There shall be a clear vision zone at all corners of intersecting roads, or road junctions, consisting of a triangular area defined by the point of intersection of the right-of-way lines and the 2 points extended along the lines a distance of 25 feet from the point of intersection, and within which area no obstruction to vision, excluding existing topography shall be permitted from a height of 2 feet to 8 feet above centerline elevation of abutting streets except that not more than 2 trees with trunks of not more than 30 inches in diameter each, and clear of any branches for the heights may be located within the area; provided, however, that this section shall not prohibit the requirement of a greater clear vision area where it is necessary in view of permitted traffic, anticipated traffic volumes, or geographic conditions, as may be required by the Genesee County Road Commission.
(Ord. 99, passed 11-18-1996, § 22.12)