(a) In all buildings classified in occupancy group C, D, E, F, G, H, J-1 or J-2:
(1) Ventilation systems supplying different occupancy groups shall not be interconnected, provided however that a ventilation system may serve two occupancy groups located on the same floor when the accessory use occupies less than twenty per cent of the floor area occupied by the principal use.
(2) Ventilation systems supplying corridors shall not be interconnected with systems serving other spaces, except that this requirement shall not apply to floors used exclusively as office space in buildings classified in occupancy group E which are fully sprinklered.
(3) A ventilation system supplying any part of a means of egress shall not be interconnected with any other ventilation system.
(4) A ventilation system supplying public areas and assembly spaces shall have smoke detecting devices that will shut down the system upon detecting smoke.
(5) In buildings classified in occupancy group J-2, ventilation systems supplying individual apartments shall not be directly connected with any other ventilation system.
(6) Except in buildings classified in occupancy group J-2, and as otherwise provided in section 27-343 of article five of subchapter five of this chapter, either a combined heat and smoke damper or independent heat and smoke dampers shall be installed at any penetration of construction required to have a fire-resistance rating.
(b) In all buildings classified in occupancy group C, D, E, F, G, H or J-1, there shall be provided a system of mechanical means of sufficient capacity to exhaust six air changes per hour or 1 cfm/sq. ft., whichever is greater, from the largest floor in the building, using either dedicated fan equipment or the building ventilation system arranged to shut down automatically with manual override capability to exhaust one floor at a time through a roof or an approved location on an exterior wall other than a lot line wall.
In any existing building classified in occupancy group J-1, either seventy-five feet or more in height or containing thirty or more sleeping rooms:
(a) Where a corridor or space above a ceiling in a corridor is being used on or after February first, nineteen hundred eighty-four to furnish direct ventilation to a sleeping room or suite, such use shall, unless continued use is permitted by the commissioner, be discontinued by closing all openings between the corridor and sleeping room with construction having a fire-resistance rating equal to the construction in which the opening occurs. When continued use of corridor spaces as a plenum is permitted, smoke detecting devices shall be installed in accordance with the requirements of section 27-981 of article six of subchapter seventeen of this chapter and activation of any two detectors on a floor shall cause closure of all openings to that floor and shut-off of ventilation service to the floor.
(b) All corridors and other public areas not provided with natural ventilation meeting the requirements of section 27-761 of article eight of subchapter twelve of this chapter shall be provided with manual smoke purging by means of existing ventilation systems.
(c) The requirements of this section shall be complied with on or before April first, nineteen hundred eighty-seven.
Article 2: Inspections and Tests for Equipment Use Permits