(A)   It shall be unlawful to erase, alter, or modify the plan or working drawings and specifications in any way that affects the structural, sanitary, or other essential features of a building or structure or premises after they have been approved by the Commissioner and/or the Fire Prevention and Building Safety Commission of Indiana.
   (B)   If, during the progress of the work, it is desired to alter or deviate in any manner affecting the construction, sanitation, or other essentials of the building from the terms of the application, plans, or working drawings or specifications, notice of that intention shall be given in writing to the Department and/or the Fire Prevention and Building Safety Commission of Indiana and the written approval of the Department and/or the Fire Prevention and Building Safety Commission of Indiana obtained.
(1992 Code, § 7-27)
Editor’s note:
   This section was not specifically repealed by Ord. 706, accordingly “Administrative Building Council of Indiana” has been replaced with “Fire Prevention and Building Safety Commission of Indiana.”