§ 150.024 PLOT PLAN.
   (A)   When required by the Department, application for permit shall be accompanied for permanent record by a plot plan of the lot or site upon which it is intended to erect or remove a building or structure.
   (B)   It shall show all compliances with the zoning chapter of this code of ordinances, all provisions pertaining to plot plan under this Code, location of each and every existing and proposed structure hereon, and outlines of all buildings on adjacent property where the outlines come within 10 feet of property line.
   (C)   It shall show the outline of the first story in solid lines, with figured dimensions of buildings and all available data to determine whether the construction is permissible.
   (D)   The plot plan shall be drawn on paper size to a multiple of 7 inches by 11 inches to scale of 16 feet to 1 inch.
   (E)   For extended operations involving a number of buildings when a plot for the entire property is involved, it shall be drawn to scale, and shall be submitted to the Department, showing all existing and proposed structures.
   (F)   The Department may accept same in lieu of the plan above described.
(1992 Code, § 7-25)