Radio or television antennas or towers, including satellite dish antennas and transmission or reception antennas erected or installed in any zoning district shall comply with the following requirements:
(A) An antenna or tower, with the exception of a satellite dish antenna, shall be located only in a side or rear yard. A satellite dish antenna shall be located only in a rear yard;
(B) No portion of antenna, including a satellite dish antenna, shall be located closer than 6 feet, measured on a horizontal plane, from any side or rear lot line, or placed on any easement;
(C) Ground-mounted antenna, including satellite dish antennas, in a yard fronting on a public street shall be screened from the street by landscaping or a wall and the site approved by the Planning Commission, which shall require a sketch plan indicating the location of the satellite dish and buildings, paved areas and other appropriate site features within 100 feet of the proposed location;
(D) The height of an antenna, with the exception of a satellite dish antenna, shall not exceed 50 feet above mean grade or 10 feet above the peak of the roofline, in any residential zoning district, and shall not exceed 100 feet above mean grade in any other zoning district;
(E) The height of a satellite dish antenna, including any platform or structure upon which the antenna is mounted, shall not exceed 15 feet in height at its maximum point above mean grade;
(F) Notwithstanding the above, a satellite dish antenna having a diameter of 24 inches or less may be attached to the roof of a building, provided that no portion of the satellite dish antenna extends more than 36 inches above the highest point of the roof; and
(G) The installation of an antenna, including satellite dish antenna, shall require issuance of a building permit by the administrative official prior to erection.
(Ord. 99, passed 11-18-1996, § 22.24)