a. Upon the earlier of (i) turnover of any dwelling unit in a multiple dwelling erected prior to January 1, 1960, (ii) by July 1, 2027 for any dwelling unit in a multiple dwelling erected prior to January 1, 1960 where a child of applicable age resides as of January 1, 2025, or (iii) within 3 years after the date a child of applicable age begins to reside in any occupied dwelling unit in a multiple dwelling erected prior to January 1, 1960 prior to turnover, the owner shall within such dwelling unit have the responsibility to:
(1) remediate all lead-based paint hazards and any underlying defects, when such underlying defects exist, for each turnover of a dwelling unit;
(2) make all bare floors, window sills, and window wells in the dwelling unit smooth and cleanable for each turnover of a dwelling unit;
(3) provide for the removal or permanent covering of all lead-based paint on all friction surfaces on all doors and door frames; and
(4) provide for the removal or permanent covering of all lead-based paint on all friction surfaces on all windows, or provide for the installation of replacement window channels or slides on all lead-based painted friction surfaces on all windows.
b. (1) All work performed pursuant to this section upon turnover shall be performed pursuant to the safe work practices promulgated pursuant to paragraph 3 of subdivision a of section 27-2056.11.
(2) All work performed pursuant to this section prior to turnover shall be performed pursuant to the safe work practices promulgated pursuant to paragraph 1 or 2 of subdivision a of section 27-2056.11 as applicable.
c. Any owner who fails to comply with the provisions of subdivision a of this section, or the rules of the department of health and mental hygiene or the department promulgated pursuant to paragraphs 1, 2, or 3 of subdivision a of section 27-2056.11, as applicable, as determined by subdivision d-1 of section 27-2056.9 shall be liable for a class C immediately hazardous violation. An owner who is presumed to have failed to comply with the provisions of subdivision a of this section or such rules, pursuant to an audit as provided in section 27-2056.7 or section 27-2056.17, shall be liable for a class B violation and a civil penalty in an amount not to exceed $1,500.
d. When the department issues a class C violation pursuant to subdivision c of this section for a dwelling unit, the department shall notify the owner that the owner shall, within 45 days of the department’s notice, provide to the department records regarding the annual notice and, where appropriate, records of investigations conducted by such owner, for the immediately previous year. On and after August 1, 2025, the department shall also require such records to include any x-ray fluorescence analysis conducted pursuant to subdivision a-1 of section 27-2056.4.
e. Where compliance with this section would necessitate that an occupant of a dwelling unit temporarily relocate from the dwelling unit in accordance with the safe work practice rules promulgated pursuant to paragraph 1 or 2 of subdivision a of section 27-2056.11, as applicable, and such occupant refuses to so relocate, the owner shall be exempt from such compliance upon approval by the department of documentation demonstrating the owner’s good faith effort to perform the required work and the occupant’s refusal to relocate. The department shall promulgate rules describing documentation sufficient for an owner to show good faith effort to perform such work and to show the occupant’s refusal to relocate. Such exemption shall remain in effect until the dwelling unit is turned over to a new occupant. For any dwelling unit where such an exemption is granted, the department shall dismiss any violation of this section (i) which was the basis for the owner’s request for the exemption, or (ii) which was issued after the exemption was granted and prior to the dwelling being turned over to a new occupant.
(Am. L.L. 2020/028, 2/11/2020, eff. 2/11/2021; Am. L.L. 2023/123, 9/3/2023, eff. 9/1/2024)
Editor's note: For related unconsolidated provisions, see Appendix A at L.L. 1999/038 and L.L. 2004/001.
a. When entering a dwelling unit in a multiple dwelling constructed prior to January 1, 1960 for the purpose of investigating the existence of any violation of this code, the department shall make diligent efforts to ascertain whether a child of applicable age resides therein and shall request from the occupant an acknowledgement as to whether such a child resides in the dwelling unit. Whenever a child of applicable age resides in a dwelling unit, the department shall immediately perform a room-by-room inspection of the dwelling unit and record for each room in a report of such inspection whether the paint or other similar surface-coating material in each room is peeling or intact. For each room where peeling paint is found, the department shall also inspect for evidence of an underlying defect and shall indicate on the inspection report the peeling paint's location within the room, the condition of the subsurface below it, and the location of any underlying defect. When performing such inspection, the department need only inspect those portions of the dwelling unit where furniture or other furnishings do not obstruct the view of a surface, except when there is visible evidence that causes the department to believe that the obstructed surface has peeling paint. Where, upon conducting an inspection, the department determines the existence of a condition constituting a violation of this article, the department shall serve a notice of violation within ten additional days.
b. In any dwelling unit in a multiple dwelling erected prior to January 1, 1960 where a child of applicable age resides, the department shall conduct an inspection pursuant to subdivision a of this section no later than ten days after the department's receipt of a complaint describing peeling paint, or a deteriorated subsurface or underlying defect in the dwelling unit. The department shall make diligent efforts to ascertain whether a child of applicable age resides therein. Where the department attempts to perform an inspection of a dwelling unit within the time period required by this subdivision but is unable to gain access, the department shall be required to make a reasonable attempt to gain access to such dwelling unit within five days of such attempt. If the department is unable to gain access to that dwelling unit during this additional time period, the department shall provide written notice to the occupant of such dwelling unit that no further attempts at access shall be made unless a new complaint is submitted.
c. Each inspector who performs an inspection pursuant to subdivision b of this section shall use an x-ray fluorescence analyzer during the course of that inspection to determine whether lead-based paint is present in such dwelling unit except that, for reasons beyond the control of the department, such x-ray fluorescence analysis is unable to be performed during such inspection, the department shall rely on the presumption set forth in subdivision a of section 27-2056.5 of this article. Where peeling paint is found during an inspection of a dwelling unit performed pursuant to subdivision a of this section, the department shall within ten days thereafter perform another inspection of such dwelling unit using an x-ray fluorescence analyzer to determine whether lead-based paint is present in such dwelling unit. Where, upon conducting an inspection, the department determines the existence of a condition constituting a violation of this article, the department shall serve a notice of violation within ten additional days.
d. The pamphlet developed by the department of health and mental hygiene pursuant to section 17-179 of this code shall be left at the premises of the dwelling unit at the time of an inspection made by the department pursuant to this section.
d-1. When conducting an inspection pursuant to this section, the department shall attempt to obtain information from the tenant or another source regarding the date upon which the current tenancy of a child of applicable age in such dwelling unit began. If the tenancy began after August 2, 2004 and the inspection pursuant to this section indicates a failure by the owner to comply with the requirements of section 27-2056.8, based upon a positive or inconclusive lead-based paint x-ray fluorescence test result, the department shall issue a violation pursuant to subdivision c of section 27-2056.8. A property owner may rebut the information provided by the tenant or another source regarding the date upon which the current tenancy of a child of applicable age of such multiple dwelling unit began by submitting documents in accordance with rules of the department. A property owner may correct a violation of section 27-2056.8 by abating any friction surface that tested positive or is presumed to contain lead-based paint pursuant to section 27-2056.5, and either (i) providing results of x-ray fluorescence tests for all window and door friction surfaces within the unit that demonstrate such surfaces do not contain lead-based paint, or (ii) providing documentation satisfactory to the department to demonstrate appropriate abatement of all other window and door friction surfaces within the dwelling unit.
d-2. When conducting an inspection pursuant to subdivision b of this section, the department shall also conduct a visual inspection of the common areas of such multiple dwelling in the department inspector’s line of travel to the dwelling unit to be inspected and, if practical, such areas in a different line of travel to an exit used by the residents of such dwelling unit. When conducting such inspection, the department inspector shall rely on the presumption set forth in subdivision a of section 27-2056.5 to identify conditions that would constitute a violation pursuant to section 27-2056.6.1. Provided, however, that such inspection shall not be required if the department conducted an inspection of such common areas that complies with the requirements of this subdivision within the previous year, unless the department has received a complaint relating to presumed peeling lead paint in a common area and such common area does not have an exemption pursuant to subdivision b of section 27-2056.5.
e. The department shall develop a pamphlet listing the work practices to be established pursuant to section 27-2056.11 of this article. Such pamphlet shall be delivered by the department in conjunction with all notices of violation issued pursuant to paragraph one of subdivision l of section 27-2115 of this code. Failure to include such pamphlet with such notices of violation shall not render null and void the service of such notices of violation. Such pamphlet shall also be made available to any member of the public upon request.
f. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, failure by the department or the department of health and mental hygiene to comply with any time period provided in this article or section 27-2115 of this chapter relating to responsibilities of the department and the department of health and mental hygiene, shall not render null and void any notice of violation issued by the department or the department of health and mental hygiene pursuant to such article or section, and shall not provide a basis for defense or mitigation of an owner's liability for civil penalties for violation of such article.
(Am. L.L. 2020/028, 2/11/2020, eff. 2/11/2021; Am. L.L. 2023/111, 8/13/2023, eff. 6/8/2024; Am. L.L. 2023/123, 9/3/2023, eff. 9/1/2024)
Editor's note: For related unconsolidated provisions, see Appendix A at L.L. 1999/038, L.L. 2004/001 and L.L. 2023/111.
a. The department shall provide appropriate training for lead-based paint inspection and supervisory personnel. Department personnel who conduct a visual inspection pursuant to this article shall receive training which at a minimum, shall be the training approved by the United States department of housing and urban development for performance of visual inspections. Department personnel who perform lead-based paint inspections using XRF machines shall receive training required by the United States environmental protection agency pursuant to 40 CFR § 745.226(b) or successor regulations. Training of all inspection and supervisory personnel shall also include background information pertaining to applicable state and local lead-based paint laws and guidance on identifying violations in a multiple dwelling, and require that the individual has successfully demonstrated knowledge of the requirements of this article. The department shall provide for the continuing education of inspection and supervisory personnel.
b. The department, with the approval of the department of health and mental hygiene, shall promulgate a comprehensive written procedure to guide department personnel in implementing and enforcing this article. Where feasible, such procedures shall establish a uniform method for the department of health and mental hygiene and the department, following the method implemented by the department of health and mental hygiene, to describe violations and identify their location in a dwelling or dwelling unit. Such procedures shall include a methodology and a form to be used by department personnel when conducting an inspection to carry out and record an inspection pursuant to section 27-2056.9 of this article.
c. The department shall promulgate rules for the implementation and enforcement of this article and to effect compliance with all applicable provisions of this article, rules promulgated thereunder, and all applicable city, state or federal laws, rules or regulations. Such rules shall be subject to the approval of the department of health and mental hygiene prior to their promulgation and shall include, but not be limited to, establishing:
(1) uniform specifications and procedures to govern testing, including a standardized format for reporting such testing results, whenever paint or a similar surface-coating material is tested for its lead content, whether by or on behalf of an owner or an agency of the city of New York;
(2) procedures by which an owner shall comply with section 27-2056.4 of this article, including the form and content of the annual notice;
(3) procedures by which an owner shall submit rebuttal documentation to the department pursuant to 27-2056.5 of this article;
(4) procedures by which an owner may apply to the department to postpone the date by which a violation shall be corrected pursuant to subdivision l of section 27-2115 of this code, including, but not limited to, the stabilization of the paint which is the subject of the violation where an owner requests a second postponement of time to correct a violation in accordance with subdivision l of section 27-2115 of this code; and
(5) procedures to implement and to enforce compliance with paragraph two of subdivision l of section 27-2115 of this code, which shall include, but not be limited to, the requirement that an owner certify to:
(i) the correction of a violation of this article of the code, and
(ii) compliance with the rules promulgated by the department pursuant to section 27-2056.11 of this code; and
(6) procedures to be established by the department of health and mental hygiene to order or provide for the expeditious cleanup and removal of lead-contaminated dust when the department of health and mental hygiene determines that there is lead-contaminated dust in a dwelling unit where a child of applicable age resides, such child has an elevated blood level, and the department of health and mental hygiene determines that the source of that lead-contaminated dust is not a condition of the dwelling in which such dwelling unit is located.
Editor's note: For related unconsolidated provisions, see Appendix A at L.L. 2004/001.
a. The department shall promulgate rules, with the approval of the department of health and mental hygiene, establishing work practices to which an owner shall be subject in each of the following circumstances:
(1) where an owner is performing work in order to comply with a notice of violation or order to correct issued by the department pursuant to this article, which shall be no less stringent than the safety standards required by the commissioner of health and mental hygiene whenever such commissioner shall order the abatement of lead-based paint hazards or unsafe lead paint pursuant to section 173.13 of the health code or a successor rule. Such rules shall provide for temporary relocation provided by the owner of the occupants of a dwelling or dwelling unit to appropriate housing when work cannot be performed safely. Such rules shall provide that all such work be performed only by firms which have received certification to perform lead abatement under the regulations issued by the United States environmental protection agency at subpart L of 40 CFR part 745, or any successor regulations.
(2) where an owner, other than in response to an order to correct or notice of violation issued by the department or the department of health and mental hygiene, is performing work that will disturb lead-based paint or paint of unknown lead content in a dwelling unit where a child of applicable age resides or in the common area of the multiple dwelling in which such dwelling unit is located, where such multiple dwelling was erected prior to January first, nineteen hundred sixty, or where the owner has actual knowledge of the presence of lead-based paint and such multiple dwelling was erected on or after January first, nineteen hundred sixty and before January first, nineteen hundred seventy-eight.
(i) Except as provided in subparagraph (ii) of this paragraph, such rules shall incorporate work practices that are no less protective of public health than those set forth in subdivisions d and e of section 173.14 of the health code and those parts of subdivision b of such section applicable thereto or a successor rule, and shall include a requirement that lead-contaminated dust clearance testing be performed at the completion of such work. Such rules shall require that such work be performed by a person who has, at a minimum, successfully completed a course on lead-safe work practices given by or on behalf of the department or, by the United States environmental protection agency or an entity authorized by it to give such course, or by the United States department of housing and urban development or an entity authorized by it to give such course. Such rules shall require temporary relocation provided by the owner of the occupants of a dwelling or dwelling unit to appropriate housing when work cannot be performed safely.
(ii) Where such work will disturb more than one hundred square feet of lead-based paint or paint of unknown lead content in a room in a multiple dwelling, or will involve the removal of two or more windows with lead-based paint or paint of unknown lead content, such rules shall incorporate work practices that are no less protective of public health than those set forth in subdivisions d and e of section 173.14 of the health code and those parts of subdivision b of such section applicable thereto, or a successor rule, and shall include a requirement that lead-contaminated dust clearance testing be performed at the completion of such work. Such rules shall also require temporary relocation provided by the owner of the occupants of a dwelling or dwelling unit to appropriate housing when work cannot be performed safely. Such rules shall require, in addition, that all such work be performed only by firms which have received certification to perform lead abatement under the regulations issued by the United States environmental protection agency at subpart L of 40 CFR part 745 for the abatement of lead hazards, or any successor regulations. Such rules shall also provide that not less than ten days prior to the commencement of such work the owner of the premises, or the firm, shall file with the department of health and mental hygiene a notice of commencement so that the department of health and mental hygiene may, at its discretion, perform sample audits of such notices to determine that the firms performing the work are properly certified. Such notice shall be signed by the owner or by a representative of the firm, and shall be in a form satisfactory to or prescribed by the department of health and mental hygiene, and shall set forth at a minimum the following information:
(a) The address of the multiple dwelling and the specific location of the work within the multiple dwelling.
(b) The name, address and telephone number of the owner of the multiple dwelling in which the work is to be performed.
(c) The name, address and telephone number of the firm which will be responsible for performing the work.
(d) The date and time of commencement of the work, working or shift hours, and the expected date of completion; and
(e) Identification of the surfaces and structures, and surface area, subject to the work.
The rules shall also provide that any changes in the information contained in the notice shall be filed with the department of health and mental hygiene prior to commencement of work, or if work has already commenced, within twenty-four hours of any change. The rules shall provide that a copy of the notice of commencement shall be posted at the work site.
(iii) The provisions of this paragraph shall not apply where such work disturbs surfaces of less than (a) two square feet of peeling lead-based paint per room or (b) ten percent of the total surface area of peeling paint on a type of component with a small surface area, such as a window sill or door frame.
(iv) The department of health and mental hygiene may by rule require the electronic submission of any notice required to be submitted to such department by this paragraph.
(3) where an owner is performing work on turnover pursuant to 27-2056.8 of this article. Such rules shall include, but not be limited to, requiring lead-contaminated dust clearance tests at the completion of such work.
b. No person shall perform a lead-contaminated dust clearance test pursuant to this section unless such person is a third-party, who is independent of the owner and any individual or firm that performs the work, and has successfully completed a course approved or administered by the department of health and mental hygiene or by the United States environmental protection agency or the United States department of housing and urban development and obtained a certificate or other document issued by or acceptable to the department of health and mental hygiene.
c. The department, with the approval of the department of health and mental hygiene, shall promulgate rules requiring that all lead-contaminated dust clearance tests submitted to a laboratory for analysis include a sworn certification that such test was performed in compliance with all applicable rules and regulations and shall include any additional information that the department shall determine is necessary for the administration and enforcement of this section.
d. Where an owner is performing work pursuant to paragraph (1) of subdivision a of this section, all lead-contaminated dust clearance test results shall be filed with the department, and a copy shall be provided by the owner to the occupant of the dwelling unit. Where an owner is performing work pursuant to paragraphs (2) and (3) of subdivision a of this section, a copy of all lead-contaminated dust clearance test results shall be provided to the occupant of the dwelling unit. Copies of lead-contaminated dust clearance test results provided to the occupant of the dwelling unit pursuant to this subparagraph shall be in a form satisfactory to or prescribed by the department of health and mental hygiene that provides a sufficiently clear explanation of the meaning of such results.
(Am. L.L. 2019/066, 4/14/2019, eff. 6/13/2019; Am. L.L. 2021/040, 4/18/2021, eff. 4/18/2022)
Editor's note: For related unconsolidated provisions, see Appendix A at L.L. 2004/001.
a. Within four months after the close of the first fiscal year after which this article takes effect and for every fiscal year thereafter, the commissioner shall provide to the council a written report on the department's implementation of this article during the preceding year. Such report shall include, at a minimum, an analysis of the department's program, a detailed statement of revenue and expenditures and statistical section designed to provide a detailed explanation of the department's enforcement including, but not limited to, the following:
(1) the number of complaints for peeling paint in pre-1960 dwelling units where a child of applicable age resides, disaggregated by city or non-city ownership of the building which is the subject of the complaint;
(2) the number of inspections by the department pursuant to section 27-2056.9, disaggregated by the city or non-city ownership of the building where the inspection occurred;
(3) the number of jobs performed by the department in city-owned buildings to address lead-based paint hazards and any underlying defects;
(4) the number of violations issued by the department pursuant to this article, disaggregated by the number of violations issued pursuant to subdivision a of section 27-2056.9;
(5) the number of violations issued pursuant to this article that were certified as corrected by the owner, the number of such certifications that did not result in the removal of such violations, and the number of civil actions brought by the department against such owners;
(6) the number of jobs performed in which violations issued pursuant to this article were corrected by the department, the average time between the issuance of such violations and their correction, the total amount spent by the department to address the violations, and the average amount spent per dwelling unit where correction of such conditions was completed;
(7) a statistical profile with geographic indexing, such as by community district, council district, and/or zip code, of multiple dwellings in which violations are placed, indicating the ages of the multiple dwellings and other factors relevant to the prevalence of lead-based paint hazards, which may include the prior lead poisoning of a child in the multiple dwelling, outstanding violations, and emergency repair charges;
(10) the number of dwelling units in which violations for underlying defects were placed in addition to violations for lead-based paint;
(11) the number of inspectors assigned at the end of the fiscal year to conduct inspections using XRF machines; and
(12) the number of audits conducted under subdivision b of section 27-2056.17 and the number of violations issued pursuant to subdivision c of section 27-2056.17, disaggregated by the section of this article for which such violations were issued.
b. The department of health and mental hygiene shall prepare a report on progress toward increasing screening rates and reducing the incidence rates of children newly identified with elevated blood lead levels. This report shall be utilized by the department in its implementation of this article. Such report shall be submitted to the council within nine months after the close of each calendar year. Such report shall include comprehensive information for the prior calendar year regarding the implementation and enforcement of all lead poisoning prevention and control measures required by local law or rule, and shall include, but not be limited to:
(1) the number of addresses inspected and the number of commissioner's orders and violations issued pursuant to section 27-2056.11 and any regulations promulgated thereunder, disaggregated by whether such inspections occurred in response to complaints, referrals from the department of buildings or another cause;
(2) the number of incidences of lead poisoning in children and pregnant women; and
(3) information on the implementation of the education and outreach program required by subdivision a of section 17-186.1.
c. The department shall maintain a central register of all department orders to correct a violation under this article. Such register shall indicate, if applicable, the date of the complaint, address of the premises, and the date of each inspection and reinspection.
(Am. L.L. 2019/070, 4/14/2019, eff. 4/14/2020; Am. L.L. 2021/040, 4/18/2021, eff. 4/18/2022)
Editor's note: For related unconsolidated provisions, see Appendix A at L.L. 1999/038 and L.L. 2004/001.
The department shall send a notice which shall be addressed to the dwelling unit in the multiple dwelling, when a dwelling unit is identified, for which a violation of this article was issued. Such notice shall include a telephone number for the department of health and mental hygiene. The department shall also refer to the department of health and mental hygiene the address of the unit in the multiple dwelling for which such violation was issued, where applicable, the name of the complainant, if any, and the complainant's telephone number, if available. The department of health and mental hygiene, pursuant to section 17-179 of this code, shall refer to appropriate medical providers any person who requests assistance in blood lead screening, testing, diagnosis or treatment for any child who requires screening and whose parent or guardian is unable to obtain a lead test because the child is uninsured or the child's insurance does not cover such screening.
(Am. L.L. 2021/040, 4/18/2021, eff. 4/18/2022)
Editor's note: For related unconsolidated provisions, see Appendix A at L.L. 2004/001.