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New York City Overview
The New York City Charter
The New York City Administrative Code
The Rules of the City of New York
Title 1: Department of Buildings
Title 2: Board of Standards and Appeals
Title 3: Fire Department
Title 6: Department of Consumer and Worker Protection
Title 9: Procurement Policy Board Rules
Title 12: Franchise and Concession Review Committee
Title 15: Department of Environmental Protection
Title 16: Department of Sanitation
Title 17: Business Integrity Commission
Title 19: Department of Finance
Title 20: Tax Appeals Tribunal
Title 21: Tax Commission
Title 22: Banking Commission
Title 24: Department of Health and Mental Hygiene
Title 25: Department of Mental Health and Retardation [Repealed]
Title 28: Housing Preservation and Development
Chapter 1: Rules and Regulations
Chapter 2: Rules and Regulations Pursuant to Article VIII-A of the Private Housing Finance Law of New York and Title I of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974
Chapter 3: City-Aided Limited Profit Housing Companies
Chapter 4: Companies Formed Pursuant to the Redevelopment Companies Law of the State of New York [Repealed]
Chapter 5: J51 Tax Exemption and Tax Abatement
Chapter 6: Tax Exemption Pursuant to § 421-a(1) Through § 421-a(15) of the Real Property Tax Law and §§ 11-245, 11-245.1 and 11-245.1-b* of the Administrative Code of the City of New York
Chapter 7: Partial Tax Exemption for Private Dwellings Pursuant to § 421-b of the Real Property Tax Law
Chapter 8: Tax Lien Sales and In Rem Foreclosure Affecting Distressed Properties and Certain Other Properties
Chapter 9: Removal of Violations Issued Pursuant to the Housing Maintenance Code
Chapter 10: Administration of Applications for Certifications of No Harassment
Chapter 11: [Lead-based Paint Abatement; Dwellings; Children]
Chapter 12: Smoke Detecting and Carbon Monoxide Detecting Devices and Systems in Multiple Dwellings
Chapter 13: Stays of Legal Action Regarding Violations of the Multiple Dwelling Law and the Housing Maintenance Code
Chapter 14: Rent Setting and Increases to Tenants in Division of Alternative Management Program Building
Chapter 15: Self-Inspection of Central Heating Plants
Chapter 16: Access to Boiler Rooms in Multiple Dwellings
Chapter 17: Rules Pertaining to Objections to Charges Enforced as Tax Liens Pursuant to §§ 27-2144, 27-2153(q), 27-2091, 27-2115(f)(8), 27-2115(k), 28-215.1.1 and 28-216.11 of the Administrative Code
Chapter 18: Relocation Payments and Services
Chapter 19: Unauthorized Occupant Policy for the Division of Property Management [Repealed]
Chapter 20: Rules Concerning Article 7-a of the Real Property Actions and Proceedings Law
Chapter 21: Division of Alternative Management Programs
Chapter 22: Disposition of Residential Property Developed or Rehabilitated by a City Loan
Chapter 24: Successor Tenants in City Owned Buildings under the Supervision of the Department of Housing Preservation and Development
Chapter 25: Multiple Dwellings
Chapter 26: Commercial Rent Restructuring
Chapter 27: Tripartite General Orders
Chapter 28: Tax Syndication Sharing Program Rules
Chapter 29: Sip Occupied Sales Program [Repealed]
Chapter 30: Neighborhood Redevelopment Program
Chapter 31: Tax Exemptions Under Section 420-c of the Real Property Tax Law
Chapter 32: Tax Exemption and Tax Abatement Under Section 421-g of the Real Property Tax Law
Chapter 33: Housing and Urban Renewal Projects and Programs
Chapter 34: Tenant Interim Lease Program
Chapter 35: Neighborhood Entrepreneurs Program [Repealed]
Chapter 36: Alternative Enforcement Program
Chapter 37: Fees for Administration of Loan Programs and Certain Other Municipality-Aided Projects
Chapter 38: Campaign Finance Act Implementation
Chapter 39: Revocation of Tax Benefits
Chapter 40: [Electronic Submission of Certifications of Correction of Housing Maintenance Code Violations]
Chapter 41: Inclusionary Housing
Chapter 42: Greenthumb Gardens
Chapter 43: [Notification by Mortgagee Commencing an Action to Recover Residential Real Property]
Chapter 44: Orders by the Department for Repair of Underlying Conditions
Chapter 45: Temporary Posting of Emergency Information
Chapter 46: [Housing Information Guide for Tenants and Owners]
Chapter 47: Rules Pertaining to Recurring Violations and Complaint-Based Inspections
Chapter 48: Elevator Violation Referrals
Chapter 49: Eligibility Requirements Pursuant to Real Property Tax Law Section 421-a(17)
Chapter 50: Building Service Employees Prevailing Wage Requirements and Construction Workers Minimum Average Hourly Wage Requirements in Certain Buildings Receiving Benefits Pursuant to Real Property Tax Law § 421-a
Chapter 51: Affordable New York Housing Program Rules and Eligibility Requirements Pursuant to Real Property Tax Law § 421-a(16)
Chapter 52: Speculation Watch List
Chapter 53: Pilot Program Buildings Certifications of No Harassment
Chapter 54: [Indoor Allergen Hazards]
Chapter 55: [Stove Knob Covers]
Chapter 56: Internet Capable Temperature Reporting Devices
Chapter 57: Petitions for Rulemaking
Chapter 58: Housing Portal
Chapter 59: Bedbug Infestation
Chapter 60: CityFHEPS Rent Stabilized Unit Repair Program
Chapter 61: Environmental Review Procedures
Chapter 62: [Reserved]
Chapter 63: Affordable Neighborhoods for New Yorkers Tax Incentive Benefits Pursuant to Real Property Tax Law Section 485-x
Chapter 64: Affordable Housing from Commercial Conversions Tax Incentives Benefits Program Pursuant to Section 467-m of the Real Property Tax Law
Title 29: Loft Board
Title 30: Rent Guidelines Board
Title 31: Mayor's Office of Homelessness and Single Room Occupancy
Title 34: Department of Transportation
Title 35: Taxi and Limousine Commission
Title 38: Police Department
Title 38-A: Civilian Complaint Review Board
Title 39: Department of Correction
Title 40: Board of Correction
Title 41: Department of Juvenile Justice
Title 42: Department of Probation
Title 43: Mayor
Title 44: Comptroller
Title 45: Borough Presidents
Title 46: Law Department
Title 47: Commission on Human Rights
Title 48: Office of Administrative Trials and Hearings (OATH)
Title 49: Department of Records and Information Services
Title 50: Community Assistance Unit
Title 51: City Clerk
Title 52: Campaign Finance Board*
Title 53: Conflicts of Interest Board
Title 55: Department of Citywide Administrative Services
Title 56: Department of Parks and Recreation
Title 57: Art Commission
Title 58: Department of Cultural Affairs
Title 60: Civil Service Commission
Title 61: Office of Collective Bargaining
Title 62: City Planning
Title 63: Landmarks Preservation Commission
Title 66: Department of Small Business Services
Title 67: Department of Information Technology and Telecommunications
Title 68: Human Resources Administration
Title 69: Department of Aging
Title 70: In Rem Foreclosure Release Board
Title 71: Voter Assistance Commission
Title 72: Office of Emergency Management
Title 73: Civic Engagement Commission
Title 74: Community Hiring
Appendix A: Lease/Commencement of Occupancy Notice for Prevention of Lead Based Paint Hazards – Inquiry Regarding Child
You are required by law to inform the owner if a child under six years of age resides or will reside in the dwelling unit (apartment) for which you are signing this lease/commencing occupancy. Beginning on January 1, 2020, the term "resides" means that a child under six routinely spends 10 or more hours per week in the dwelling unit. If such a child resides or will reside in the unit, the owner of the building is required to perform an annual visual inspection of the unit to determine the presence of lead-based paint hazards. IT IS IMPORTANT THAT YOU RETURN THIS FORM TO THE OWNER OR MANAGING AGENT OF YOUR BUILDING TO PROTECT THE HEALTH OF YOUR CHILD. If you do not respond to this notice, the owner is required to attempt to inspect your apartment to determine if a child under six years of age resides there.
If a child under six years of age does not reside in the unit now, but does come to reside in it at any time during the year, you must inform the owner in writing immediately. If a child under six years of age resides in the unit, you should also inform the owner immediately at the address below if you notice any peeling paint or deteriorated subsurfaces in the unit during the year.
Whether or not a child under age six will reside in the apartment, the owner of the building is also required to fix all lead-based paint hazards and underlying defects that may cause paint to peel, make floors, window sills and window wells smooth and cleanable, remove or cover all lead-based paint on friction surfaces of doors and door frames, and remove or cover all lead-based paint on friction surfaces of windows or install window channels or slides. This work should be performed before you move into the apartment, and the owner must properly clean the apartment after the work is completed.
Please complete this form and return one copy to the owner or his or her agent or representative when you sign the lease/commence occupancy of the unit. Keep one copy of this form for your records. You should also receive a copy of a pamphlet developed by the New York City Department of Health explaining about lead based paint hazards when you sign your lease/commence occupancy.
CHECK ONE:      ____   A child under six years of age resides in the unit
         ____   A child under seven years of age does not reside in the unit
(Occupant signature)
Print occupant's name, address and apartment number:
(NOT APPLICABLE TO RENEWAL LEASE) Certification by owner: I certify that I have complied with the provisions of § 27-2056.8 of Article 14 of the Housing Maintenance Code and the rules promulgated thereunder relating to duties to be performed in vacant units, and that I have provided a copy of the New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene pamphlet concerning lead-based paint hazards to the occupant.
(Owner signature)
Owner representative name: _________________________________
Address: _________________________________________________
Apendice A: Contrato/Comienzo De Ocupacion Y Medidas De Precaucion Con Los Peligros De Plomo En La Pintura – Encuesta Respecto Al Niño
Usted esta requerido por ley informarle al dueño si un niño menor de seis años de edad está viviendo o vivirá con usted en la unidad de vivienda (apartamento) para la cual usted va a firmar un contrato de ocupación. A partir del 1 de enero de 2020, el término "residir" significa que un niño menor de seis años pasa 10 horas o más por semana en la unidad de vivienda. Si tal niño empieza a residir en la unidad, el dueño del edificio esta requerido hacer una inspeción visual anualmente de la unidad para determinar la presencia peligrosa de plomo en la pintura. POR ESO ES IMPORTANTE QUE USTED LE DEVEUELVA ESTE AVISO AL DUEÑO O AGENTE AUTORIZADO DEL EDIFICIO PARA PROTEGER LA SALUD DE SU NIÑO. Si usted no informa al dueño, el dueño esta requerido inspeccionar su apartamento para descubrir si un niño menor de seis años de edad está viviendo en el apartamento.
Si un niño de seis años de edad no vive en la unidad ahora, pero viene a vivir en cualquier tiempo durante el año, usted debe de informarle al dueño por escrito inmediatamente a la dirección proveída abajo. Usted también debe de informarle al dueño por escrito si un niño menor de seis años de edad vive en la unidad y si usted observa que durante el año la pintura se deteriora o está por pelarse sobre la superficie de la unidad.
Más allá de que un niño menor de seis años resida o no en el apartamento, el dueño del edificio también debe reparar todos los peligros de pintura a base de plomo y todos los defectos subyacentes que puedan causar que la pintura se descascare, debe hacer que los pisos, los alféizares y huecos de las ventanas sean lisos y de fácil limpieza, debe quitar o cubrir toda la pintura a base de plomo en las superficies de puertas y marcos de puertas en las que haya fricción, y debe quitar o cubrir toda la pintura a base de plomo en las superficies de ventanas en las que haya fricción o instalar perfiles para ventanas o ventanas deslizantes. Este trabajo debe hacerse antes de mudarse al apartamento, y el dueño debe limpiar correctamente el apartamento una vez que se haya completado el trabajo.
Por favor de llenar este formulario y devolver una copia al dueño del edificio o al agente o representante cuando usted firme el contrato o empiece a ocupar la unidad. Mantenga una copia de este formulario para sus archivos. Al firmar su contrato de ocupación usted recibirá un panfleto hecho por el Departamento de Salud y Salud Mental de la Ciudad de Nueva York, explicando el peligro de plomo en pintura.
MARQUE UNO:      ____   Vive un niño menor de seis años de edad en la unidad.
         ____   No vive un niño menor de seis años de edad en la unidad.
(Firma del inquilino)
Nombre del inquilino, Dirección, Apartamento:
(Esto no es aplicable para un renovamiento del contrato de alquiler.) Certificación de dueño: Yo certifico que he cumplido con la provisión de § 27-2056.8 del Artículo 14 del código y reglas de Vivienda y Mantenimiento (Housing Maintenance Code) relacionado con mis obligaciones sobre las unidades vacante, y yo le he dado al ocupante una copia del panfleto del Departamento de Salud y Salud Mental de la Ciudad de Nueva York sobre el peligro de plomo en pintura.
((Firma del dueño)
Nombre del representate del propietario: ________________________
Dirección: _________________________________________________
(Amended City Record 11/8/2019, eff. 12/8/2019)
Appendix B: Annual Notice for Prevention of Lead Based Paint Hazards – Inquiry Regarding Child
You are required by law to inform the owner if a child under six years of age resides or will reside in your dwelling unit (apartment). Beginning on January 1, 2020, the term "resides" means that a child under six routinely spends 10 or more hours per week in the dwelling unit. If such a child resides or will reside in the unit, the owner of the building is required to perform an annual visual inspection of the unit to determine the presence of lead-based paint hazards. IT IS IMPORTANT THAT YOU RETURN THIS FORM TO THE OWNER OR MANAGING AGENT OF YOUR BUILDING TO PROTECT THE HEALTH OF YOUR CHILD. If you do not respond to this notice, the owner is required to attempt to inspect your apartment to determine if a child under six years of age resides there.
If a child under six years of age does not reside in the unit now, but does come to reside in it at any time during the year, you must inform the owner in writing immediately. If a child under six years of age resides in the unit you should also inform the owner immediately if you notice any peeling paint or deteriorated surfaces in the unit during the year. You may request that the owner provide you with a copy of any records required to be kept as a result of a visual inspection of your unit.
Please complete this form and return one copy to the owner or his or her agent or representative by February 15th. Keep one copy of this form for your records.
CHECK ONE:      ____   A child under six years of age resides in the unit
         ____   A child under six years of age does not reside in the unit
(Occupant signature)
Print occupant's name, address and apartment number:
Owner representative name: _________________________________
Address: _________________________________________________
Apendice B: Aviso Añual Para Medidas De Precaucion Con Los Peligros De Plomo En La Pintura – Encuesta Respecto Al Niño
Usted esta requerido por ley informarle al dueño si un niño menor de seis años de edad está viviendo o vivirá con usted en su unidad de vivienda (apartamento). A partir del 1 de enero de 2020, el término "residir" significa que un niño menor de seis años pasa 10 horas o más por semana en la unidad de vivienda. Si tal niño empieza a residir en la unidad, el dueño del edificio esta requerido hacer una inspeción visual anualmente de la unidad para determinar la presencia peligrosa de plomo en la pintura. POR ESO ES IMPORTANTE QUE USTED LE DEVEUELVA ESTE AVISO AL DUEÑO O AGENTE AUTORIZADO DEL EDIFICIO PARA PROTEGER LA SALUD DE SU NIÑO. Si usted no informa al dueño, el dueño esta requerido inspeccionar su apartamento para descubrir si un niño menor de seis años de edad está viviendo en el apartamento.
Si un niño menor de seis años de edad no vive en la unidad ahora, pero viene a vivir en cualquier tiempo durante el año, usted debe de informarle al dueño por escrito inmediatamente. Usted también debe de informarle al dueño por escrito si el niño menor de seis años de edad vive en la unidad y si usted observa que durante el año la pintura se deteriora o está por pelarse sobre la superficie de la unidad, usted tiene que informarle al dueño inmediatamente. Usted puede solicitar que el dueño le dé una copia de los archivos de la inspección visual hecha en su unidad.
Por favor de llenar este formulario y devolver una copia al dueño del edificio o al agente o representante antes del 15 de Febrero. Mantenga una copia de este formulario para su información.
MARQUE UNO:      ____   Vive un niño menor de seis años de edad en la unidad.
         ____   No vive un niño menor de seis años de edad en la unidad.
(Firma del inquilino)
Nombre del inquilino, Dirección, Apartamento: ________________________
Nombre del representate del propietario: ________________________
Dirección: _________________________________________________
(Amended City Record 11/8/2019, eff. 12/8/2019; amended City Record 1/11/2021, eff. 2/10/2021)