, temporary access may be allowed to areas in which work is in progress after work has ceased for the day, provided that at the end of each work day:
(a) Any work area to be accessed is properly cleaned as specified in the daily clean-up requirements of subdivision (g)(1)(ix)(B)(b) through (d) and (f);
(b) There are no safety hazards (including, but not limited to, exposed electric wiring or holes in the floor) or covered vents;
(c) Floor coverings containing leaded dust and debris and hazardous materials are removed;
(d) Floors in the work area are re-covered with a non-skid floor covering securely taped to the floor;
(e) Work areas are prepared in accordance with the requirements above when work recommences; and
(f) At the end of each workday, and before access is permitted, a checklist indicating compliance with these conditions is completed and signed by the person responsible for overseeing the work. No person shall make a false, untrue or misleading statement or forge the signature of another person on any document or record required to be prepared pursuant to these rules.
(g) Temporary access in accordance with these provisions may be allowed for no longer than five days. If work has not resumed within five days, temporary access may continue only if the person responsible for overseeing the work has repeated the actions required by clauses (a) through (f) of this subparagraph (F).
Nothing herein shall extend the time for compliance with any violation issued pursuant to Article 14 of the Housing Maintenance Code.
(2) Work performed in accordance with § 27-2056.11(a)(2)(i) of Article 14 of the Housing Maintenance Code that disturbs lead-based paint.
(i) Postings. A warning sign shall be posted in accordance with subdivision (g)(1)(i)(B) of this section and caution tape shall be placed across the entrance to the work area.
(ii) Pre-cleaning and protecting moveable items. All floors, moveable furniture, draperies, carpets, or other objects in the work area shall be HEPA-vacuumed or washed; all moveable items shall then be moved out of the work area or otherwise covered with polyethylene plastic or equivalent sheeting. All plastic or equivalent sheeting used during the performance of the work shall be of sufficient thickness and durability to prevent tearing during the performance of the work. Such sheeting shall be of sufficient length and width to prevent dust and other debris generated by the work from spreading to areas unprotected by such sheeting. Such sheeting must be adequately secured to prevent movement of the sheeting during the performance of the work.
(iii) Covering floors. The floor of the work area shall be covered with polyethylene plastic or equivalent sheeting. All plastic or equivalent sheeting used during the performance of the work shall be of sufficient thickness and durability to prevent tearing during the performance of the work. Such sheeting shall be of sufficient length and width to prevent dust and other debris generated by the work from spreading to areas unprotected by such sheeting. Such sheeting must be adequately secured to prevent movement of the sheeting during the performance of the work. Multiple layers of polyethylene sheeting shall be used as needed to prevent dust from contaminating the floor.
(iv) Sealing openings. Where applicable, forced air systems in the work area shall be turned off and any openings in the work area shall be sealed with polyethylene or equivalent sheeting to prevent the penetration or dispersal of lead contaminants or lead-contaminated material.
(v) Instructing occupants. Occupants shall be instructed by the owner and contractor to avoid entering the work area until final clean up has been completed.
(vi) Hazardous materials. All paints, thinners, solvents, chemical strippers or other flammable materials shall be delivered to the building and maintained during the course of the work in their original containers bearing the manufacturer's labels, and all material safety data sheets, as may be required by law, shall be on-site and shall be made available upon request to the occupants of the dwelling unit.
(vii) Clean-up and lead-contaminated dust clearance testing shall be conducted in accordance with subdivision (g)(1)(ix) of this section.
(viii) Relocation and temporary access to work areas when occupants are not relocated, where provided, shall be performed in accordance with (g)(1)(ix)(E) and (F) of this section.
(3) Work performed in a vacant dwelling unit on turnover in accordance with § 27-2056.8 of Article 14 of the Housing Maintenance Code.
(i) Preparation. The procedures described in subdivision (g)(2)(i) - (iv) of this section must be followed, unless the work is being performed during occupancy where a child under age six resides.
(ii) Clean-up. At the completion of work, the work area must be thoroughly wet-mopped or HEPA-vacuumed and a visual examination must be conducted in the work area and the area adjacent and exterior to the work area. Any noted lead-contaminated dust or debris must be wet-mopped or HPEA-vacuumed. All rags, cloths and other supplies used in conjunction with chemical strippers or other flammable materials, or materials contaminated with lead dust or paint must be stored at the end of each work day in sealed containers or removed from the premises, in a lawful manner.
(iii) Lead-contaminated dust clearance testing. Lead-contaminated dust clearance testing must be conducted in accordance with subdivision (g)(1)(ix)(C) - (D) of this section.
(Amended City Record 11/8/2019, eff. 12/8/2019; amended City Record 2/14/2025, eff. 3/16/2025)
(a) In any multiple dwelling erected prior to January first, nineteen hundred sixty, it shall be presumed that the paint or other similar surface-coating material in any dwelling unit where a child of applicable age resides or in the common areas of such multiple dwelling is lead-based paint.
(b) For purposes of the definition of lead-based paint set forth in § 27-2056.2(7)(b) of Article 14 of the Housing Maintenance Code and subdivision (t)(2) of 28 RCNY § 11-01, if such paint or other similar surface-coating material in a multiple dwelling erected prior to January 1, 1960 where a child of applicable age resides or in the common areas of such multiple dwelling, has not been tested by an x-ray fluorescence analyzer (XRF) and measured to be negative for lead-based paint in accordance with the performance characteristic sheet (PCS), or has been tested by an XRF and such test result is inconclusive in accordance with such PCS, and a laboratory analysis of a paint chip sample has not been performed, such paint is lead-based paint.
(c) (1) The presumption established in this section may only be rebutted as provided in paragraph (2) of this subdivision by the registered owner, registered officer or director of a corporate owner or by a registered managing agent of such multiple dwelling by submitting to the department:
(i) a sworn written statement, supported by XRF lead-based paint testing results, including a description of the testing methodology and manufacturer and model of instrument used to perform such testing or laboratory tests of paint chip samples;
(ii) a sworn written statement by the person who performed the testing or paint chip sampling if performed by an employee or agent of the owner which shall include a copy of the certificate of training as a certified lead-based paint inspector or risk assessor as provided in subdivision (d) of this section;
(iii) a copy of the inspection report provided by the person who performed the testing or paint chip sampling which shall include a description of the surfaces in each room where such testing or paint chip sampling was performed; and
(iv) a copy of the results of such testing or such laboratory tests of paint chip samples performed by an independent laboratory certified by the state of New York where such paint chip sampling has been performed.
(2) Such written statement and all supporting documentation shall be submitted to the department not later than the date set for correction in the notice of violation in accordance with paragraph (1) of this subdivision, and may only be submitted to rebut the presumption where the department has not performed an XRF test prior to issuing such violation or where the department has performed an XRF test with a result classified as inconclusive for lead-based paint in accordance with the PCS.
(3) The department shall notify the registered owner, registered officer or director of a corporate owner or registered managing agent of such multiple dwelling of its determination in writing.
(d) Where x-ray fluorescence (XRF) testing or laboratory sampling is performed to rebut the presumption established in this section, the performance of such testing or sampling shall be in accordance with the applicable definition for lead-based paint established in 28 RCNY § 11-01(t) and § 27-2056.2(7) of Article 14 of the Housing Maintenance Code. Laboratory analysis for paint chip samples shall be permitted only where XRF tests fall within the inconclusive zone for the particular XRF machine or where the configuration of the surface or component to be tested is such that an XRF machine cannot accurately measure the lead content of such surface or component. Laboratory tests of paint chip samples, where performed, shall be reported in mg/cm
, unless the surface area of a paint chip sample cannot be accurately measured, or if an accurately measured paint chip sample cannot be removed, in which circumstance the laboratory test may be reported in percent by weight as provided in such applicable lead-based paint definition. Where paint chip sampling has been performed, the sworn written statement by the person who performed the testing shall include a statement that such sampling was done in accordance with 40 C.F.R. § 745.227 or successor provisions.
(e) Testing performed to rebut the presumption may only be performed by a person who has been certified as a lead-based paint inspector or risk assessor in accordance with subparts L and Q of 40 C.F.R. Part 745 or successor provisions and such testing shall be performed in accordance with 40 C.F.R. § 745.227(a) and (b) or successor provisions.
(Amended City Record 11/8/2019, eff. 12/8/2019; amended City Record 10/13/2021, eff. 12/1/2021)
(a) A registered owner or registered officer or director of a corporate owner, a registered managing agent of a multiple dwelling erected prior to January first, nineteen hundred sixty, an authorized representative of a governmental agency as approved by the department, or, where title to such multiple dwelling is held by a cooperative housing corporation or the units in such multiple dwelling are owned as condominium units, a representative of the corporation or the condominium board of managers may apply to the department, in writing, for a lead free or a lead safe exemption of the application of the presumption established under Article 14 of the Housing Maintenance Code and 28 RCNY § 11-07 with respect to such multiple dwelling or any part thereof, provided further, that where title to such multiple dwelling is held by a cooperative housing corporation or the units in such multiple dwelling are owned as condominium units, the shareholder of record on the proprietary lease or the owner of record of such condominium unit, as is applicable, may apply to the department for such exemption for his or her individual unit where such presumption is or may become applicable.
(b) (1) Lead Free Exemption. A lead free exemption will be granted where such owner or such other person specified in subdivision (a) of this section submits a written determination made by a lead-based paint inspector or risk assessor certified pursuant to subparts L and Q of 40 C.F.R. Part 745 or successor provisions, and in accordance with 40 C.F.R. § 745.227(b), or Chapter 7 of the department of housing and urban development's Guidelines for Evaluation and Control of Lead-Based Paint Hazards in Housing (2012), that each tested surface and component in each dwelling unit in such multiple dwelling or in the individual dwelling unit, if applying for an exemption of a particular dwelling unit in such multiple dwelling, or in a common area of a multiple dwelling, (i) is free of lead-based paint, in accordance with the applicable definition for lead-based paint established in 28 RCNY § 11-01(t) and § 27-2056.2(7) of Article 14 of the Housing Maintenance Code, or (ii) has been made free of lead-based paint through the complete removal of lead-based paint from any surface or component, or the removal or replacement of any surface or component that may have contained lead-based paint. In applying for a lead free exemption, such owner or other specified person shall confirm in the exemption application that, to the best of his or her knowledge, no surfaces in the dwelling unit, dwelling, or common area for which the exemption is sought that contain paint have been encapsulated or contained. X-ray fluorescent analyzer (XRF) readings submitted at 0.5 milligrams of lead per square centimeter that are inconclusive in accordance with the performance characteristic sheet will be presumed to contain lead-based paint unless the application contains a laboratory analysis of a paint chip sample of the surface from which the 0.5 XRF reading was taken that is negative for lead-based paint.
(2) Lead Safe Exemption. A lead safe exemption will be granted where the owner or such other person specified in subdivision (a) of this section submits a written determination made by a lead-based paint inspector or risk assessor certified pursuant to subparts L and Q of 40 C.F.R. Part 745 or successor provisions, and in accordance with 40 C.F.R. § 745.227(b), or Chapter 7 of the department of housing and urban development's Guidelines for Evaluation and Control of Lead-Based Paint Hazards in Housing (2012), that lead-based paint, in accordance with the applicable definition for lead-based paint established in 28 RCNY § 11-01(t) and § 27-2056.2(7) of Article 14 of the Housing Maintenance Code, on each surface and component (i) in each dwelling unit from which lead-based paint was not fully removed or replaced, or (ii) in each dwelling unit in a property if the exemption is based upon the appropriate sampling combination of components and surfaces in each unit, or (iii) in a common area of a multiple dwelling, has been contained so that each surface tested is negative for such lead-based paint or has been encapsulated. For purposes of this section, the term "contained" shall mean that every surface containing lead-based paint has been temporarily covered, enclosed and sealed with sheetrock or similar durable construction material to eliminate gaps which may allow access to or dispersion of dust or other matter from the underlying surface. XRF readings submitted at 0.5 milligrams of lead per square centimeter that are inconclusive in accordance with the performance characteristic sheet will be presumed to contain lead-based paint unless the application contains a laboratory analysis of a paint chip sample of the surface from which the 0.5 XRF reading was taken that is negative for lead-based paint.
(3) For purposes of an application for an exemption pursuant to paragraphs (1) or (2) of this subdivision, where surfaces or components within the dwelling unit can be demonstrated by the owner, to the satisfaction of the department, to have a common construction and painting history, the lead-based paint inspector or risk assessor performing such testing may test a sample of the surfaces and components having such common construction and painting history within the dwelling unit or common area to make such determination, in accordance with 40 C.F.R. § 745.227(b), or Chapter 7 of the department of housing and urban development's Guidelines for Evaluation and Control of Lead-Based Paint Hazards in Housing (2012) Lead Based Paint Inspection, V. Inspections in Multi-family Housing, Table 7-3, Number of Units to be tested in Multi-family Building or Developments. In the absence of such documentation by the owner, or visual inspection by the certified individual, the certified individual must test each dwelling unit in order to provide the required certification. In addition, a list of any building components that would reasonably be expected to contain paint that have not been tested, and the reason that such building component has not been tested, must be included in the exemption application submission, along with a sketch or sketches of the rooms tested that is consistent with the XRF report of testing locations.
(c) For any surface within a dwelling unit or dwelling or common area where encapsulation or containment has been applied to a surface for the purpose of qualifying such dwelling unit or dwelling or common area for a lead safe exemption under this section, in addition to the information required to be provided to the department pursuant to subdivision (d) of this section, such application shall include: the location of each surface that has been encapsulated or contained; the name of the encapsulant that has been used, which adheres to the standards for encapsulants issued by the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM International) or is approved by the New York state department of health or by another federal or state agency or jurisdiction which the department has designated as acceptable; and a statement by the person who applied such encapsulant, who shall be certified to perform abatement pursuant to 40 C.F.R. part 745 or successor provisions, that it has been applied in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. The surfaces to which such encapsulants are applied or on which containments are used shall be subject to periodic monitoring by the owner for a period of 20 years or the life of the surface or component, whichever is longer, to ensure that they remain undamaged and intact, provided further, that the owner of such dwelling unit or dwelling shall submit to the department and comply with a plan for periodic monitoring of such encapsulated or contained surfaces in accordance with Chapters 12 and 13 of the department of housing and urban development's Guidelines for Evaluation and Control of Lead-Based Paint Hazards in Housing (2012), and shall keep records of monitoring of such encapsulated and contained surfaces for a period of at least ten years which shall be produced by the owner upon request by the department.
(d) In addition to the information required by subdivision (c) of this section, where applicable, an application for a lead free or lead safe exemption shall include: the address of the multiple dwelling; the number of units; the dates, if known, when substantial alterations, where applicable, were made to the dwelling unit(s) and a description of the work performed; the date of the inspection resulting in the determination that the dwelling unit or multiple dwelling, common area or other part thereof is lead free or lead safe; and a copy of the inspection report. Such inspection report shall contain a description of the surfaces tested and the results of such testing. Such application shall also include a copy of the certificate of training of the person who performed such testing. The department may also require additional information and affidavits to be submitted with the application for exemption as provided in such application form.
(e) (1) Upon submission of a complete application for exemption to the department, such multiple dwelling or common area or other part thereof, or dwelling unit, the department shall review such application and notify the applicant whether the multiple dwelling, or common area or other part thereof, or dwelling unit, has been granted a lead safe or lead free exemption from application of the presumption established under Article 14 of the Housing Maintenance Code and 28 RCNY § 11-07.
(2) (i) The department may revoke a lead safe exemption granted pursuant to this section where the department determines, after inspection, that a surface in any dwelling unit for which lead-based paint was contained or to which an encapsulant was applied is no longer intact or sealed.
(ii) The department may revoke a lead safe or lead free exemption upon failure by an owner to provide records related to encapsulation or containment monitoring as requested by the Department.
(3) The department shall revoke a lead safe or lead free exemption upon the:
(i) issuance of a denial of a rebuttal of a lead-based paint violation based upon the presumption of lead paint for such dwelling unit filed pursuant to subdivision a of § 27-2056.5 where the department finds that lead-based paint was present on a surface that was subject to such exemption,
(ii) issuance of a lead-based paint violation based upon testing by the department for such dwelling unit,
(iii) issuance of an order to abate lead-based paint hazards or unsafe lead-based paint by the department of health and mental hygiene,
(iv) issuance of a denial of an objection to such a commissioner's order to abate filed pursuant to 24 RCNY Health Code § 173.13, or
(v) issuance of a determination that the exemption was based upon fraud, mistake, or misrepresentation.
(4) For exemptions that were approved prior to December 1, 2021 pursuant to the definition of lead-based paint in paragraph (a) of subdivision (7) of § 27-2056.2 of Article 14 of the Housing Maintenance Code and subdivision (t)(1) of 28 RCNY § 11-01, a lead free or lead safe exemption shall be deemed revoked upon the turnover of a dwelling unit on or after December 1, 2021. Owners may continue to submit applications for exemptions using such definition of lead-based paint, provided that (i) the testing for lead-based paint was conducted prior to December 1, 2021, (ii) the complete application for exemption is submitted to the department on or before March 1, 2022 and (iii) there was or will be no turnover of the unit between December 1, 2021 and March 1, 2022. Exemptions that are granted using such definition of lead-based paint shall be deemed revoked upon the turnover of a dwelling unit after December 1, 2021.
(5) The department shall provide written notification to the owner upon making a determination to revoke a lead safe or lead free exemption, and such multiple dwelling or part thereof, or dwelling unit shall be subject to all applicable provisions of Article 14 of the Housing Maintenance Code.
(6) Absent fraud, mistake or misrepresentation in the initial application, an owner may reapply for the lead safe exemption by showing that the surface for which the lead-based paint was no longer contained or encapsulated has been repaired and resealed, and that the surfaces found to test positive for the presence of lead based paint subsequent to revocation of the lead safe exemption no longer test positive for such paint, where applicable, or have been properly encapsulated or contained. Alternatively, such owner may submit an application for a lead free exemption. The application must include testing to show that the surfaces found to test positive for the presence of lead-based paint subsequent to revocation of the lead free exemption no longer test positive for lead-based paint.
(f) (1) On or after December 1, 2021, an owner who had received any exemption prior to such date must notify the department whenever an exempted unit becomes vacant. The exemption from the presumption for such vacant unit shall be deemed revoked on the date of the vacancy, regardless of whether an owner has failed to provide the required notification, and such unit shall be subject to all of the requirements of law relating to units that are not exempt from the presumption of lead-based paint. The owner of such unit may apply for a new exemption by submitting an application as provided in this section, and the testing required pursuant to this section shall be performed using the definition of lead-based paint in effect on and after December 1, 2021.
(2) An owner may also apply for a lead free or lead safe exemption on or after November 1, 2021, and the testing required pursuant to this section shall be performed using the definition of lead-based paint in paragraph (b) of subdivision (7) of § 27-2056.2 of Article 14 of the Housing Maintenance Code and paragraph (2) of subdivision (t) of 28 RCNY § 11-01.
(Amended City Record 11/8/2019, eff. 12/8/2019; amended City Record 10/13/2021, eff. 12/1/2021*)
* Editor's note: Section 4 of the 10/13/2021 rule provides: "This rule shall take effect on December 1, 2021, provided, however, that paragraph (2) of subdivision (f) of section 11-08 of chapter 11 of title 28 of the rules of the city of New York, as amended by section three of this rule, shall be deemed to have been in effect on November 1, 2021 for purposes of submission of exemption applications."