Where required, earth berms or landscaped berms shall conform to the following standards:
(A) The berm shall be at least 3 feet above the grade elevation, and shall be constructed with slopes no steeper than 1 foot vertical for each 4 feet horizontal with at least a 2-foot flat area on the top. For the purposes of this provision, grade elevation shall be the ground elevation at the property line adjacent to the proposed berm;
(B) The berm area shall be planted with grass or other suitable ground cover to ensure that it withstands wind and weather and retains its height and shape;
(C) A minimum of 1 deciduous or evergreen tree shall be planted for each 30 linear feet or portion of required berm;
(D) Eight shrubs per tree may be planted as substitute for trees required in division (C) above;
(E) Required trees and shrubs may be planted at uniform intervals, at random, or in groupings; and
(F) For the purpose of determining required plant material, required berm length shall be measured along the length of the berm.
(Ord. 99, passed 11-18-1996, § 21.05)
Off-street parking areas shall be landscaped as follows:
(A) (1) An area equal to at least 5% of the total parking area shall be used for interior landscaping, in off-street parking areas containing greater than 150 spaces.
(2) Whenever possible, parking lot landscaping shall be arranged to improve the safety of pedestrian and vehicular traffic, guide traffic movement, and improve the appearance of the parking area;
(B) Parking lot landscaping shall be no less than 5 feet in any single dimension and no less than 150 square feet in any single area and shall be protected from parking areas with curbing, or other permanent means to prevent vehicular encroachment onto the landscaped areas;
(C) The landscape plan shall designate the sizes, quantities, and types of plant material to be used in parking lot landscaping;
(D) Required landscaping elsewhere on the parcel shall not be counted in meeting the parking lot landscaping requirements; and
(E) A minimum of 1 deciduous tree shall be planted in each landscaped area.
(Ord. 99, passed 11-18-1996, § 21.06)
Public rights-of-way adjacent to required landscaped areas and greenbelts shall be planted with grass or other suitable ground cover and maintained by the owner of the property as if they were part of required landscaped areas and greenbelts.
(Ord. 99, passed 11-18-1996, § 21.07)