Existing hand powered freight elevators shall not be subject to the provisions of this article. However, adequate protection of landing openings shall be provided by hinged or sliding doors which shall remain locked at all times except when the freight elevator is in use. Auxiliary gates not less than thirty-six inches in height, substantially constructed and secured in place, of wood or metal, or equivalent metal chains shall be installed. Such gates or chains may be arranged to lift vertically, to slide horizontally, or to swing. No part of any gate or chain may project into the freight elevator shaft. Gates may be operated automatically or manually.
Notwithstanding the retroactive provisions of section 27-994 of this article, in high rise buildings and existing high rise buildings, no switch, lock or device of any kind shall be installed on any floor on or above the street floor on any elevator car or elevator hoistway door, except elevators used exclusively for freight, that shall prevent opening of such doors by anyone not having a key, unless fire department access to cars and hoistways is provided for by a city-wide standard key as described in reference standard RS 18-1. Existing high rise buildings shall comply with the requirements of this section on or before April first, nineteen hundred eighty-seven.
(a) Notwithstanding the retroactive provisions of section 27-994 of this article, where required by reference standard RS 18-1, firemen service operation shall be installed in all existing elevators serving any of the following:
(1) High rise buildings or building sections classified in occupancy group C.
(2) All buildings or building sections classified in occupancy group F, G, H or J-1 (except for "residential hotels," as such term is defined by the commissioner pursuant to rules and regulations).
(b) All work necessary to meet the requirements of this section shall be completed on or before April first, nineteen hundred eighty-seven.
Article 3: Tests and Test Interval