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New York City Overview
The New York City Charter
The New York City Administrative Code
The Rules of the City of New York
Title 1: Department of Buildings
Title 2: Board of Standards and Appeals
Title 3: Fire Department
Title 6: Department of Consumer and Worker Protection
Title 9: Procurement Policy Board Rules
Title 12: Franchise and Concession Review Committee
Title 15: Department of Environmental Protection
Chapter 1: Asbestos Control Program
Chapter 2: Engineering Criteria for Fossil Fuel Burning Boilers and Water Heaters
Chapter 3: Cessation of Operation and Removal and Sealing of Refuse Burning Equipment
Chapter 4: Certification of Gasoline Dispensing Sites and Transport Vehicles
Chapter 5: Criteria Used For Upgrading Existing Apartment House Incinerators
Chapter 6: Interpolation of Allowable Sound Levels For Motor Vehicles
Chapter 7: Tunneling
Chapter 8: Industrial Equipment
Chapter 9: Gas Fired Burner Installations
Chapter 10: Air Pollution Control Instruction in Fuel Burning Equipment Using Residual Fuel Oil and Refuse Burning Equipment
Chapter 11: Hazardous Substances Emergency Response
Chapter 12: Perchloroethylene Dry Cleaning Facilities
Chapter 13: Rules Pertaining to the Prevention of the Emission of Dust from Construction Related Activities
Chapter 14: Rules Concerning the Use of Ultra Low Sulfur Diesel Fuel and Emissions Control Technology in Nonroad Vehicles Used in City Construction
Chapter 15: Rules Concerning the Use of Ultra Low Sulfur Diesel Fuel and Emission Control Technology on City Motor Vehicles
Chapter 16: NYCDEP Rules for the Recreational Use of City Property*
Chapter 17: [Occupation or Use of New York City Property (Lands, Water Bodies, Reservoirs and Infrastructure) in the Counties of Delaware, Dutchess, Greene, Orange, Putnam, Schoharie, Sullivan, Ulster, and Westchester]
Chapter 18: Protection from Contamination, Degradation and Pollution of the New York City Water Supply and Its Sources
Chapter 19: Use of the Public Sewers
Chapter 19.1: Stormwater Management for Water Pollution Control
Chapter 20: Governing and Restricting the Use and Supply of Water
Chapter 21: Water Shortage Emergency Rules
Chapter 22: Withdrawal of Water from the New York City Water Supply System
Chapter 23: Construction of Private Sewers or Private Drains
Chapter 24: [Contamination of Tax Lot by Hazardous Materials or Hazardous Waste; Placement and Removal of an (E) Designation on Tax Lot in Connection with Zoning Map Amendment]
Chapter 25: Rules Concerning the Use of Emissions Control Technology on Sight-Seeing Buses
Chapter 26: Rules Concerning the Use of Ultra Low Sulfur Diesel Fuel and Emissions Control Technology on Vehicles That Transport Children to and from School
Chapter 27: Rules Concerning the Use of Ultra Low Sulfur Diesel Fuel and Emissions Control Technology On Solid Waste Vehicles
Chapter 28: Citywide Construction Noise Mitigation
Chapter 29: Commercial Music Noise Mitigation Rules
Chapter 30: Minimal Noise Impact Construction Activities
Chapter 31: Rule Governing House / Site Connections to the Sewer System
Chapter 32: Adjudications
Chapter 33: Sale of Tax Liens and Complaint Resolution
Chapter 34: [Air Pollution Control Code Fees]
Chapter 35: Voluntary Master Environmental Hazard Remediation Technician Registration Program
Chapter 36: Cure Period for Certain Air and Noise Code Violations
Chapter 37: Emission Reduction Technologies for Char Broilers
Chapter 38: Emissions Reduction Technologies for New Cook Stoves
Chapter 39: Engine Idling
Chapter 40: Rules Concerning the Registration of Emergency Generators [Repealed]
Chapter 41: Community Right-to-Know Regulations
Chapter 42: City Environmental Quality Review (CEQR) (City Planning and Department of Environmental Protection)
Chapter 43: Air Code Penalty Schedule
Chapter 44: Standard Test Procedures to Determine Smoke Emissions from Generators with an Output of 40 kw or More
Chapter 45: Abatement Orders
Chapter 46: Filming and Photography Authorized by the Department
Chapter 47: Noise Code Penalty Schedule
Chapter 48: Green Infrastructure Grant Program
Chapter 49: Spraying Insulating Material
Chapter 50: Registration of Other Emission Sources or Activities
Chapter 51: [Retrofit Technology in Heavy Duty Trade Waste Hauling Vehicles]
Chapter 52: After Hours Noise Complaints
Chapter 53: Air Asbestos Penalty Schedule
Chapter 54: Community Right-To-Know Law Penalty Schedule
Chapter 55: Stormwater Penalty Schedule
Chapter 56: Sewer Control Rules Penalty Schedule
Chapter 57: Rules Concerning Drilling and Excavation
Chapter 58: Notification of Mold Remediation
Chapter 59: Hazardous Substances Emergency Response Law Penalty Schedule
Chapter 60: Rulemaking Petitions
Chapter 61: Public Hearings Held Pursuant to Administrative Code § 24-110
Chapter 62: Emissions Reduction Technologies for Existing Cook Stoves
Chapter 63: Stationary Engines
Title 16: Department of Sanitation
Title 17: Business Integrity Commission
Title 19: Department of Finance
Title 20: Tax Appeals Tribunal
Title 21: Tax Commission
Title 22: Banking Commission
Title 24: Department of Health and Mental Hygiene
Title 25: Department of Mental Health and Retardation [Repealed]
Title 28: Housing Preservation and Development
Title 29: Loft Board
Title 30: Rent Guidelines Board
Title 31: Mayor's Office of Homelessness and Single Room Occupancy
Title 34: Department of Transportation
Title 35: Taxi and Limousine Commission
Title 38: Police Department
Title 38-A: Civilian Complaint Review Board
Title 39: Department of Correction
Title 40: Board of Correction
Title 41: Department of Juvenile Justice
Title 42: Department of Probation
Title 43: Mayor
Title 44: Comptroller
Title 45: Borough Presidents
Title 46: Law Department
Title 47: Commission on Human Rights
Title 48: Office of Administrative Trials and Hearings (OATH)
Title 49: Department of Records and Information Services
Title 50: Community Assistance Unit
Title 51: City Clerk
Title 52: Campaign Finance Board*
Title 53: Conflicts of Interest Board
Title 55: Department of Citywide Administrative Services
Title 56: Department of Parks and Recreation
Title 57: Art Commission
Title 58: Department of Cultural Affairs
Title 60: Civil Service Commission
Title 61: Office of Collective Bargaining
Title 62: City Planning
Title 63: Landmarks Preservation Commission
Title 66: Department of Small Business Services
Title 67: Department of Information Technology and Telecommunications
Title 68: Human Resources Administration
Title 69: Department of Aging
Title 70: In Rem Foreclosure Release Board
Title 71: Voter Assistance Commission
Title 72: Office of Emergency Management
Title 73: Civic Engagement Commission
Title 74: Community Hiring
§ 18-37 Sewer Systems, Sewer Connections and Discharges to Sewer Systems.
   (a)   Combined sewer systems are prohibited from discharging within the watershed.
   (b)   A new sewer connection or sewer extension to a sewer system is prohibited where the wastewater treatment plant to which the sewer system has been connected and which discharges within the watershed has had a SPDES flow parameter violation in the prior twelve months, or where the additional flow from the new sewer connection or sewer extension will cause or can be expected to cause such wastewater treatment plant to have a SPDES flow parameter violation as defined herein.
   (c)   Sewer Connections. 
      (1)   The owner of any individual residence that will be served by a new sewer connection, or by an alteration or modification of a sewer connection, shall notify the Department 48 hours prior to the installation of such sewer connection or of such alteration or modification, and provide an opportunity to the Department to observe the work. If specifically requested by the Department, the owner shall submit to the Department all plans or designs for such sewer connection or for such alteration or modification.
      (2)   The owner of a structure other than an individual residence that will be served by a new sewer connection, or by an alteration or modification of a sewer connection, to a sewer system that is subject to a qualifying municipal sewer use law shall:
         (i)   provide to the Department, at least 48 hours prior to the installation of such sewer connection or of such alteration or modification, a written permit from the superintendent of the sewer system authorizing such connection; and
         (ii)   notify the Department 48 hours prior to the installation of such sewer connection or of such alteration or modification, and provide an opportunity to the Department to observe the work.
      (3)   The plans for a new sewer connection, or for an alteration or modification of a sewer connection, to a sewer system for a treatment facility with a SPDES permit, which is not subject to a qualifying municipal sewer use law, from a structure other than an individual residence, require review and approval of the Department. As a condition of approval, the Department will require the applicant to notify the Department 48 hours prior to the installation of such sewer connection or of such alteration or modification, and provide an opportunity to the Department to observe the work. An application for review and approval of such a new sewer connection or alteration or modification of a sewer connection must include:
         (i)   A written statement from the owner or operator of the treatment facility certifying that the new sewer connection or alteration or modification of a sewer connection will not require a modification of the treatment facility's SPDES permit, and
         (ii)   Plans and specifications for the sewer connection.
      (4)   New sewer connections, or alterations or modifications of sewer connections, to treatment facilities that do not have SPDES permits shall be reviewed in accordance with 15 RCNY § 18-37.
   (d)   The design, construction and plans for a new sewer system or sewer extension shall require the review and approval of the Department. Any proposed alteration or modification of a sewer system shall require the review and approval of the Department.
   (e)   Any approval of a new or an alteration or modification of an existing sewer system, sewer extension, or sewer connection subject to Department approval pursuant to 15 RCNY § 18-37(c)(3), issued by the Department expires and is null and void unless construction is completed within five (5) years of the date of issuance. Following expiration of the approval, the plans for the sewer system may be resubmitted to the Department for consideration for a new approval.
   (f)   The criteria used by the Department to approve any new sewer system, sewer extension, or sewer connection subject to Department approval pursuant to 15 RCNY § 18-37(c)(3) or the portion of any sewer system or such sewer connection which is being altered or modified, shall be all applicable requirements of law, including the standards set forth in the following documents:
      (1)   "New York State Design Standards for Intermediate Sized Wastewater Treatment Systems," New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (2014);
      (2)   "Recommended Standards for Wastewater Facilities," Great Lakes-Upper Mississippi River Board of State and Provincial Public Health and Environmental Managers (2014);
      (3)   19 NYCRR Part 1222 (Plumbing Code of New York State).
   (g)   All sewer systems and sewer extensions connected to a wastewater treatment plant which discharges within the watershed shall be designed, operated and maintained in such manner as to prevent inflow or infiltration which causes one or more of the following:
      (1)   The SPDES authorized flow limit of the wastewater treatment plans to be exceeded;
      (2)   The strength of the sewage influent to the wastewater treatment plant to be diluted to a level that adversely affects the efficacy of the SPDES permitted and Department approved treatment process; or
      (3)   A bypass of any portion of a treatment facility that would be prohibited pursuant to 6 NYCRR Subpart 750-2.
   (h)   All sewer systems and sewer extensions shall be designed, operated and maintained to prevent exfiltration from such systems.
   (i)   The owner or operator of a facility which disposes of wastes regulated pursuant to the Federal Categorical Pretreatment Standards, 40 C.F.R. Part 403, shall submit three copies of the engineering report, plans and specifications, prepared by a licensed design professional, in compliance with 40 C.F.R. Parts 403, 406-471 and any applicable local regulations, to the Department for its review and approval.
   (j)   Application Requirements for Sewer Systems and Sewer Extensions. An application for review and approval of any sewer system or sewer extension shall include the following information:
      (1)   Tax map number and, where available, building permit number, for each property to be served by the proposed sewer system or sewer extension;
      (2)   Letter of flow acceptance from the owner of the receiving wastewater treatment plant, when available;
      (3)   An engineering report presenting the proposed flow and supporting design calculations; and
      (4)   Four (4) sets of plans showing:
         (i)   site location in relation to established sewer district;
         (ii)   distances to wells, watercourses, rock outcroppings, wetlands, controlled lakes and reservoirs;
         (iii)   system profile including all connections, manholes and required pump stations;
         (iv)   design details and specifications of system components including pipe sizes and pump capacities;
         (v)   where applicable, a copy of the application for modification of the SPDES permit for the receiving wastewater treatment plant and, if available, any draft revisions to such SPDES permit; and
         (vi)   construction phasing.
      (5)   An application for review and approval of a sewer system must include an operation and maintenance plan for the sewer system, which may be a component of the operation and maintenance plan for the treatment facility served by the sewer system; and
      (6)   An Environmental Assessment form and State Environmental Quality Review Act determination, if applicable.
   (k)   All approvals for sewer systems and extensions are conditioned on the applicant's submission of as-built drawings, prepared by a design professional, once construction is complete.
   (l)   As a condition of approval the Department may require evidence of financial security prior to construction, from any owner or operator of a new sewer system or sewer extension or a substantial alteration or modification to an existing sewer system. Such financial security shall consist of a bond, or an equivalent guaranty, to be deposited with the Department, covering the full cost of the construction of such facility and an additional bond or an equivalent guaranty for the payment of labor and material furnished in the course of such construction. Upon completion of construction and payment of labor and materials, such bonds or other guaranties shall be released. Additionally, a bond or equivalent guaranty may be required for the maintenance and operation of the facility for a period of five years post-construction. No bond or guaranty is required where the owner or operator of such a facility is a village, town, county or city.
(Amended City Record 10/30/2019, eff. 11/29/2019)
§ 18-38 Subsurface Sewage Treatment Systems.
   (a)   Minimum Requirements for new subsurface sewage treatment systems. 
      (1)   The design, treatment, construction, maintenance and operation of new subsurface sewage treatment systems, and the plans therefor, require the review and approval of the Department, provided that the requirements of this section shall not apply to subsurface sewage treatment systems necessary for an agricultural activity that are designed, provide treatment and are constructed, maintained and operated in compliance with State and Federal law.
      (2)   All new individual sewage treatment systems shall comply with the requirements of 10 NYCRR Part 75 and Appendix 75-A except where a local government or agency has enacted, or these rules and regulations specify, more stringent standards, in which case, the more stringent standards shall apply.
      (3)   All new intermediate sized sewage treatment systems shall comply with the requirements set forth in New York State Design Standards for Intermediate Sized Wastewater Treatment Systems, New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (2014), except where a local government or agency has enacted, or these rules and regulations specify, more stringent standards, in which case, the more stringent standards shall apply.
         (i)   As a condition of approval the Department may require evidence of financial security prior to construction, from any owner or operator of a new intermediate sized sewage treatment system or a substantial alteration or modification to an existing intermediate sized sewage treatment system. Such financial security shall consist of a bond, or an equivalent guaranty, to be deposited with the Department, covering the full cost of the construction of such facility and an additional bond or an equivalent guaranty for the payment of labor and material furnished in the course of such construction. Upon completion of construction and payment of labor and materials, such bonds or other guaranties shall be released. Additionally, a bond or equivalent guaranty may be required for the maintenance and operation of the facility for a period of five years post-construction. No bond or guaranty is required where the owner or operator of such a facility is a village, town, county or city.
      (4)   No part of any absorption field for any new subsurface sewage treatment system shall be located within the limiting distance of 100 feet of a watercourse or wetland or 300 feet of a reservoir, reservoir stem or controlled lake. For a new conventional individual subsurface sewage treatment system or for a new Ulster County Fill System the Department may recommend a greater limiting distance from an absorption field to a watercourse, wetland, reservoir, reservoir stem or controlled lake.
      (5)   Raised systems, as described in 10 NYCRR Part 75 and Appendix 75-A, are allowed on undeveloped lots not located in a subdivision or on undeveloped residential lots located in a subdivision which was approved prior to the effective date of these rules and regulations, where site conditions are not suitable for a conventional system provided that:
         (i)   The system shall be located at least 250 feet from any watercourse or wetland and 500 feet from any reservoir, reservoir stem or controlled lake provided that the greater limiting distance for raised systems does not preclude construction on the subject lot or lots of the use proposed by the applicant, and further provided that the site conditions and the subsurface sewage treatment system comply with the other provisions of these rules and regulations and other applicable Federal, State and local laws, as cited in 15 RCNY § 18-38(a)(1); or
         (ii)   Raised systems which cannot meet the limiting distances set forth in subparagraph (i) due to size or location of the lot shall be located at the greatest limiting distance possible within the property lines and at least 100 feet from any watercourse or wetland and 300 feet from any reservoir, reservoir stem or controlled lake.
      (6)   Where a watershed county has adopted a subdivision code that allows a raised system, as described in 10 NYCRR Part 75 and Appendix 75-A, or where the New York State Department of Health approved such raised systems for use in subdivisions located in the watershed, such raised systems are allowed in subdivisions that are approved subsequent to the effective date of these rules and regulations, provided that no part of such systems shall be located within 250 feet of a watercourse or wetland or 500 feet of a reservoir, reservoir stem or controlled lake.
      (7)   Any approval of a subsurface sewage treatment system issued by the Department expires and is null and void unless construction is substantially completed such that the system is functioning as designed within five (5) years of the date of issuance for systems located within approved subdivisions, or within two (2) years of the date of issuance for all other subsurface sewage treatment systems. Following expiration of the approval, the plans for the subsurface sewage treatment system may be resubmitted to the Department for consideration for a new approval.
   (b)   Minimum requirements for alteration and modification, repair and remediation, and discontinuation of subsurface sewage treatment systems. 
      (1)   All subsurface sewage treatment systems, which are operating in accordance with their Federal, State, and local approvals, but which do not comply with the requirements for new subsurface sewage treatment systems set forth in this section, shall be allowed to continue to operate.
      (2)   If the use of a subsurface sewage treatment system is, for any reason, subject to discontinuation for a period of five consecutive years or more, operation may resume if it comes into compliance with the standards for alterations or modifications of subsurface sewage treatment systems in accordance with 15 RCNY § 18-38(b)(4) below. If, however, the system cannot come into compliance with these standards, the use must permanently desist. The owner or operator bears the burden of proof for showing that there has been no discontinuation in the use of a subsurface sewage treatment system.
      (3)   Any proposed alteration or modification of any subsurface sewage treatment system requires the review and approval of the Department, except as provided in subparagraphs (i) through (iii) below.
         (i)   The volume, character, or strength of the flow to a subsurface sewage treatment system may be reduced without review and approval provided that such reduction does not cause any increase in the existing discharge or any increase in the potential for contamination to or degradation of the water supply from that discharge. If the reduction in the volume, character, or strength results from an alteration or modification of a system component, or the addition of a new system component (such as installation of a peat filter or aerobic treatment unit), then such alteration, modification, or addition requires review and approval of the Department, except that:
            a.   Any such review and approval shall be limited to the affected system component; and
            b.   No such review and approval is required where the alteration, modification, or addition of the system component is otherwise exempt from review under this section (such as the replacement of a septic tank with a larger tank of an appropriate size for the subsurface sewage treatment system).
         (ii)   Except as set forth in this subdivision, for an intermediate sized subsurface sewage treatment system that has a State Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (SPDES) permit, review and approval is not required for any proposed alteration or modification that does not deviate from the engineering design and site plan approved by the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation.
            a.   Review and approval by the Department is required if the alteration or modification requires a modification of the SPDES permit for the SSTS for any reason including, but not limited to:
               i.   the alteration or modification involves physical alteration or modification of the SSTS, or
               ii.   the alteration or modification results in the system receiving sewage that either exceeds the treatment system design flow, or has a strength or characteristic beyond the design capability of the treatment system.
            b.   If the Department has previously issued an approval for an intermediate sized subsurface sewage treatment system, review and approval by the Department is required for any alteration or modification that results in the system receiving sewage that either exceeds the design flow of the system as approved by the Department, or has a strength or characteristic beyond the design capability of the system as approved by the Department.
         (iii)   In the following circumstances, where an ancillary, non-residential use of a residence served by an individual subsurface sewage treatment system does not result in an increase in or change in the nature of the flow of sewage, the subsurface sewage treatment system shall not be considered an intermediate-sized sewage treatment system, nor shall such use require review and approval by the Department:
            a.   Where the residence is used to provide accommodations for transient lodgers and no food service is provided other than to overnight guests, unless such use requires a temporary residence permit pursuant to 10 NYCRR Subpart 7-1.
            b.   Where the individual residence is used for a home office or home business, provided that:
               i.   The individual who operates the home office or home business occupies the home as his or her primary or secondary residence;
               ii.   The home office or home business is of a type that is estimated to generate 50 gallons per day of water or less based on Table B-3 of the New York State Design Standards for Intermediate Sized Wastewater Treatment Systems, New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (2014); and
               iii.   The conversion does not involve an increase in the individual residence's number of bedrooms.
      (4)   Standards for Alterations or Modifications of Subsurface Sewage Treatment Systems. 
         (i)   Any proposed alteration or modification of any subsurface sewage treatment system must be performed in accordance with the requirements applicable to new subsurface sewage treatment systems under this section.
         (ii)   Alterations or modifications of subsurface sewage treatment systems that cannot meet these requirements, due to site constraints, must be performed in accordance with the requirements applicable to new subsurface sewage treatment systems to the extent possible. Applications for proposed alterations or modifications of such subsurface sewage treatment systems must include the information described in 15 RCNY § 18-38(d)(4).
         (iii)   Standard of review. The department will authorize use of a subsurface sewage treatment system that has been subject to a period of discontinuation for five consecutive years or more, or a proposed alteration or modification of a subsurface sewage treatment system, if the applicant demonstrates that such use, alteration, or modification does not present a threat to public health or water quality as determined by the Department.
      (5)   If a subsurface sewage treatment system fails or needs remediation, the owner or operator of the subsurface sewage treatment system must comply with the following:
         (i)   Any proposed remediation of any part of a subsurface sewage treatment system shall require the prior review and approval of the Department, and if approved, shall be completed as soon as possible in accordance with a schedule approved by the Department;
         (ii)   Any proposed remediation of any part of a subsurface sewage treatment system shall be implemented, to the extent possible, in accordance with the design standards set forth in this section, and shall require the prior review and approval of the Department. However, if the Department determines, based upon the application submitted by the owner or operator of the subsurface sewage treatment system, that such system cannot comply with this section, the owner or operator of the subsurface sewage treatment system shall cooperate with the Department to determine the most suitable location and design for the system on the specific site. The Department may require the owner to agree to a regular schedule for the pump out of the septic tank or other remedial action, including the use of holding tanks, before the proposed remediation is approved by the Department and implemented; and
         (iii)   The provisions of this paragraph shall not apply to the routine repair and maintenance of a subsurface sewage treatment system, including, but not limited to, the pump out of a septic tank, the replacement of a septic tank, whether in kind or with a larger tank of an appropriate size for the subsurface sewage treatment system, the repair of a broken lateral, the leveling of a distribution box, or the removal of a blockage.
      (6)   Any approval issued by the Department to use a subsurface sewage treatment system following a discontinuation expires and is null and void unless any required enhancements are implemented and such use is commenced within one (1) year of the date of issuance or such longer period as the Department may authorize in writing. Following expiration of the approval, the plans for the subsurface sewage treatment system may be resubmitted to the Department for consideration for a new approval.
      (7)   Any approval of an alteration or modification of a subsurface sewage treatment system issued by the Department expires and is null and void unless any required enhancements are implemented within two (2) years of the date of issuance. Following expiration of the approval, the plans for the subsurface sewage treatment system may be resubmitted to the Department for consideration for a new approval.
      (8)   Any property owner may request that the Department review and approve a proposed use of a subsurface sewage treatment system by demonstrating that it is capable of treating a specified volume and type of wastewater flow. The proposal may include proposed enhancements to the system. A determination by the Department that the subsurface sewage treatment system complies with the standards applicable to new subsurface sewage treatment systems or, if it cannot come into compliance the standards applicable to alterations or modifications of subsurface sewage treatment systems to the extent possible pursuant to 15 RCNY § 18-38(b)(4), for the proposed use and volume, shall be binding upon the Department for five years following the date of the determination.
   (c)   Design, operation, treatment, and maintenance requirements. 
      (1)   All subsurface sewage treatment systems shall be designed, operated and maintained to prevent the exposure of sewage to the surface of the ground or the discharge of sewage to ground- water.
      (2)   Limitations on certain systems in the watershed. 
         (i)   Mound systems, galley systems, seepage pits, evaporation-transpiration (ET) and evaporation-transpiration absorption (ETA) systems are prohibited from use for subsurface sewage treatment systems installed in the watershed on or after June 30, 2002.
         (ii)   Drip and low profile dispersal systems, as described in New York State Design Standards for Intermediate Sized Wastewater Treatment Systems, New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (2014) are prohibited from use for subsurface sewage treatment systems installed in the watershed on or after September 25, 2019.
         (iii)   Sand filters are prohibited from use for individual sewage treatment systems in the watershed.
         (iv)   For new subsurface sewage treatment systems within the 60-day travel time, and for new subsurface sewage treatment systems that require State Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (SPDES) permits, trench length reductions will not be offered for use of any enhanced subsurface sewage treatment systems.
         (v)   No trench length reductions shall be granted for use of any open-bottom gravelless absorption system, as described in 10 NYCRR Appendix 75-A.8(c)(3)(i). One linear foot of a gravelless absorption system is equivalent to one linear foot of conventional (24" wide) absorption trench.
      (3)   An additional area of at least 100 percent of the primary absorption field shall be set aside as a reserve absorption field for any subsurface sewage treatment system.
      (4)   No part of any primary or reserve absorption field shall be built under pavement or other impervious surfaces, and pavement and other impervious surfaces shall not be built over such absorption fields after installation.
      (5)   At least one percolation test and at least one deep hole test must be performed in the primary absorption field. At least one percolation test and at least one deep hole test must be performed in the reserve absorption field. An applicant must notify the Department in writing at least seven (7) days prior to performance of such tests, and specify the location and the time of the tests. Such soils testing must be performed during normal business hours on weekdays other than legal holidays. At the option of the Department, a Department representative may witness such tests.
      (6)   Proposed sites with soil percolation rates faster than 3 minutes per inch or slower than 60 minutes per inch shall not be approved by the Department for locating a subsurface sewage treatment system.
      (7)   Whenever possible, gravity flow systems shall be used for subsurface sewage treatment systems. The use of electrically operated pumps shall require a chamber equipped with an alarm to indicate malfunction and any other safety features required by the Department to prevent sewage overflow. An intermediate sized sewage treatment system that uses electrically operated pumps is required to have either a backup pump or a backup storage tank capable of holding two days' flow. An individual sewage treatment system that uses electrically operated pumps shall have a backup storage tank capable of holding one day's flow.
      (8)   A reserve absorption field is intended to be left undisturbed to be used in the event that the primary absorption field fails in the future. If the reserve absorption field is used because the primary absorption field has failed, the owner should, but is not required to, identify a new reserve absorption field. If the reserve absorption field is used for purposes of expanding the subsurface sewage treatment system, a new reserve absorption field or Department-approved alternative must be identified.
   (d)   Application Requirements. 
      (1)   An application for review and approval of any subsurface sewage treatment system shall include the following information:
         (i)   Soil investigation report including:
            (a)   percolation test results;
            (b)   deep hole test pit results or boring analysis indicating the depth of useable soil;
            (c)   indication of surface water or ledge rock observed;
            (d)   design rate of flow; and
            (e)   delineation of United States Department of Agriculture Soil Conservation Service soil type boundaries.
         (ii)   Building permit number and tax map number where available.
         (iii)   Four (4) sets of plans prepared by a design professional showing:
            (a)   site location, including distances to wells, watercourses, rock outcroppings, wetlands, controlled lakes and reservoirs, and any property boundaries within 10 feet of any subsurface sewage treatment system component;
            (b)   site/system plans, drawn to scale, with topography showing two-foot contour intervals;
            (c)   system profile;
            (d)   details of system components; and
            (e)   a report containing:
               (1)   a description of the project characteristics; and
               (2)   a detailing of the design process.
      (2)   An application for review and approval of an intermediate sized sewage treatment system shall include all of the information in paragraph (1) of subdivision (c) of this section, and additionally shall contain:
         (i)   An Environmental Assessment form and State Environmental Quality Review Act determination, if applicable; and
         (ii)   A SPDES permit, if applicable.
      (3)   All approvals for new subsurface sewage treatment systems are conditioned on the applicant's submission of as-built drawings, prepared by a design professional, once construction is complete.
      (4)   An application for review and approval of an alteration or modification of a subsurface sewage treatment system, or of the resumption of use of a subsurface sewage treatment following discontinuation, that cannot satisfy the requirements applicable to new subsurface sewage treatment system must include all of the information in paragraph (1) of subdivision (d) of this section, except that the Department may, at its option, waive the requirement to submit a soil investigation report. For an intermediate sized sewage treatment system, the application must include the information in paragraph (2) of subdivision (d) of this section. An application must also contain:
         (i)   Plans or other design information, consisting of:
            (a)   If available, design plans for the subsurface sewage treatment plans, indicating all known regulatory approvals for such plans;
            (b)   If design plans are not available, a description of the components of the system prepared by a licensed professional engineer;
         (ii)   A proposal for enhancements to the system to meet the standards in 15 RCNY § 18-38 applicable to a new subsurface sewage treatment system to the extent possible, including the information required under 15 RCNY § 18-38(c); and
         (iii)   Any additional information demonstrating any or all of the following:
            (a)   A reduction in the potential for contamination to or degradation of the water supply from the subsurface sewage treatment system,
            (b)   A reduction in flow to the subsurface sewage treatment system, or
            (c)   Mitigation measures to avoid contamination to, or degradation of, the water supply.
   (e)   Construction Requirements. 
      (1)   The applicant must notify the Department at least two business days before the start of construction of a subsurface sewage treatment system. The locations of the absorption field corners, septic tanks, pump or dosing chambers, and other treatment components must be staked out before the start of construction, so that the Department can, at its option, verify compliance with separation distance to wells, watercourses, and property lines. The ends of absorption trenches and the corners of absorption beds must be staked out before the start of construction. Stakes must be marked with applicable line and grade information and may not be disturbed during construction.
      (2)   If construction of a subsurface sewage treatment system ceases for more than seven days, the applicant must make best efforts to notify the Department at least two business days before restarting construction.
      (3)   The applicant must notify the Department at least one day before burying any component of a subsurface sewage treatment system.
      (4)   All notifications to the Department pursuant to this subsection (d) must be made via the email address and/or telephone number listed on the approval.
(Amended City Record 10/30/2019, eff. 11/29/2019)
§ 18-39 Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plans and Impervious Surfaces.
   (a)   Impervious surfaces.
      (1)   The construction of an impervious surface within the limiting distance of 100 feet of a watercourse or wetland, or within the limiting distance of 300 feet of a reservoir, reservoir stem, or controlled lake, is prohibited.
      (2)   Paragraph (1) shall not apply to the following activities:
         (i)   Construction of a new individual residence, which shall comply with paragraph (5) of this subdivision;
         (ii)   Non-commercial ancillary improvements or additions to an individual residence;
         (iii)   Construction of an impervious surface for a driveway serving an individual residence constructed or having obtained all discretionary approvals necessary for construction prior to March 1, 2010;
         (iv)   Construction of an impervious surface for a driveway serving an individual residence that obtains all discretionary approvals necessary for construction on or after March 1, 2010, which shall comply with paragraph (5) of this subdivision;
         (v)   Agricultural activities;
         (vi)   Construction of bridges or crossings of watercourses or wetlands constructed pursuant to a valid permit from the appropriate regulatory agencies. If a permit from a regulatory agency other than the Department is not required, the applicant shall comply with paragraph (9) of this subdivision;
         (vii)   Creation of an impervious surface made necessary by the construction of a wastewater treatment plant or alteration or modification of a wastewater treatment plant approved by the Department;
         (viii)   Creation of an impervious surface that is made necessary by the construction of a new facility or alteration or modification of an existing facility used in connection with the operation of a public water supply system; or
         (ix)   Creation of an impervious surface, such as a culvert, needed as an integral component of diversion or piping of a watercourse, but only with the review and approval of the Department and only if the Department determines that such impervious surface will not have an adverse impact on water quality.
      (3)   Paragraph (1) shall not apply to creation of an impervious surface in the West of Hudson watershed within a village, hamlet, village extension, or area zoned for commercial or industrial uses, which complies with paragraph (8) of this subdivision or to the creation of an impervious surface in the East of Hudson watershed within a Designated Main Street Area, which complies with paragraph (11) of this subdivision.
      (4)   Paragraph (1) shall not apply to the creation of an impervious surface in connection with the following activities occurring in the East of Hudson watershed outside a Designated Main Street Area or in the West of Hudson watershed outside a village, hamlet, village extension, or an area zoned for commercial or industrial uses:
         (i)   Construction of a new road or widening of an existing road, which shall comply with paragraph (6) of this subdivision;
         (ii)   Creation of an impervious surface within a designated village center, which shall comply with paragraph (7) of this subdivision; or
         (iii)   Expansion of an existing impervious surface within the limiting distance of 100 feet of a watercourse or wetland, at an existing commercial, institutional, municipal, industrial, or multi-family residential facility, provided that the total area of all expanded impervious surfaces, including all impervious surfaces allowed under this provision after May 1, 1997, does not exceed 25 percent of the area of the existing impervious surface at that commercial, institutional, municipal, industrial, or multi-family residential facility, which shall comply with subdivisions (b), (c) and (d) of this section.
      (5)   The following requirements are applicable to construction of a new individual residence and of impervious surfaces for driveways serving individual residences that obtain all discretionary approvals necessary for construction on or after March 1, 2010:
         (i)   Whether or not a new individual residence will be located in a subdivision, construction of a new individual residence within the limiting distance of 300 feet of a reservoir, reservoir stem, or controlled lake is prohibited;
         (ii)   Construction of a new individual residence in a subdivision within the limiting distance of 100 feet of a watercourse or wetland is prohibited where:
            (a)   The subdivision plat received preliminary approval on or after October 16, 1995; or
            (b)   The subdivision plat received preliminary approval before October 16, 1995, the person who owned the subdivision on October 16, 1995 was the same person, or a principal or affiliate of the person, who owned the subdivision at the time the subdivision plat received preliminary approval, and construction activity related to infrastructure improvements for the subdivision had not begun as of October 16, 1995;
         (iii)   Construction of a new individual residence not in a subdivision, or in a subdivision approved before October 16, 1995 and not prohibited by paragraph (a)(5)(ii)(b) of this subdivision, within the limiting distance of 100 feet of a perennial stream or wetland requires an individual residential stormwater permit from the Department, pursuant to subdivision (e) of this section;
         (iv)   Construction of an impervious surface for a driveway serving an individual residence that obtains all discretionary approvals necessary for construction on or after March 1, 2010 within the limiting distance of 300 feet of a reservoir, reservoir stem, or controlled lake is prohibited;
         (v)   Construction of an impervious surface for a driveway to serve an individual residence that obtains all discretionary approvals necessary for construction on or after March 1, 2010, within the limiting distance of 100 feet of a perennial stream or within the limiting distance of 50 feet of an intermittent stream or wetland, requires an individual residential stormwater permit from the Department, pursuant to subdivision (e) of this section.
      (6)   The following requirements are applicable to construction of an impervious surface for a new road or the widening of an existing road:
         (i)   Construction of an impervious surface for a new road within the limiting distance of 300 feet of a reservoir, reservoir stem or controlled lake is prohibited, except paving an existing dirt or gravel road is permitted. Construction of a new impervious surface by paving an existing dirt or gravel road requires a stormwater pollution prevention plan which complies with subdivisions (b), (c) and (d) of this section.
         (ii)   Construction of an impervious surface for a new road within the limiting distance of 50 feet of an intermittent stream or wetland, or within the limiting distance of 100 feet of a perennial stream, is prohibited, except for paving an existing dirt or gravel road or where necessary to provide an access road. Construction of an impervious surface for paving such existing dirt or gravel road or for such a new access road requires a stormwater pollution prevention plan which complies with the requirements of subdivisions (b), (c) and (d) of this section for the entire impervious surface. An access road constructed pursuant to this paragraph shall be constructed as far as practicable from all watercourses and wetlands, as determined by the Department.
         (iii)   Construction of an impervious surface for a new road between the limiting distances of 50 feet and 100 feet of an intermittent stream or wetland requires a stormwater pollution prevention plan which complies with the requirements of subdivisions (b), (c) and (d) of this section.
         (iv)   Widening of an existing road located within the limiting distance of 50 feet of an intermittent stream or wetland, within the limiting distance of 100 feet of a perennial stream, or within the limiting distance of 300 feet of a reservoir, reservoir stem or controlled lake shall be performed on the side of such existing road furthest from the watercourse, wetland, reservoir, reservoir stem or controlled lake, to the extent practical.
      (7)   The following requirements are applicable to creation of an impervious surface within a designated village center:
         (i)   A local government in the Croton System may delineate an area within the local government's boundaries to be a "designated village center" in a Comprehensive Croton Water Quality Protection Plan prepared and agreed to in accordance with 15 RCNY § 18-82. Such designated village center shall comply with the requirements of this paragraph with regard to the construction of impervious surfaces.
         (ii)   Within a designated village center the construction of a new impervious surface within the limiting distance of 100 feet of a watercourse or wetland, or within the limiting distance of 300 feet of a reservoir, reservoir stem, or controlled lake requires the review and approval of the Department. An approval issued by the Department pursuant to this subparagraph shall contain a determination by the Department that there is no reasonable alternative to the creation of the proposed new impervious surface within the applicable limiting distance and that the best available measures have been taken to prevent adverse impacts on the quality of the drinking water supply.
      (8)   The following requirements are applicable to creation of an impervious surface in the West of Hudson watershed within a village, hamlet, village extension or area zoned for commercial or industrial uses:
         (i)   Creation of any new impervious surface within the limiting distance of 100 feet of a watercourse or wetland, or within the limiting distance of 300 feet of a reservoir, reservoir stem or controlled lake, within a village, hamlet, village extension or area zoned for commercial or industrial uses as of the effective date of these rules and regulations, requires a stormwater pollution prevention plan which complies with the requirements of subdivisions (b), (c) and (d) of this section, except that the foregoing requirements of this subparagraph shall not apply to the creation of a new impervious surface for an activity set forth in paragraph (2) of this subdivision which complies with the provisions of paragraph (2).
         (ii)   If a local government in the West of Hudson watershed adopts a zoning ordinance designating additional areas for commercial or industrial use after the effective date of these rules and regulations, it may apply to the Department to allow construction of new impervious surfaces in the newly zoned commercial or industrial areas located within the limiting distance of 100 feet of a watercourse or wetland, or within the limiting distance of 300 feet of a reservoir, reservoir stem, or controlled lake. The Department shall approve such application if the Department determines that allowing new impervious surfaces in such newly zoned commercial or industrial area is consistent with the objectives of these rules and regulations and with previously approved zoning ordinances. If approved by the Department, creation of new impervious surfaces within such newly zoned commercial or industrial areas within the aforesaid limiting distances shall be allowed subject to the requirements of subparagraph (8)(i) above.
      (9)   Construction of a bridge or crossing of a watercourse or wetland which does not require a permit from a regulatory agency other than the Department shall require the review and approval of the Department. Such bridge or crossing shall be constructed to prevent adverse impacts on the quality of the water supply.
      (10)   Maintenance of an existing impervious surface shall not require the review and approval of the Department.
      (11)   The following requirements are applicable to creation of an impervious surface in the East of Hudson watershed within a Designated Main Street Area:
         (i)   Creation of any new impervious surface within a Designated Main Street Area requires a stormwater pollution prevention plan which complies with the requirements of subdivisions (b), (c), and (d) of this section, except that the foregoing requirements of this subparagraph shall not apply to the creation of a new impervious surface for an activity set forth in paragraph (2) of this subdivision which complies with the provisions of paragraph (2).
         (ii)   The approved boundary descriptions of all Designated Main Street Areas shall be made available by the Department for public inspection at its field offices in the East of Hudson watershed.
   (b)   Stormwater pollution prevention plans.
      (1)   Stormwater pollution prevention plans shall not be required to be prepared pursuant to this section for agricultural and silvicultural activities.
      (2)   Stormwater pollution prevention plans shall not be required to be prepared pursuant to this section for clear cutting and mining activities, provided, however, that such activities shall be subject to the requirements set forth in the applicable New York State Department of Environmental Conservation SPDES Permit which may be required pursuant to Environmental Conservation Law § 17-0808.
      (3)   Stormwater pollution prevention plans shall be prepared for the activities listed in subparagraph (4) of this subdivision. Such plans shall also be subject to the prior review and approval of the Department. Such plans shall be prepared and implemented in accordance with the requirements of Part III of the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation SPDES General Permit No. GP-0-15-002 that are applicable to construction activities identified in Table 2 of Appendix B, and in accordance with the requirements of subdivision (c) of this section, except that:
         (i)   plans for redevelopment shall be prepared and implemented in accordance with subdivision (b)(8),
         (ii)   plans for construction activities identified in Table 1 of Appendix B must be prepared and implemented in accordance with the requirements of Part III of the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation SPDES General Permit No. GP-0-15-002 that are applicable to construction activities identified in Table 1 of Appendix B. A construction activity will be deemed to "alter hydrology from pre to post development conditions," for purposes of Table 1 of Appendix B, if the post-development peak rate of flow for the activity has increased by more than 5% of the pre-developed condition for the one-year, twenty-four hour storm, the ten-year, twenty-four hour storm, or the one hundred-year, twenty-four hour storm as defined herein. A construction activity that is excluded from coverage under Table 1 of Appendix B because it alters hydrology from pre to post development conditions must comply with the requirements of subdivision (b)(3) above,
         (iii)   plans for construction activities requiring Department review and approval of a stormwater pollution prevention plan under this section that involve disturbance of less than one (1) acre of total land area, other than construction of gasoline stations and construction, alteration, or modification of solid waste management facilities, and which will not result in hot spot runoff, must be prepared and implemented in accordance with subdivision (b)(9), and
         (iv)   no activity shall be exempt from any such requirements as a result of the size or nature of the watercourse(s) to which stormwater from such activity discharges, except with prior written approval from the Department. Such plans shall also be subject to the prior review and approval of the Department.
      (4)   The activities for which a stormwater pollution prevention plan must be prepared under subparagraph (3) of this subdivision are:
         (i)   Plans for development or sale of land that will result in the disturbance of five (5) or more acres of total land area as described in the definition of larger common plan of development or sale in Appendix A of SPDES General Permit No. GP-0-15-002;
         (ii)   Construction of a subdivision;
         (iii)   Construction of a new industrial, institutional, municipal, commercial or multi-family residential project that will result in creation of an impervious surface totaling over 40,000 square feet in size;
         (iv)   A land clearing or land grading project, involving two or more acres, located at least in part within the limiting distance of 100 feet of a watercourse or wetland, or within the limiting distance of 300 feet of a reservoir, reservoir stem or controlled lake or on a slope exceeding 15 percent;
         (v)   Construction of a new solid waste management facility or alteration or modification of an existing solid waste management facility within 300 feet of a watercourse or wetland or 500 feet of a reservoir, reservoir stem or controlled lake;
         (vi)   Construction of a gasoline station;
         (vii)   Construction of an impervious surface for a new road, for an access road, or for an existing dirt or gravel road, as required by paragraph (a)(6) of this section;
         (viii)   Construction of an impervious surface in the West of Hudson watershed within a village, hamlet, village extension or area zoned for commercial or industrial uses, as required by paragraph (a)(8) of this section;
         (ix)   Up to a 25 percent expansion of an existing impervious surface at an existing commercial, institutional, municipal, industrial, or multi-family residential facility which is within the limiting distance of 100 feet of a watercourse or wetland, as required in subdivision (a)(4)(iii) of this section; or
         (x)   Construction of an impervious surface in the East of Hudson Watershed in a Designated Main Street Area.
      (5)   If there is a significant change in design, construction, operation, or maintenance of an activity which is subject to a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan pursuant to subdivision (b)(3) which may have a significant effect on the potential for the discharge of pollutants to surface waters and which has not otherwise been addressed in the Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan, or if the Stormwater Pollution Plan proves to be ineffective in eliminating or significantly minimizing erosion and sedimentation or the discharge of pollutants associated with construction activity, the Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan must be amended. Such amended stormwater pollution prevention plan shall be submitted to the Department for prior review and approval and shall comply with the requirements of this section.
      (6)   Any approval of a stormwater pollution prevention plan issued by the Department expires and is null and void unless construction is completed within five (5) years of the date of issuance or within any extended period of time approved by the Department upon good cause shown. Following expiration of the approval, the application for the stormwater pollution prevention plan may be resubmitted to the Department for consideration for a new approval.
      (7)   As a condition of approval the Department may require evidence of financial security prior to construction from any owner or operator of a stormwater management system pursuant to a stormwater pollution prevention plan. Such financial security shall consist of a bond, or an equivalent guaranty, to be deposited with the Department, covering the full cost of the construction of such facility and an additional bond or an equivalent guaranty for the payment of labor and material furnished in the course of such construction. Upon completion of construction and payment of labor and materials, such bonds or other guaranties shall be released. Additionally, a bond or equivalent guaranty may be required for the maintenance and operation of the facility for a period of five years post-construction. No bond or guaranty is required where the owner or operator of such a facility is a village, town, county or city.
      (8)   Where portions of an activity that require a stormwater pollution prevention plan pursuant to subdivision (b)(3) constitute redevelopment as defined herein, those portions of such plan shall:
         (i)   be prepared and implemented, to the extent possible, in accordance with the requirements of Part III of the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation SPDES General Permit No. GP-0-15-002 that are applicable to the construction activities identified in Table 2 of Appendix B;
      (9)   Where an activity requiring Department review and approval of a stormwater pollution prevention plan under this section that involves disturbance of less than one (1) acre of total land area, other than construction of a gasoline station or construction, alteration, or modification of a solid waste management facility, and which will not result in hot spot runoff, requires a stormwater pollution prevention plan pursuant to subdivision (b)(3) above, the application must consist of:
         (i)   A plan of the proposed activity, identifying the area of disturbance, the location of any existing or proposed impervious surfaces, and the location of any watercourses, wetlands, reservoirs, reservoir stems or controlled lakes on or adjacent to the property;
         (ii)   A description and depiction of proposed erosion controls sufficient to prevent sedimentation of the receiving watercourse, wetland, reservoir, reservoir stem or controlled lake on or adjacent to the property during construction. Erosion controls typically consist of sediment barriers, such as hay bales and silt fencing, temporary sediment traps and temporary stormwater flow diversions;
         (iii)   A schedule for construction, including grading and site stabilization; and
         (iv)   A description and depiction of proposed permanent stormwater management practices designed to filter, detain, or infiltrate runoff from impervious surfaces, thereby minimizing the post-construction increase in pollutant loading to the receiving watercourse, wetland, reservoir, reservoir stem or controlled lake.
   (c)   Additional Requirements for Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plans.
      (1)   When any activity listed in paragraph (3) of subdivision (b) of this section is proposed to be undertaken in the drainage basin of a terminal reservoir, as identified in the watershed maps in Appendix 18-A, the stormwater pollution prevention plan shall include analysis of coliform runoff, before and after the land disturbance activity.
         (i)   If such proposed activity causes or contributes to the contravention of the coliform standard set forth in 15 RCNY § 18-48(b)(1), the stormwater pollution prevention plan shall not be approved by the Department, unless the measures required by the stormwater pollution prevention plan in conjunction with any other controls to be imposed that limit future land disturbance at the site, including but not limited to property easements, restrictive covenants, zoning laws and development by-laws, will prevent the contribution of additional coliform.
      (2)   Stormwater Conveyance Measures. Stormwater pollution prevention plans prepared pursuant to this section shall provide for the maintenance of natural drainage systems, including perennial and intermittent streams, and the use of swales and drainage ditches in an open condition to the maximum extent practicable. A stormwater pollution prevention plan shall ensure that any closed stormwater conveyance measures are sized appropriately to convey, at a minimum, the 10-year, 24-hour storm flow.
      (3)   Stormwater Treatment Volume. All stormwater pollution prevention plans prepared pursuant to this section shall include measures to capture and treat the greater of the volume of runoff generated by the 1-year, 24-hour storm or the Water Quality Volume (WQv), except that a stormwater management practice may be designed to capture and treat the lesser of those volumes if it is a stormwater infiltration practice or it is a bioretention practice in hydrologic soil group A or B. Stormwater management practices which provide treatment shall be designed to accommodate the quantity of runoff flowing to the stormwater management practice, including runoff from off-site areas.
      (4)   Where a stormwater pollution prevention plan prepared pursuant to this section includes a stormwater infiltration practice, to the maximum extent practicable, no portion of such stormwater infiltration practice shall be located within 100 feet of any portion of the absorption field of a subsurface sewage treatment system.
      (5)   To the maximum extent practicable, an activity requiring a stormwater pollution prevention plan, and the stormwater pollution prevention plan prepared for such activity, shall be designed:
         (i)   To minimize the alteration of the existing drainage areas and to maintain the volumes of flow at design points at pre-construction levels, except as necessary to alleviate downstream flooding problems or other adverse conditions in existence prior to construction, or to divert runoff from off-site and/or undisturbed areas away from areas proposed to be disturbed.
         (ii)   To minimize loss of annual recharge to groundwater by maximizing the use of stormwater infiltration practices where suitable soil conditions exist.
      (6)   If an activity requiring a stormwater pollution prevention plan will result in impervious surfaces covering twenty percent (20%) or more of the drainage area for which a stormwater management practice is designed, the stormwater pollution prevention plan shall provide for stormwater runoff from that drainage area to be treated by two different types of stormwater management practices in series, except that only one stormwater management practice is required if either:
         (i)   the stormwater management practice provided is a stormwater infiltration practice; or
         (ii)   the activity requiring a stormwater pollution prevention plan is in the West of Hudson watershed within a village, hamlet, village extension, or area zoned for commercial or industrial uses or in the East of Hudson watershed within a Designated Main Street Area.
      (7)   For purposes of the design criteria incorporated by reference in New York State Department of Environmental Conservation SPDES General Permit No. GP-0-15-002, "detention time" shall mean the time runoff is detained in a stormwater management practice. It can be computed using either the center of mass method or the plug flow method.
   (d)   Application requirements and procedures.
      (1)   An application for approval of a stormwater pollution prevention plan shall include:
         (i)   The pollution prevention plan; and
         (ii)   The information required in a Notice of Intent under New York State Department of Environmental Conservation SPDES General Permit No. GP-0-15-002.
      (2)   When the Department notifies an applicant that an application for approval of a stormwater pollution prevention plan is complete pursuant to 15 RCNY § 18-23(d)(2) and (3), the Department shall also issue a written notification to the Stormwater Project Review Committee ("Committee") for the Town(s) or Village in which the activity requiring preparation of the stormwater pollution prevention plan is proposed to be located, of the Department's receipt of a complete application.
         (i)   If requested by one or more members of the Committee, the Department shall submit a copy of the complete application to the Committee for its review and shall convene a meeting, in person or by telephone, of the Committee.
         (ii)   The Department shall not be required to meet with or otherwise further consult with a member of the Committee concerning an application where the Committee member declines to review the application or fails to attend a meeting of the Committee convened to consider the application.
      (3)   Upon completion of their review of the application, and upon a majority vote of the Committee members, including the Department's Committee member, who reviewed the application, the Committee may recommend to the Department that an application for approval of a stormwater pollution prevention plan be approved, approved with conditions or disapproved.
         (i)   If the Department's Committee member agrees with the majority recommendation of the Committee, the Department may proceed to issue its determination to the applicant.
         (ii)   If the Department's Committee member disagrees with the majority recommendation of the Committee, the application, together with the written recommendation of the Committee, shall be submitted to the Commissioner of the Department for review and a determination. The Commissioner shall issue a written record of decision setting forth the basis for the determination and responding to any contrary written recommendations submitted by any member of the Committee.
         (iii)   If the Committee fails to make a recommendation to the Department at least fifteen (15) days prior to the date the Department is required to notify an applicant in writing of its determination pursuant to 15 RCNY § 18-23(d)(5), the Department may proceed to issue its determination and the Department shall not be required by these rules and regulations to further consult with or consider the comments of the Committee or any member of the Committee.
      (4)   Failure of any Committee member, other than the Department Committee member, to act in accordance with the procedures or within the time frames set forth in these rules and regulations, shall relieve the Department of any obligation to consult with or consider the comments of the Committee member. Failure of any Committee member, other than the Department Committee member, to act in accordance with the procedures or within the time frames set forth in these rules and regulations, shall not invalidate any determination issued by the Department.
      (5)   A Committee may only make recommendations to the Department and shall have no authority to make decisions on behalf of the Department. For purposes of SEQRA, the Department's determination on an application, not the Committee's recommendation to the Department, shall be considered a final decision.
   (e)   Individual residential stormwater permits.
      (1)   An individual residential stormwater permit is required for:
         (i)   Construction of a new individual residence, not located within a subdivision, and located within the limiting distance of 100 feet of a perennial stream or wetland;
         (ii)   Construction of a new individual residence located within a subdivision approved before October 16, 1995, and not prohibited by paragraph (a)(5)(ii)(b) of this section, and located within the limiting distance of 100 feet of a perennial stream or wetland; and
         (iii)   Construction of an impervious surface for a driveway to serve an individual residence that obtains all discretionary approvals necessary for construction on or after March 1, 2010, located within the limiting distances of 50 feet of an intermittent stream or wetland or within 100 feet of a perennial stream, except that no individual residential stormwater permit is required if the driveway is included in an activity requiring Department approval of a stormwater pollution prevention plan.
      (2)   Application requirements. An application for issuance of an individual residential stormwater permit shall include:
         (i)   A plan of the proposed individual residence and/or driveway;
         (ii)   A plan or map identifying the location of any watercourses, wetlands, reservoirs, reservoir stems or controlled lakes on or adjacent to the property;
         (iii)   A plan showing the approximate area of site disturbance;
         (iv)   A description and depiction of proposed erosion controls sufficient to prevent sedimentation of the receiving watercourse or wetland during construction. Erosion controls typically consist of sediment barriers, such as hay bales and silt fencing, and temporary stormwater diversions;
         (v)   A schedule for construction, including grading and site stabilization; and
         (vi)   A description and depiction of proposed stormwater best management practices designed to filter, detain, or filtrate runoff from the individual residence or driveway, thereby minimizing the post-construction increase in pollutant loading to the receiving perennial stream or wetland.
      (3)   An individual residential stormwater permit issued by the Department shall expire and thereafter be null and void unless construction is completed within two (2) years of the date of issuance of the permit, or within any extended period of time approved by the Department upon good cause shown. Following expiration of the permit, the application for the individual residential stormwater permit may be resubmitted to the Department for consideration for a new permit.
(Amended City Record 10/30/2019, eff. 11/29/2019)
§ 18-40 Miscellaneous Point Sources.
   (a)   Unless otherwise permitted by the rules and regulations, a discharge, or storage which is reasonably likely to lead to a discharge into the environment (including into groundwater), from industrial facilities, including vehicle washing facilities, and which is reasonably likely to cause degradation of surface water quality or of the water supply, is prohibited. It shall be an affirmative defense under this subsection that such discharge, or storage likely to lead to a discharge, is either permitted or not prohibited under federal law, and is either permitted or not prohibited under state law.
   (b)   Any new point source, excluding point sources otherwise regulated pursuant to these rules and regulations, is prohibited from discharging into a reservoir or controlled lake, reservoir stem, or wetland.
§ 18-41 Solid Waste.
   (a)   Siting or horizontal expansion of a junkyard or a municipal solid waste landfill, within the limiting distance of 250 feet of a watercourse or wetland, or the siting or horizontal expansion of a junkyard or a solid waste management facility within the limiting distance of 1,000 feet of a reservoir, reservoir stem or controlled lake is prohibited except for:
      (1)   Recyclable handling and recovery facilities that handle non-putrescible solid waste, such as newspapers, magazines, corrugated boxes, glass, cans and plastic, but not non-putrescible solid waste such as batteries, car batteries, and waste oil;
      (2)   Composting facilities for individual households for personal use; or
      (3)   Expansion of the existing permitted municipal solid waste landfill located within Delaware County.
   (b)   Discharge of solid waste directly into any watercourse, wetland, reservoir, reservoir stem or controlled lake is prohibited. For purposes of this subdivision, solid waste includes materials that are otherwise exempt from compliance with 6 NYCRR Part 360, as described in 6 NYCRR § 360.2(a)(3), unless those materials are irrigation return flows, materials that are used for artificial reefs in compliance with applicable State requirements, or authorized to be discharged to waters of the state pursuant to a valid permit issued by the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation pursuant to Environmental Conservation Law article 15, 17, 24, 25, or 34 or a water quality certification issued under Section 401 of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act. This subdivision shall not apply to discharge of treated leachate in accordance with the requirements of these rules and regulations and a valid SPDES permit.
   (c)   Only construction and demolition debris that is recognizable uncontaminated concrete, asphalt pavement, brick, soil, stone, trees or stumps, wood chips, or yard waste may be used as fill in the watershed.
   (d)   All new solid waste management facilities, or altered or modified existing solid waste management facilities within the limiting distance of 300 feet of a watercourse or wetland, or within the limiting distance of 500 feet of a reservoir, reservoir stem, or controlled lake, are required to submit stormwater pollution prevention plans to the Department for review and approval, in accordance with 15 RCNY § 18-39(b)(3)(v).
(Amended City Record 10/30/2019, eff. 11/29/2019)