1907.12 Shrinkage and temperature reinforcement.
Reinforcement for shrinkage and temperature stresses in concrete members shall comply with the provisions of ACI 318, Section 24.4.
1907.13 Requirements for structural integrity.
The detailing of reinforcement and connections between concrete members shall comply with the provisions of ACI 318, Section 4.10 and Section 1912 of this code.
1908.1 General.
The text of ACI 318 shall be modified as indicated in Sections 1908.1.1 through 1908.1.10.
1908.1.1 ACI 318, Section 2.3.
Modify existing definitions and add the following definitions to ACI 318, Section 2.3.
DESIGN DISPLACEMENT. Total lateral displacement expected for the design-basis earthquake, as specified by Section 12.8.6 of ASCE 7.
DETAILED PLAIN CONCRETE STRUCTURAL WALL. A wall complying with the requirements of Chapter 14 including 14.6.2.
ORDINARY PRECAST STRUCTURAL WALL. A precast wall complying with the requirements of ACI 318 except for Chapters 14, 17 and 18.
ORDINARY REINFORCED CONCRETE STRUCTURAL WALL. A cast-in-place wall complying with the requirements of ACI 318 except for Chapters 14, 17 and 18.
ORDINARY STRUCTURAL PLAIN CONCRETE WALL. A wall complying with the requirements of Chapter 14, excluding 14.6.2.
SPECIAL STRUCTURAL WALL. A cast-in-place or precast wall complying with the requirements of 18.2.4 through 18.2.8, 18.10 and 18.11, as applicable, in addition to the requirements for ordinary reinforced concrete structural walls or ordinary precast structural walls, as applicable. Where ASCE 7 refers to a "special reinforced concrete structural shear wall", it shall be deemed to mean a "special structural wall".