Provisions of Common Applicability
   152.001   Title
   152.002   Statutory authority
   152.003   Purpose
   152.004   Findings for adoption of this chapter
   152.005   Effective date
   152.006   Prior or conflicting ordinances
   152.007   Separability
   152.008   Eminent domain or use
   152.009   Interpretation of this chapter/conflict with other ordinances
   152.010   Jurisdiction
   152.011   Subdivision of land
   152.012   Scope and application
   152.013   Private provisions
   152.014   Determination of land uses not listed in this chapter
   152.015   Saving provision for pending enforcement actions
   152.016   Transition rules
   152.017   Amendments to this chapter
   152.018   Compliance required for use and development of real property
   152.019   Exemptions for transportation, communication, and utility lines
   152.020   Clear sight area requirements
   152.021   Requirements for all private streets and private alleys
   152.022   Exemption for anti-terrorism devices and portable towers
Zoning Districts and Zone Maps
   152.035   Establishment of districts
   152.036   Order of districts
   152.037   Official Zone Map
   152.038   Identification of the Official Zone Map
   152.039   Official Zone Map changes
   152.040   Retention and preservation of record
   152.041   Interpretation of the Official Zone Map
   152.042   Zoning of newly annexed land to the town
Nonconforming Lots, Uses, Buildings, Structures, or Signs
   152.055   Intent
   152.056   Incompatibility of legally established nonconforming uses
   152.057   Avoidance of undue hardship
   152.058   Legally established nonconforming lots
   152.059   Legally established nonconforming buildings or structures (excluding signs)
   152.060   Legally established nonconforming uses of land
   152.061   Discontinuation of legally established nonconforming uses of land
   152.062   Legally established nonconforming uses within legally established nonconforming buildings or structures
   152.063   Repairs and maintenance of legally established nonconforming buildings or structures (excluding signs)
   152.064   Legally established nonconforming signs
   152.065   Determination of cost of construction
   152.066   Reconstruction, remodeling or enlargement of a legally established nonconforming single family dwelling or 2 family dwelling
   152.067   Agricultural nonconforming use
Residential Districts
   152.080   R1 - Single Family District
   152.081   R2 - Single Family and 2 Family District
   152.082   MF - Multifamily District
   152.083   Accessory uses, buildings, and structures
   152.084   Temporary uses, buildings, and structures
   152.085   Home occupations
   152.086   Performance standards
   152.087   Zoning violations in Residential Districts
   152.088   Additional development standards
   152.089   Requirements for all private streets and private alleys
   152.090   Neighborhood recycling collection points
Commercial/Town Center Districts
   152.115   OB - Office Buffer District
   152.116   LB - Local Business District
   152.117   CB - Community Business District
   152.118   TC - Town Center District
   152.119   Accessory uses, buildings, and structures
   152.120   Temporary uses, buildings, and structures
   152.121   Home occupations
   152.122   Performance standards
   152.123   Zoning violations in Commercial/Town Center Districts
   152.124   Additional development standards
   152.125   Requirements for all private streets and private alleys
Industrial District
   152.140   LI - Light Industrial District
   152.141   GI - General Industrial District
   152.142   Accessory uses, buildings, and structures
   152.143   Temporary uses, buildings, and structures
   152.144   Performance standards
   152.145   Zoning violations in Industrial Districts
   152.146   Additional development standards
   152.147   Requirements for all private streets and private alleys
Planned Unit Development District
   152.165   Intent
   152.166   Permitted uses, development standards, and minimum requirements
   152.167   Procedure for approval of a Planned Unit Development
   152.168   Modification of preliminary plan or secondary approval
   152.169   Secondary plat approval
   152.170   Maintenance of common open space
   152.171   Appeals from Executive Director’s decisions
Landscape Regulations
   152.185   Intent
   152.186   General landscaping provisions
   152.187   Landscaping of required perimeter yards and residential bufferyards
   152.188   Foundation landscaping
   152.189   Interior off-street parking area landscaping
   152.190   Off-street parking area screening
   152.191   Minimum plant material sizes at time of planting
   152.192   Installation of landscaping
   152.193   Maintenance of landscaping
   152.194   Alternate landscape plan approval
Lighting Regulations
   152.210   Intent
   152.211   General requirements
   152.212   Special regulations for sport and athletic field lights
   152.213   Exempt lights
   152.214   Temporary lights
   152.215   Prohibited lights
Sign Regulations
   152.230   Intent
   152.231   Exempt signs
   152.232   Prohibited signs
   152.233   On-premises signs: R1, R2, and MF districts
   152.234   On-premises signs: OB, LB, and CB Districts and all Industrial Districts
   152.235   On-premises signs: TC District
   152.236   Off-premises signs
Off-Street Parking Regulations
   152.250   Intent
   152.251   Applicability
   152.252   Existing parking areas
   152.253   Location of parking areas
   152.254   Design and construction of off-street parking areas
   152.255   Minimum number of required off-street parking spaces
   152.256   Required parking for the disabled
   152.257   Bicycle racks
   152.258   Required Off-Street Parking Table
Off-Street Loading Regulations
   152.270   Intent
   152.271   Loading for buildings, structures, or uses
   152.272   Design and construction of loading areas
   152.273   Location of off-street loading spaces
   152.274   Use of required loading area
   152.275   Surface of loading areas
   152.276   Special regulations for gasoline service stations
   152.277   Minimum number of off-street loading spaces
Special Regulations for Wireless Telecommunications Facilities
   152.290   Intent and policy
   152.291   Wireless telecommunications facilities requirements
   152.292   Siting hierarchy of wireless telecommunications facilities
   152.293   Development standards
   152.294   Abandonment and removal of telecommunications towers, antenna arrays, associated equipment, and buildings
   152.295   Limitations on special exceptions
Special Regulations for Residential Facilities for the Mentally Ill
   152.305   Locations
Special Regulations for Controlled Uses
   152.330   Controlled uses generally
   152.331   Additional development standards for controlled uses
   152.332   Definitions for adult businesses
Special Regulations for Wind Energy Conversion Systems
   152.345   Intent
   152.346   Wind energy conversion systems; generally
   152.347   Small wind energy conversion systems; development standards
   152.348   Wind energy facility; general
   152.349   Wind energy facility; approval
   152.350   Wind energy facility; abandonment, discontinuation, or decommissioning of wind turbines and removal of wind energy facilities
   152.365   Town Council
   152.366   Area Plan Commission
   152.367   Board of Zoning Appeals
   152.368   Staff agencies
Development Review Procedures
   152.385   Intent
   152.386   Improvement location permits
   152.387   Compliance with other laws, ordinances, rules, or regulations
   152.388   Application form and plan requirements
   152.389   Zoning ordinance amendment procedures
   152.390   Variance and special exception procedures
   152.391   Modification or termination of commitments
   152.392   Combined hearing procedure
   152.405   Authority
   152.406   Alleged violations
   152.407   Responsibility for violations
   152.408   Inspection of property; right of entry
   152.409   Cease and desist order
   152.410   Violations
   152.411   Remedies or penalties for violation
   152.412   Fines
   152.413   Additional remedies
   152.425   Interpretation of terms or words
   152.426   Definitions
   152.440   Intent
   152.441   All Residential Districts
   152.442   All Commercial/Town Center Districts and all Industrial Districts
   152.443   All wireless telecommunications facilities
   152.444   Payment of all fines prescribed by this subchapter for zoning violations
   152.445   Failures of person who receives a citation; enforcement
   152.446   Violations in a Planned Unit Development (PUD) District
   Appendix A:    Permitted Use Table
   Appendix B:    Forms
   B-1:   Area Plan Commission Commitments
   B-2:   Area Plan Commission Modification of Commitments
   B-3:   Board of Zoning Appeals Commitments
   B-4:   Board of Zoning Appeals Modification of Commitments
   B-5:   Consent Form
   B-6:   Consent Form
§ 152.001 TITLE.
   This chapter shall hereinafter be known and cited as “Town of New Carlisle Zoning Ordinance,” and hereinafter referred to as the “Ordinance” or “this chapter.”
(Ord. 1221, § 1.01(a), passed 1-26-2010)
   (A)   This chapter is adopted pursuant to the authority contained in I.C. 36-7-4 et seq.
   (B)   Whenever any provision of this chapter refers to or cites a section of the Indiana Code and that section is later amended or superseded, this chapter shall be deemed amended to refer to the amended section or the section that most nearly corresponds to the superseded section.
(Ord. 1221, § 1.01(b), passed 1-26-2010)