Building Code
150.001 Title
150.002 Purpose
150.003 Authority of Building Commissioner
150.004 Scope
150.005 Adoption of rules by reference
150.006 Application for permits
150.007 Permit required
150.008 Other ordinances
150.009 Fees
150.010 Review of application
150.011 Inspections
150.012 Inspection assistance
150.013 Entry
150.014 Stop order
150.015 Certificate of occupancy
150.016 Workmanship
150.017 Violations
150.018 Right of appeal
150.019 Remedies
150.020 Effective date
150.021 Personnel of Building Department
150.022 Building Commissioner, qualifications and duties
150.023 Public display of notice
150.024 Plot plan
150.025 Correction of errors or mistakes
150.026 Alteration of plans, approval of Commissioner
150.027 Sidewalks required before permit issued
150.028 Definition of terms used in Building Code
Dwellings and Garages Not Governed by the “Building Rules and Regulations
of the Fire Prevention and Building Safety Commission of Indiana;” Minimum Building Code Rules and Regulations
of the Fire Prevention and Building Safety Commission of Indiana;” Minimum Building Code Rules and Regulations
150.040 Footings
150.041 Lot coverage, building area, foundations
150.042 Chimneys
150.043 Floor and roof framing around chimneys
150.044 Wood posts used for girder supports
150.045 Framing into masonry walls
150.046 Minimum sizes of wood framing, studding, corner construction
150.047 Headers for usual loading construction
150.048 Plates and floor and ceiling joists
150.049 Rafters
150.050 Floor joist and bracing
150.051 Rooms, scuttle, and fire stopping
150.052 Private garages
Sanitary Standards for Dwellings; Minimum Building Code Requirements
150.065 Plumbing
150.066 Heating
Unsafe Building Law
150.080 Adoption of Unsafe Building Law
150.081 Definitions
150.082 Code Enforcement Office; issuance of orders
150.083 Contents of orders
150.084 Service of orders
150.085 Modification of orders
150.086 Rescission of orders
150.087 Service of orders and statements
150.088 Hearings; notice; procedure; noncompliance
150.089 Judicial review
150.090 Recording orders, statements and records; effect
150.091 Emergency action
150.092 Receivers
150.093 Performance by contractor; public bids; procedure; notice
150.094 Performance of work required; liability of owners; lien; enforcement
150.095 Funds and financial administration
150.096 Inspection warrants
150.097 Civil action by town
150.110 Violations; declaration of nuisance
150.111 Non-assumption of liability
150.999 Penalty
(A) This subchapter, and all ordinances supplemented or amendatory hereto, shall be known as the “Building Code of the Town of New Carlisle, Indiana,” shall be cited as such and will be referred to herein as “this Code” or “this subchapter.”
(Ord. 920, § la, passed 6-25-1996)
(B) Anywhere here in this Code “Building Commissioner” shall be used interchangeably with “Building Inspector” and shall mean the same person.
(Ord. 920, § lb, passed 6-25-1996)
(1992 Code, § 7-1)
The purpose of this Code is to provide minimum standards for the protection of life, health, environment, public safety, and general welfare, and for the conservation of energy in the design and construction of buildings and structures.
(1992 Code, § 7-2) (Ord. 706, § 2, passed 9-5-1990)
The Building Commissioner is authorized and directed to administer and enforce all of the provisions of this Code. Whenever in this Code it is provided that anything must be done to the approval of or subject to the direction of the Building Commissioner or any other officer of the Town Council, this shall be construed to give the officer only the discretion of determining whether this Code has been complied with; and no such provision shall be construed as giving any officer discretionary powers as to what this Code shall be, or power to require conditions not prescribed by ordinances or to enforce this Code in an arbitrary or discriminatory manner.
(1992 Code, § 7-3) (Ord. 706, § 3, passed 9-5-1990)