Fire escapes constructed on existing buildings when altered or as a second means of egress for group homes as permitted by section 27-368 of this article shall comply with the following:
(a) Capacity. The capacity of fire escapes shall be as listed in table 6-1 for stairs.
(b) Stairs. The minimum width of fire escape stairs shall be twentytwo inches. Treads shall have a minimum width of eight inches, exclusive of a required one inch nosing. The maximum height of risers shall be eight inches. No flight of stairs shall exceed twelve feet in height between landings.
(c) Landings. Landings shall be provided at each story served by fire escapes. The minimum width of landings shall be three feet, and the minimum length shall be four feet six inches. Floor openings in landings shall be at least twenty-two inches by twenty-eight inches.
(d) Handrails and guards. Handrails having a minimum height of thirty-two inches above the tread nosing shall be provided on both sides of stairs, and guards having a minimum height of thirty-six inches shall be provided on all open sides of landings, openings in guards shall be of such dimensions as to prevent the passage of a five inch dia. ball.
(e) Construction. Fire escapes shall be constructed of noncombustible materials adequately protected against deterioration by corrosion or other effects of exposure to the weather, and shall be designed to comply with the requirements of subchapter nine of this chapter.
(f) Access. Access to fire escapes shall be by doors or windows having a minimum clear opening of twenty-four inches in width and thirty inches in height. Such doors or windows shall have a fire protection rating of three-quarters of an hour except in buildings classified in occupancy group J-2.
(g) Discharge. The top landing of fire escapes shall be provided with a stair or gooseneck ladder leading to the roof, except that this requirement shall not apply to buildings having a roof pitch of more than twenty degrees. The lowest landing of fire escapes shall be not more than sixteen feet above grade and shall be provided with a stair to grade which may be counterbalanced.
Article 6: Exit Lighting
Corridors and exits shall be provided with artificial lighting facilities, except as otherwise permitted by the provisions of subchapter twelve of this chapter, in accordance with the following:
(a) Illumination of at least two foot candles measured at the floor level shall be maintained continuously, during occupancy, in exits and their access facilities for their full length, at changes in direction in and intersections of corridors, balconies, exit passageways, stairs, ramps, escalators, bridges, tunnels, landings, and platforms, and as provided in subchapter eight of this chapter for places of assembly, except that this requirement shall not apply to dwelling units.
(b) In buildings classified in occupancy groups B-1 and B-2, exit lighting need only be maintained when a section of floor is occupied.
(c) Illumination shall be so arranged that the failure of any one light shall not leave any area in darkness.
(d) Phosphorescent materials shall not be used as a method of providing illumination, nor shall battery operated electric lights or portable lamps or lanterns be used as primary sources of lighting.
(e) (1) Buildings and existing buildings containing an F-4 place of assembly with an occupant load of three hundred or more persons shall install emergency lighting in each vertical exit serving the floor on which the place of assembly is located so as to provide a continuously lighted passage to the exterior of the building. Such lighting shall be connected to an emergency power source or to storage battery equipment meeting the requirements of the commissioner.
(2) Existing buildings required to comply with this subdivision shall install the emergency lighting on or before April first, nineteen hundred eighty-seven.
Editor's note: For related unconsolidated provisions, see Appendix A at L.L. 1996/059.
(a) Where a total of more than four lights is required, exit lighting shall be connected to an emergency power source or to storage battery equipment meeting the requirements of the commissioner, provided, however, that in existing buildings, the exit lighting may be on circuits that are separate from the general lighting and power circuits, taken off ahead of the main switch.
(b) Existing high rise buildings classified in occupancy group C, D or H and existing buildings classified in occupancy group E, G or J-1 (except for "residential hotels," as such term is defined by the commissioner pursuant to rules and regulations) shall comply with the requirements of this section on or before April first, nineteen hundred eighty-seven.
Editor's note: For related unconsolidated provisions, see Appendix A at L.L. 1996/059.
Article 7: Exit Signs and Other Markings
(a) Exit signs. Except in occupancy groups J-2 and J-3, the location of every exit on every floor and every opening from a room classified in occupancy group J-1 and containing cubicles shall be clearly indicated by exit signs. Such signs shall be placed at an angle with the exit opening if such placement is required for the signs to serve their purpose. In long corridors, in open floor areas, and in all other situations where the location of the exit may not be readily visible or understood, directional signs shall be provided to serve as guides from all portions of the corridor or floor.
(b) Exit path markings in high rise office buildings and in occupancy group E high rise buildings. On and after July 1, 2006 all high rise office buildings and all high rise buildings classified in occupancy group E shall have exit path markings conforming to this subdivision. This provision shall be retroactive and shall apply to buildings constructed on and after such date and to buildings in existence on such date. All exit path markings required herein shall be of an approved photoluminescent material. The markings shall be washable, non-toxic, non-radioactive, and if subjected to fire must be self extinguishing when the flame is removed.
(1) All doors opening to corridors, to an exit, or to an exit passageway, shall be marked with the word "exit".
(2) Within exit stairs, horizontal extensions in exit stairs, horizontal exits, supplemental vertical exits and exit passageways, except within street level lobbies, there shall be directional markings.
(3) Required markings for exit paths shall comply with the technical standards for installation and placement to be set forth in a reference standard. Such reference standard shall be designated RS 6-1 and shall be adopted on or before January 1, 2006.
In high rise office buildings and in occupancy group E high rise buildings:
(a) Illuminated exit signs complying with section 27-386 of this subchapter shall be placed in stairwells with horizontal extensions to indicate the transition from vertical to horizontal direction and at turns along the horizontal path.
(b) A supplementary sign complying with sections 27-394 and 27-395 of this subchapter, except that the lettering and numerals shall be at least one inch high, indicating the location of a recessed re-entry door, shall be securely attached on the wall of the landing that faces the evacuee on the stairs.
(c) In stairs where there is no entry or exiting from such stair for more than four floors, a sign complying with sections 27-394 and 27-395, except that the lettering and numerals shall be at least one inch high, shall be securely attached at the beginning of the descent into such portion of the stair on the wall of the landing that faces the evacuee on the stairs stating the location of the next re-entry or exiting floor. On each floor within such portion of the stair a sign complying with sections 27-392 and 27-395 shall be securely attached to the wall of the landing that faces the evacuee on the stairs approximately five feet above the floor indicating the floor number.
(d) Signs shall be readily visible from the egress direction.
(e) High rise office buildings and high rise buildings classified in occupancy group E in existence on the effective date of this section shall comply with this section on or before July 1, 2007. For the purpose of this section, a high rise building shall be deemed to be in existence on the effective date of this section if on such effective date it is complete or under construction or where an application for approval of plans was filed with the department prior to such effective date and construction commenced within two years after such effective date.