The regulations set forth in this section are designed to provide for the regulation of extraction activities, ponds, and private roads, and to specify the conditions and circumstances under which a use may be developed in order to protect the health, safety, and general welfare of the residents of the community, preserve ecologically important features, and to prohibit development which, unregulated, may have an adverse impact upon the safety, health, and welfare of the township.
(Ord. 99, passed 11-18-1996, § 18.01; Am. Ord. 13-203, passed 5-21-2013)
(A) Nonferrous metallic mineral mining is not regulated under this section. Excavation and extraction of nonferrous metallic minerals shall be regulated as provided the Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Act, being M.C.L.A. §§ 324.63201 et seq.
(B) General provisions.
(1) Sand, soil, gravel and mineral mining or extraction may be permitted as a special land use within any zoning district subject to the approval of the Township Planning Commission upon a finding that the proposed use meets the requirements of this chapter and federal and state regulations.
(2) The purpose of these requirements is to provide for the use of lands which have significant gravel and/or sand deposits and which, if mined for the deposits or filled, would not constitute a hazard to the public health, safety, and welfare.
(3) The construction of a private pond as part of a landscaping, aesthetic, or recreation improvement shall comply with § 153.258.
(4) The regulations are intended to result in: mining, excavation, and soil removal operations that will not be detrimental to the public health, safety, and welfare; and operations which will be conducive to and result in the reclamation of the land so that it will be suitable for other purposes. These requirements shall not apply to:
(a) The excavation and earth fill for on-site building construction purposes pursuant to a duly issued building permit; or
(b) Where the moving, grading or leveling of materials is carried on by the landowner for the immediate use or development of the same or adjacent parcel of land.
(C) Review procedures.
(1) An application for the approval of a sand, soil or gravel removal mining or extracting special land use permit shall be made to the Township Clerk and/or his/her designee by an owner of an interest in the land on which the use is to be located and shall be accompanied by the necessary fees, financial guarantees and documents as set forth below and as provided for by §§ 153.230 through 153.242, as applicable.
(2) The application shall be accompanied by a site plan containing the following information:
(a) Name of the owner, or owners, of land from which removal is to be made;
(b) Name and address of the applicant(s) making a request for the permit;
(c) Name and address of the person, firm, or corporation who or which will be conducting the actual removal operation;
(d) Location, size, and legal description of the total land area proposed for the use;
(e) Location of the processing plant (if any);
(f) Type of materials or resources to be removed or to be brought to the site;
(g) Proposed method of removal or filling, general haul route, and whether blasting or other use of explosives will be required;
(h) General description of equipment to be used;
(i) Any buildings, structures, sheds or trailers which are to be constructed or brought onto the site;
(j) An estimate of time to complete total operations based upon the estimated volume of material to be extracted and average annual extraction rates. The mining or extracting special land use permit shall expire on that date;
(k) The total area (in acres) proposed to be excavated, mined or removed in the first year of operation, and in subsequent years;
(l) Documentation demonstrating that the extractive activities will not produce serious consequences affecting the natural topography, drainage patterns, water bodies, floodplains, street conditions, nearby property values or use of adjacent land. The planning commission may require separate environmental, engineering, traffic impact or marketing studies supporting the need for and minimal consequences of such extraction; and
(m) A reuse plan, drawn to a scale of 1 inch equals 50 feet placed on a standard sheet and containing the following information:
1. A description of the land use activities proposed to be located on the site upon completion of mining, extraction, and landfill operations;
2. A description of the zoning district classification required for use of the site for the uses intended;
3. A description and location of the street, drainage on-site and downstream, water and sanitary sewer facilities required to serve the uses intended.
(3) The Township Planning Commission may submit the engineering, designs and site plans to the Michigan Department of Natural Resources, County Drain, Health or Road Commissions or other state or federal agencies to determine that the designs meet all applicable requirements.
(4) If county, state or federal permits are necessary, the approvals must be submitted to the township by the applicant prior to the granting of a permit. If no county, state or federal permit is necessary, the applicant must so verify.
(5) The applicant must submit ten copies of a site plan containing all of the information required in § 153.232 above.
(6) The applicant must submit a completed application on an approved form provided by the Township Clerk and/or his/her designee.
(7) An application fee, which shall be non-refundable, and be established by resolution of the Township Board, shall accompany the application and site plan.
(8) The Township Planning Commission shall require payment of a review fee established by the Township Board to cover the cost of a review by a professional engineer, architect or planner of submitted plans. The applicant will be required to pay 100% of all review costs incurred by the Township and will be provided copies of bills upon request. Any portion of the review fee not expended shall be returned to the developer.
(9) The applicant shall obtain an annual zoning compliance permit to allow excavation and extractive activities. The annual permit may be renewed upon the finding by the Zoning Administrator that the applicant has complied with the requirements by the Planning Commission.
(10) For any excavation and extraction activity currently operating lawfully under a temporary use approved by the Planning Commission as of the date of the adoption of this section, the following minimal requirements shall be submitted to the Township's Planning Commission 30 days prior to the expiration date of said temporary use approval for its review and consideration in order to allow the continuation of the excavation and extraction activities under the provision of this section.
(a) An application which shall be accompanied by the required fees as established by the Township Board;
(b) A revised or updated site plan, containing the location and size of the areas that have been reclaimed and the areas to be excavated, which shall be prepared by a professional engineer, architect, planner or surveyor;
(c) An estimate of time to complete the remaining excavation and extraction operations, including all reclamation based upon the estimated volume of material to be extracted and the average annual extraction rates. The renewal of the excavation and extraction activity use permit shall not be extended by the Planning Commission beyond that date;
(d) A revised reuse plan, if changed, containing the information as required in division (C)(2)(m) above.
(Ord. 99, passed 11-18-1996, § 18.02; Am. Ord. 13-203, passed 5-21-2013)
(A) Excavation site requirements.
(1) All uses shall be established and maintained in accordance with all applicable State of Michigan statutes. If any of the requirements of this division are less than those in applicable state statutes, the state requirements shall prevail.
(2) No cut or excavation shall be made closer than 300 feet to any property line or street right-of-way line.
(3) If the circumstances of the site indicate that the setback requirement above would not be adequate to protect abutting property, the Township Planning Commission shall require the greater distance to adjacent property.
(4) Where it is determined by the Planning Commission to be a potential nuisance to adjoining property owners, all uses shall be enclosed by a fence 6 feet or more in height for the entire periphery of the property or portion thereof. Fences shall be adequate to deter trespassing and shall be placed no closer than 50 feet to the top or bottom of any slope.
(5) No building shall be erected on the premises except as may be permitted in the general zoning ordinance or except as temporary shelter for machinery and field office subject to approval by the Planning Commission.
(6) Site barriers or fences shall be provided along all boundaries of the site which lack natural screening conditions through existing contours, tree, or shrub growth or distance from the roads. Barriers shall consist of 1 of the following:
(a) Earth berms constructed to a height of 6 feet above the mean elevation of the centerline of the adjacent public highway or 6 feet above the general level of terrain along interior property lines, as the case may be. The berms shall have slopes that are not in excess of 1 foot vertical to 4 feet horizontal, and shall be planted with grass, trees, or shrubs; or
(b) Planting of evergreen trees or shrubbery in rows parallel to the boundaries of the property, not less than 4 feet in height at the time of planting and which grow to not less than 6 feet in height at maturity and sufficiently spaced to provide effective site barriers when 6 feet in height.
(c) Earth berms shall be constructed so that they do not alter the natural surface water drainage of the adjoining properties.
(B) Construction and operation requirements.
(1) The Planning Commission shall establish routes for truck movement internally as well as to and from the site in order to minimize the wear on public streets and to prevent hazards and damage to properties in the community. Routes shall not be directed through residential areas, unless the applicant can demonstrate to the Planning Commission that such a route would not adversely impact the adjacent residential parcels. That portion of access roads within the area of operation shall be provided with a dustless surface.
(2) No internal roadway shall be closer than 200 feet from any off-site residential dwelling unit.
(3) All permitted installations shall be maintained in a neat and orderly condition so as to prevent injury to any single property, any individual, or to the community in general.
(4) Both permanent and/or temporary processing plants and their accessory structures shall not be located closer than 300 feet from the interior property lines and adjoining public rights-of-way and shall, where practicable, be located at a lower elevation than the surrounding terrain to lessen visual and noise impact.
(5) All equipment and facilities used in the processing or transporting of sand, gravel or stone shall be constructed, maintained, and operated in a manner so as to eliminate, insofar as practicable, noises, vibrations, or dust which are injurious or unduly annoying.
(6) No stockpiling shall take place closer than 300 feet from any property line or street right-of-way line. Stock piles of stripped topsoil shall be seeded with grass or similar plant materials in order to prevent erosion onto other properties.
(7) On site roads, driveways, parking lots and loading and unloading areas shall be paved or chemically treated so as to limit the nuisance caused by windborne dust on adjoining lots and public roads.
(8) Operators shall be held responsible for all spillage of material, dirt, rock, mud and any other debris carried onto the roads by trucks or other equipment.
(9) Proper measures, as determined by the Planning Commission, shall be taken to minimize the nuisance of noise and flying dust or rock. Such measures may include, when considered necessary, limitations upon the practice of stockpiling excavated materials upon the site.
(10) An excavation shall not change the surface drainage so as to adversely impact neighboring properties or uses.
(11) Any pond banks shall have a maximum slope of 4 feet horizontal to 1 foot vertical which extends below the projected low water surface elevation to a depth of at least 6 feet.
(12) If pumping or draining of water from an excavation and extraction operation is anticipated, the applicant shall provide adequate data and research to indicate:
(a) That water wells and the water supply of surrounding properties are not adversely affected;
(b) That drainage of water will not adversely affect nor create damage to adjacent or downstream properties; and
(c) That the drainage ways are adequate in design and construction to handle the excess water from this operation without damage to any other properties.
(13) Any excavated material not removed from the site shall be graded to a continuous slope which does not exceed 4 feet horizontal to 1 foot vertical and arranged to prevent runoff from impacting adjacent properties. Said fill shall blend visually with the surrounding landscape.
(14) By the anniversary of the initial permit issuance each year, the completed portion of an excavation and any disturbed area around it shall be graded and seeded. This will minimize any soil erosion or damage to surrounding properties that may occur from flooding.
(15) Such operations shall be permitted only between the hours of 6:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m., Monday through Saturday. Operations shall not be permitted on Sunday or on holidays being New Year's Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving and Christmas.
(16) Within 12 months of the completion of excavation and removal operations or either of them, the excavated area shall be graded so that no gradients-disturbed earth shall be steeper than a slope of 4 feet horizontal to 1 foot vertical. A layer of arable topsoil shall be spread over the excavated area, except exposed rock surfaces or areas lying below natural water level, to a minimum depth of 4 inches in accordance with the approved contour plan. The area shall be seeded and blended with the general surrounding ground so as to appear natural.
(17) Finished slopes of the excavation shall not exceed a ratio of 4 feet horizontal to 1 foot vertical.
(18) Where excavation operations result in a body of water, the owner or operator shall place appropriate "Keep Out Danger" signs around said premises not more than 150 feet apart.
(19) Where excavation operations result in a body of water, the owner or operator shall provide a rescue station within 25 feet where the water depth exceeds 3 feet. All rescue stations shall have an approved US Coast Guard life ring with 100 feet of rope and a 10-foot pole located on a post extending 4 foot above grade. In the event that the width of any water surface shall exceed 100 feet, an additional rescue station shall be provided on the opposite side of said body of water.
(20) The Planning Commission may require a security deposit from the applicant to ensure compliance with the requirements, specifications and conditions imposed by this subchapter, as well as guarantee restoration of the site. Such deposit shall not be released until performance is certified by the township's Zoning Administrator.
(21) Only equipment owned or leased by the operator of the mining operation and used in the direct operation of the excavation and extraction activities shall be stored overnight or for longer periods anywhere on the premises. Storage of any other equipment on the premises shall be prohibited. All equipment and machinery shall be located at least 300 feet from any property or street right-of-way line. The Planning Commission may require additional buffering of said equipment and machinery from adjoining residential use property such as fencing, earth berms, or other landscaping materials.
(22) Reclamation and rehabilitation of mining areas in accordance with the Reuse Plan shall be accomplished as soon as practicable following the mining or excavation of an area.
(a) Where possible, the rehabilitation and reclamation shall be accomplished concurrently with the mining or excavation operations;
(b) The Planning Commission may require a performance bond to assure that the Reuse Plan is implemented;
(c) Substantial completion of reclamation or rehabilitation shall be effected within 2 years after termination of mining or excavation activity.
(Ord. 99, passed 11-18-1996, § 18.03; Am. Ord. 13-203, passed 5-21-2013)
(A) The regulations set forth in this section are designed to provide for the regulation of ponds and to specify the conditions and circumstances under which such ponds may be developed to protect the health, safety, and general welfare of the residents of the community, preserve ecological features, and to prohibit development which, unregulated, may have an adverse effect upon the existing aesthetic character of the township.
(B) A pond is defined as a water impoundment made by excavating a pit, for the purpose of providing water for livestock, fish, and wildlife, recreation, fire control, crop and orchard spraying, and related uses.
(C) The construction or the excavation of a pond as defined above shall be treated as a temporary use permit, subject to the provisions of § 153.354 of this chapter.
(D) Excavations undertaken primarily for the commercial soil, gravel, sand, or other mineral removal and not primarily and or initially for the purpose set forth in this section shall not be considered as "ponds" but instead shall be considered as "extraction sites" and are subject to the applicable provisions of §§ 153.255 through 153.257 of this chapter.
(E) It shall be unlawful for any person, firm, corporation, or partnership, or other organization or entity to excavate or construct a pond within the township without first securing a construction and or zoning compliance permit from the Building and or Zoning Official. Except that plastic formed ponds, liner ponds or other similar type ponds used primary as part of a front, side or rear yard area landscaping plan, being less than 400 square feet in total area and not greater than 4 feet in depth are exempt from the provisions of this section.
(F) A construction and or zoning compliance permit for a pond is valid for a period of 90 days.
(G) Evidence shall be presented at the time of application that the Genesee County Drain Commission and or the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality have granted the necessary permits and/or approvals to the applicant for the construction of the pond or have released the applicant from any required obligation thereto.
(H) A temporary use permit application and site plan for pond excavations shall be submitted to the Building and or Zoning Official on an application provided by the township. The Building and or Zoning Official shall review the application, required site drawing, and other required information and shall deny and return the application and drawing to the applicant in the event that any of the following items have not been included for review by the Planning Commission. Said denial shall be in writing detailing the reasons for denial.
(1) A drawing of the land on which the proposed pond shall be constructed, which includes the placement of all residential structures and outbuildings, the location of any existing wells, the location of all septic systems and leech fields, and the location of any county drain, lake, river, creek, stream, wetland, or other natural or artificial water body.
(2) The drawing shall include the placement of the proposed pond on the premises, the proposed depth of the pond in detailed increments of 10 feet and the height of all embankments.
(3) The measured distances from all property lines, residences, outbuildings and other improvements located on the property.
(4) The measured distances from any existing ponds on or off site, within 300 feet of the proposed pond.
(5) The proposed location(s) of the excavated materials which are to be redistributed on-site.
(6) The proposed location(s) for the placement of safety equipment.
(7) A written statement providing evidence that water can be continuously maintained in the pond once it is constructed. The statement shall also include the timing and stages of the development, and whether the excavation will be a dry dig or wet dig.
(Ord. 99, passed 11-18-1996, § 18.04; Am. Ord. 12-197, passed 6-19-2012)
Penalty, see § 153.999
The following provisions shall apply to all ponds within the Charter Township of Montrose.
(A) A pond shall not be constructed on a lot or parcel of land which is less than 2 acres in size.
(B) A pond may occupy up to a maximum of 20% of the lot or property upon which it is placed.
(C) Slopes of the excavated pond shall not exceed a ratio of 4 feet horizontal to 1 foot vertical, to a maximum depth below water of 6 feet. The Planning Commission may wave the 4 to 1 slope ratio when the property or pond is enclosed by a minimum 4-foot high fence. All gates shall be self-closing and have a self-latching device.
(D) Ponds must be located a minimum of 50 feet from all property lines, easements, street, roads, and right-of-ways. The Planning Commission may wave the required 50-foot setback requirement when the property or pond is enclosed by a minimum 4-foot high fence. All gates shall be self-closing and have a self-latching device.
(E) There shall be a distance of not less than 25 feet between the outside edge of the pond and any structures.
(F) There shall be a distance of not less than 200 feet from any overhead transmission lines, unless written approval is obtained from the company owning said overhead transmission lines.
(G) All ponds shall be of an excavated type as defined by the Soil Conservation Service (SCS) engineering standard and all ponds shall be constructed to the SCS standards. (See circular 378 of the Soil Conservation Service). Copies are available at the Township Office or the local office of the United States Soil Conservation Service.
(H) All ponds shall be fully completed, including land rehabilitation, within 90 days from the issuance of a zoning compliance permit by the Building and or Zoning Official. In addition to the established permit fee as established by the Township Board, a cash bond in the amount of $1,000 shall be paid at the time the permit is issued by the owner and or contractor and will be returned once a final inspection is completed by the Building and or Zoning Official. Upon receiving a written request by the property owner explaining the reason(s) that an extension is being requested, the Building and or Zoning Official may grant a 30-day extension to fully complete the excavation of the pond. Extensions greater than 30 days must be reviewed and approved by the township's Planning Commission.
(I) All areas disturbed during construction shall be seeded with grass and maintained in good condition to prevent erosion.
(J) All excavated material remaining on-site shall be leveled over the area around the pond or the property. Excavated earth material created by construction of a pond shall be used to the maximum extent feasible for on-site purposes. However, excess excavated earth materials not feasible for use on-site may be removed and taken off-site from the property in compliance with an approved site plan by the Planning Commission with the following requirements:
(1) If the applicant proposes to remove any excess excavated earth from the property he shall include with the application a written statement of the cubic yards to be removed.
(2) The applicant shall be limited to this stated volume and any excess of this stated volume to be removed must be approved as an amendment to the site plan by the Planning Commission.
(3) This statement or any amendments thereto shall either be shown on a revised site plan or physically attached to the plan for purposes of review and approval or denial.
(4) All excess earth material shall be removed on completion of the pond or within 30 days.
(5) Failure to comply with these requirements shall result in the forfeiture of the cash bond.
(K) Water shall be maintained in all pond excavations.
(L) Water elevations in the pond area shall not cause flooding or impair the removal of water from property adjacent property owners unless appropriate easements are obtained.
(M) The finished topography of the area surrounding the pond will be one the blends with that surrounding terrain. Surface drainage from adjacent properties shall not be impeded nor shall off-site drainage be increased, unless appropriate easements are obtained.
(N) Conditions of the site must allow the pond to be protected against the contamination from barnyards, septic systems or other sources which would render the water unfit for its intended purpose.
(O) To prevent adverse effects of drainage to adjoining properties, a drainage system shall be installed to accommodate overflows and surface drainage to a suitable outlet or drainage ditch.
(P) Ponds shall be maintained so as to assure no unsanitary conditions or obnoxious odors will be created by the growth of biological organisms or otherwise.
(Q) The cleaning and maintenance of any pond in existence as of the date of this section becomes effective shall not be considered a new pond application unless the pond owner also intends to enlarge said pond. However a pond cleaning permit (zoning compliance permit) must be obtained from the Building and or Zoning Official prior to the commencement of any pond cleaning project. Cleaning shall not result in a pond of greater size or depth than that permitted in the original permit application.
(R) A rescue station shall be located within 25 feet of all ponds having water depths exceeding 3 feet. All rescue stations shall have an approved U.S. Coast Guard life ring with 100 feet of rope and a 10 foot pole on a wooden post extending 4 feet above grade on which a deep water sign shall be posted.
(S) Failure to comply with the requirements of this section shall result in the forfeiture of the cash bond.
(Ord. 99, passed 11-18-1996, § 18.05; Am. Ord. 128, passed 2-12-2001; Am. Ord. 12-197, passed 6-19-2012)
(A) Private roads permitted. Private roads are permitted provided they conform to the requirements of this section.
(B) Requirements. The following shall be required by the township in conjunction with a site plan:
(1) Parcel number and the name of the owner for all properties having legal interest in the private road;
(2) Plans designed by a registered engineer showing location, dimension and design of the private road. The plan shall identify existing and proposed elevation contours within the area to be disturbed or altered by construction of the private road;
(3) Location of all public or private utilities located within the private road right-of-way or easement, or within 20 feet including, but not limited to: water, sewer, telephone, gas, electricity, and television cable;
(4) Location of any significant natural features, streams, drainage ways, or wetlands, within 100 feet of the proposed private road right-of-way; and
(5) Ownership documents and maintenance agreement for the private road.
(C) Maintenance agreement.
(1) An agreement shall specify how the costs for constructing the road initially will be paid.
(2) If the maintenance agreement fails to so specify, the administrative official may apportion the construction costs via a special assessment to all benefitting property owners following a hearing at which each of the affected property owners are notified by mail at least 10 days before the hearing.
(D) Right-of-way width. All private roads shall have a minimum right-of-way easement of at least 66 feet.
(E) Cul-de-sacs. Cul-de-sacs shall meet the design specifications of the Genesee County Road Commission.
(1) Any cul-de-sac shall terminate at the property line except when precluded by a natural barrier or when the cul-de-sac terminates at the last available building envelope, lot or parcel within the development and that building envelop, lot or parcel fronts upon the cul-de-sac.
(2) Frontage measurements along a cul-de-sac shall be measured at the front setback line and at right angles to the lot depth.
(3) A cul-de-sac shall include a turn-around with a 45-foot radius; a 55-foot radius if a hammerhead or "T" turn is used.
(F) Limit on length. Private roads meeting the requirements of this section shall not be longer than 2,500 feet.
(G) Minimum standards. Private roads shall be constructed to the following minimum standards:
(1) Accessing up to 4 building units the road shall be at least 17 feet wide gravel (6 feet MDOT Z2A) with ditches on a 66-foot right-of-way;
(2) Four to 8 building units: 20 foot gravel; and
(3) Eight or more building units; the road shall meet the design and construction standards outlined by the most recent edition of the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Official (AASHTO) Manual.
(H) Emergencies. Street names shall be required to assist public emergency services.
(I) Signs.
(1) All signs within the private road or access easement shall be identified on the site plan and be in accordance with the Michigan Manual or Uniform Traffic Control Devices, unless the Township Board approves another type of design for consistency with the character of the development. Street signs shall be provided at all intersection.
(2) These signs shall contrast in terms of color with public street signs, and shall clearly indicate the road is private.
(J) Road construction application.
(1) Application for private road construction shall be made prior to the meeting date for which the applicant requests consideration.
(2) Prior to approval by the Township Planning Commission, the applicant shall prepare and provide 10 sets of a general development plan.
(3) The following additional information shall be submitted:
(a) Road maintenance agreement signed by applicant/owner(s) to be recorded with the Township Clerk and Genesee County Register of Deeds providing for:
1. A method of financing the construction and maintenance of the road in order to keep the road up to properly engineered specifications and free of snow or debris;
2. A workable method of assessing the costs of maintenance and improvements to current and future users; and
3. A notice that if repairs and maintenance are not made, the township may bring the road up to established county standards for public roads and assess owners of parcels on the private road for the improvements, plus an administrative fee in the amount of 25% of total costs.
(b) Road easement agreement signed by the applicant/owner(s) to be recorded with the Township Clerk and Genesee County Register of Deeds providing for:
1. Easements to the public for purposes of emergency and other public vehicles and for whatever public utility services are necessary; and
2. A provision that the owners of the properties using the road shall refrain from prohibiting, restricting, limiting, or in any manner interfering with normal ingress and egress and use by any of the other owners. Normal ingress and egress and use shall include use by family, guests, invitees, vendors, tradepersons, delivery persons, and other bound to or returning any of the properties and having a need to use the road.
(Ord. 99, passed 11-18-1996, § 18.06)
(A) The township recognizes that there may exist private roads, service roads, and access easements which were lawful prior to the adoption of this chapter which are inconsistent with this section.
(B) The roads are declared by this section to be legal nonconforming roads or easements and shall continue to have the status so long as the roads or easements are maintained in a safe and physically sound condition as determined by the administrative official.
(C) New construction may occur on existing lots which front along the road or easement provided that the roads are reasonably capable of providing sufficient access for the uses permitted in the zoning district.
(D) Any reconstruction, widening or extension of a nonconforming private road or access easement shall be in conformity with this section.
(E) For purposes of determining whether a lot along a private road or access easement qualifies as an "existing lot" as used in this section, at least 1 of the following conditions must have existed at the time this chapter was adopted:
(1) The lot consists of a "condominium unit" for which a master deed had been recorded with Genesee County Register of Deeds in accordance with the requirement of the Michigan Condominium Act and other applicable laws and ordinances;
(2) The lot consists of a parcel that was described by metes and bounds as recorded by a deed or as a land contract, and registered with the Genesee County Register of Deeds; and/or
(3) The lot has been assigned a unique parcel number by the Genesee County Register of Deeds and was individually assessed and taxed on that basis.
(Ord. 99, passed 11-18-1996, § 18.07)