2606.10 Awnings, patio covers and similar structures.
Awnings constructed of light-transmitting plastics shall be constructed in accordance with provisions specified in Section 3105 and Chapter 32 for projections. Patio covers constructed of light-transmitting plastics shall comply with Section 2606. Light-transmitting plastics used in canopies at motor fuel-dispensing facilities shall comply with Section 2606, except as modified by Section 406.7.2.
2606.11 Greenhouses.
Light-transmitting plastics shall be permitted in lieu of plain glass in greenhouses.
2606.12 Solar collectors.
Light-transmitting plastic covers on solar collectors having noncombustible sides and bottoms shall be permitted on buildings not over three stories above grade plane or 9,000 square feet (836.1 m
) in total floor area, provided the light-transmitting plastic cover does not exceed 33.33 percent of the roof area for CC1 materials or 25 percent of the roof area for CC2 materials.
Exception: Light-transmitting plastic covers having a thickness of 0.010 inch (0.3 mm) or less shall be permitted to be of any plastic material provided the area of the solar collectors does not exceed 33.33 percent of the roof area.
2607.1 General.
Light-transmitting plastics shall be permitted to be used as wall panels in exterior walls, provided that the walls are not required to have a fire-resistance rating and the installation conforms to the requirements of this section. Such panels shall be erected and anchored on a foundation, waterproofed or otherwise protected from moisture absorption and sealed with a coat of mastic or other approved waterproof coating. Light-transmitting plastic wall panels shall comply with Section 2606.
Exception: Light-transmitting plastics shall not be used as wall panels in exterior walls in occupancies in Groups A-l, A-2, H, I-2 and I-3.
2607.2 Installation.
Exterior wall panels installed as provided for herein shall not alter the type of construction classification of the building.
2607.3 Height limitation.
Light-transmitting plastics shall not be installed more than 75 feet (22 860 mm) above grade plane, except as allowed by Section 2607.5.