General Provisions
153.001 Preamble
153.002 Title
153.003 Purpose
153.004 Conflicts
153.005 Construction of language
153.006 Definitions
153.007 Illustrations for certain definitions
Zoning Districts and Zoning Map
153.020 Districts established
153.021 Zoning map and boundaries
153.022 District boundaries interpreted
153.023 Zoning of vacated areas
Agricultural District (AG)
153.035 Intent
153.036 Permitted uses
153.037 Special land uses
153.038 Site development standards
Residential Farm District (RF)
153.050 Intent
153.051 Permitted uses
153.052 Special land uses
153.053 Site development standards
Residential Suburban District (RS)
153.065 Intent
153.066 Permitted uses
153.067 Special land uses
153.068 Site development standards
Recreation/Conservation District (R/C)
153.080 Intent
153.081 Permitted uses
153.082 Special land uses
153.083 Site development standards
Mobile Home/Manufactured Home Park District (MHP)
153.095 Intent
153.096 Permitted uses
153.097 Special land uses
153.098 General site regulations
153.099 Site development standards
Multiple-Family Residential District (RM)
153.110 Intent
153.111 Permitted uses
153.112 Special land uses
153.113 Site development standards
Office Service District (O-S)
153.125 Intent
153.126 Permitted uses
153.127 Special land uses
153.128 Site development standards
Neighborhood Commercial District (C-1)
153.140 Intent
153.141 Permitted uses
153.142 Special land uses
153.143 Site development standards
General Commercial District (C-2)
153.155 Intent
153.156 Permitted uses
153.157 Special land uses
153.158 Site development standards
Light Industrial District (I-1)
153.170 Intent
153.171 Permitted uses
153.172 Special land uses
153.173 Site development standards
Heavy Industrial District (I-2)
153.185 Intent
153.186 Permitted uses
153.187 Special land uses
153.188 Site development standards
Schedule of Regulations; Height, Bulk, Density, and Area by Zoning District
153.200 Density, area, height, bulk, and placement regulations
153.201 Footnotes to schedule of regulations
Special Land Use Application and Review Procedures
153.215 Intent
153.216 Application procedures
153.217 Designated review authority and hearing procedure
153.218 Basis for review and determination
153.219 Special land use standards
Review and Approval Procedures for Site Plans and Condominium Development Projects
153.230 Required site plan review
153.231 Application procedure
153.232 Required site plan information
153.233 Site plan review standards
153.234 Planning Commission action
153.235 Performance guarantee and revocation for approved site plans
153.236 Changes to approved site plans
153.237 Required condominium development review
153.238 Compliance with zoning regulations
153.239 Approval required; process
153.240 Preliminary plan approval
153.241 Site plan approval
153.242 Final engineering approval
153.243 Additional regulations applicable to condominium projects
Development Requirements for Excavation and Extraction Activities, Ponds and Private Roads
153.255 Intent
153.256 Excavation and extraction; sand, soil, gravel and mineral removal
153.257 Site development regulations and standards
153.258 Ponds
153.259 General provisions
153.260 Private road
153.261 Existing nonconforming private roads and access easements
Off-Street Parking and Loading Requirements
153.275 Parking requirements
153.276 Parking units of measurement
153.277 Off-street parking requirements
153.278 Barrier free parking requirements
153.279 Parking space layout, standards, construction and maintenance
153.280 Off-street waiting area for drive-through facilities
153.281 Loading and unloading
Sign Regulations
153.295 Purpose
153.296 Sign definitions
153.297 General conditions
153.298 Residential and agricultural districts
153.299 Commercial and industrial districts
153.300 Permitted signs in all districts
153.301 Prohibited signs
153.302 Nonconforming signs
Landscaping Standards
153.315 Purpose
153.316 General requirements
153.317 Landscaping design standards
153.318 Greenbelt buffer
153.319 Earth berms
153.320 Parking lot landscaping
153.321 Landscaping of right-of-way areas
153.322 Plant materials
General Provisions
153.335 Scope
153.336 Single-family dwelling requirements
153.337 Lot size averaging
153.338 Single-family cluster housing option
153.339 Building grades
153.340 Buildings and or structures accessory to agricultural and single-family residential uses
153.341 Accessory buildings in other districts
153.342 Horses
153.343 Fences
153.344 One principal building per lot
153.345 Lot, height, yard projection, and corner lot requirements
153.346 Clear vision zone
153.347 Lot grades
153.348 Curb cuts and driveways
153.349 Rummage sales prohibited except under certain conditions
153.350 Outdoor merchandising
153.351 Temporary buildings and structures
153.352 Temporary living quarters
153.353 Private swimming pools
153.354 Approval of temporary uses
153.355 Recreational vehicle storage
153.356 Screening of trash storage areas
153.357 Antennas and towers and satellite dish antennas
153.358 On-site sewage disposal systems
153.359 Water supply
153.360 Livestock
153.361 Adult entertainment
153.362 Public nudity
153.363 Obscenity
153.364 Wind energy conversion systems
153.365 Communication towers
153.366 Home occupations
Nonconforming Lots, Structures, and Uses of Land and Structures
153.380 Purpose
153.381 Nonconforming lots
153.382 Nonconforming uses of land
153.383 Nonconforming structures
153.384 Nonconforming uses of structures and land
153.385 Repairs and maintenance
153.386 Special land uses not nonconforming uses
153.387 Change of tenancy or ownership
Zoning Board of Appeals
153.400 Establishment and membership
153.401 Appeals
153.402 Powers and duties
153.403 Decisions
153.404 Rehearing
Administration and Enforcement
153.415 Enforcement
153.416 Administrative official
153.417 Private covenants
153.418 Zoning compliance permits
153.419 Certificate of occupancy
153.420 Planning Commission
153.421 Fees
153.422 Amendments
153.423 Violations
153.424 Public nuisance per se
153.425 Each day a separate offense
153.426 Rights and remedies are cumulative
153.427 Zoning - public hearing requirements
153.428 Master plan
153.999 Penalty
(A) The Charter Township of Montrose, Genesee County, Michigan, pursuant to the authority vested in it by Public Act 110 of 2006, as amended, hereby amends the Montrose Township Zoning Ordinance.
(B) This Zoning Ordinance is based upon the Charter Township of Montrose Community Master Plan. The purpose is to protect and promote public health, safety, and the general welfare of the community.
(C) Zoning districts have been established to encourage use of resources in accordance with their character and adaptability; to avoid the overcrowding of land by buildings or people; to lessen congestion on public roads and streets; and to facilitate provisions for a system of transportation, sewage disposal, safe and adequate water supply, recreation, education and other public improvements; to provide adequate light and air; and to conserve the expenditure of funds for public improvements and services to conform with the most advantageous uses of land resources and properties.
(D) This chapter sets forth procedures for adoption of amendments to this chapter and establishes an appeal process through the Township Zoning Board of Appeals and provides for penalties for violations of this chapter.
(Ord. 99, passed 11-18-1996
; Am. Ord. 157, passed 7-17-2007
It is the purpose of this chapter to provide for the establishment of zoning districts within which the proper use of land and natural resources may be encouraged and regulated, and further to:
(A) Promote the public health, safety, and welfare;
(B) Encourage the use of land in accordance with its character and adaptability and to limit the improper use of land;
(C) Conserve natural resources and energy;
(D) Ensure that uses of the land shall be situated in appropriate locations and relationships;
(E) Provide adequate light and air;
(F) Lessen congestion on the public roads and streets; and
(G) Reduce hazards to life and property.
(Ord. 99, passed 11-18-1996, § 1.02)
(A) This chapter is not intended to repeal, abrogate, annul, impair, or interfere with existing provisions of other laws or ordinance, except those repealed by this chapter.
(B) Nor is it the intent of this chapter to remove any private restrictions placed upon property by covenant, deed or other private agreement; provided, however, that any provision of this chapter that imposes more stringent requirements, or limitations upon the use or erection of land and buildings than are imposed or required by the provisions of any other law or ordinance, or any rules, regulations, permits, or easements, than the provisions of this chapter shall govern.
(C) In the interpretation and application of this chapter, all provisions shall be:
(1) Considered as minimum requirements;
(2) Liberally construed in favor of the governing body; and
(3) Deemed neither to limit nor repeal other powers granted under state statues.
(Ord. 99, passed 11-18-1996, § 1.03)
For the purposes of this chapter, certain terms or words used herein shall be interpreted as follows.
(A) The word PERSON includes a firm, association, organization, partnership, trust, company, or corporation, as well as an individual.
(B) The present tense includes the future tense, and the singular number includes the plural, and the plural number includes the singular.
(C) The words USED or OCCUPIED include the words INTENDED, DESIGNED, or ARRANGED to be used or occupied.
(D) The word SHALL is mandatory; the word MAY is permissive.
(E) The particular shall control the general.
(F) In case of any difference of meaning or implication between the text of this chapter and any caption or illustration, the text shall control.
(G) A BUILDING or STRUCTURE includes any part thereof.
(Ord. 99, passed 11-18-1996, § 2.01)