(A)   Before a building permit is issued, the applicant shall be responsible for the installation of sidewalks in compliance with the subdivision ordinance found in Chapter 151 of this code. Sidewalks shall be located along each side of a street within the dedicated non-paved portion of the street right-of- way.
   (B)   The sidewalks may be constructed prior to obtaining the building permit, or a performance bond or cash bond may be posted prior to construction, guaranteeing the construction, in an amount of money covering the cost of the construction. The amount of the performance bond or cash bond shall be determined by the Town Council upon application.
   (C)   The portion of lots fronting on an unimproved right-of-way may be exempted from the above requirements.
(Ord. 591, passed - -1982)
   (D)   Cash bond fee shall be as set forth in the Fee Schedule, Chapter 98.
(1992 Code, § 7-28) (Ord. 913, § 1, passed 1-23-1996; Ord. 947, § 1, passed - -1997)