(A) (1) In all Multiple-Family, Commercial and Industrial Districts there shall be provided an outdoor trash storage area.
(2) Any like area shall be limited to normal refuse which is collected on a regular basis and shall be maintained in a neat, orderly and sanitary condition.
(3) The requirement for a like trash storage area may be waived by the Planning Commission upon a finding that it is unnecessary due to the nature of the use, or provisions for indoor trash storage.
(B) (1) A screen wall of 6 feet in height shall enclose 3 sides of the storage area.
(2) Bollards and/or other protective devices shall be installed at the opening and to the rear of any storage area to prevent damage to the screening walls.
(3) The surface under any like storage area shall be constructed of concrete which complies with local building code requirements.
(C) In no instance shall any refuse be visible above the required screening.
(D) (1) Any like storage area shall be located in a rear yard and/or be so located and arranged as to minimize its visibility from adjacent streets and uses.
(2) The Planning Commission may require an obscuring gate when the visibility of a storage area, from a public street or adjacent use, is deemed to render an adverse influence.
(3) In no instance shall any like area be located in a front yard.
(E) All trash storage areas and/or enclosures shall be located a minimum of 10 feet from any building or structure.
(Ord. 99, passed 11-18-1996, § 22.23)