(A) On the same premises with every building, structure, or part thereof, involving the receipt or distribution of vehicles or materials or merchandise, there shall be provided and maintained on the lot, adequate space for standing, loading, and unloading in order to avoid undue interference with public use of dedicated rights-of-way.
(B) The space shall be provided as follows.
Total Floor Area of the Building | Off-Street Loading Space Requirements | |
Office use | 2,000 to 10,000 square feet | 1 usable loading space; 10 feet by 25 feet |
10,001 to 50,000 square feet | 1 usable loading space; 10 feet by 50 feet | |
Commercial and industrial uses | 0 to 1,400 square feet | 1 usable loading space; 10 feet by 25 feet |
1,401 to 20,000 square feet | 1 usable loading space; 10 feet by 50 feet | |
20,001 to 50,000 square feet | 2 usable loading spaces; each 10 feet by 50 feet |
(C) All loading spaces shall be in addition to the off-street parking area access drive, and maneuvering lane requirements.
(D) Off-street loading space shall have a clearance of 13 feet 6 inches in height.
(E) Off-street loading space may be completely enclosed within a building, or may occupy a portion of the site outside of the building, provided that where any portion of a loading space is open to public view, the space shall be screened.
(F) All loading and unloading in the Industrial District shall be provided off-street in the rear yard or interior side yard, and shall in no instance be permitted in a front yard.
(G) In those instances where exterior side yards have a common relationship with an industrial district across a public thoroughfare, loading and unloading may take place in the exterior side yard when the setback is equal to at least 50 feet.
(Ord. 99, passed 11-18-1996, § 19.07)
(A) The township finds that signs and other visual outdoor advertising tend to promote commerce and are related to the health, safety, and/or general welfare of the residents of the township, and that the preservation of the existing character of the township requires regulation of signs and of other visual outdoor advertising.
(B) The township finds that failure to regulate the size, location, and construction of signs and other outdoor advertising may have an adverse effect upon the promotion of business and commerce in the township, may lead to poor identification of businesses, may have an adverse effect upon the existing aesthetic character of the township, and may cause deterioration of business and residential areas of the township.
(C) The purpose of this section is to permit the signs and visual outdoor advertising that will not, by reason of their size, location, or manner of display, endanger public health and/or safety; confuse or mislead traffic; or obstruct vision necessary for traffic and pedestrian safety; and further, to regulate signs and other visual outdoor advertising in a way so as to prevent the placement of signs, and other visual outdoor advertising in a manner that will conceal or obscure other signs and other visual outdoor advertising on adjacent businesses.
(Ord. 99, passed 11-18-1996, § 20.01; Am. Ord. 173, passed 11-10-2008; Am. Ord. 09-177, passed 3-18-2009)
For the purpose of this subchapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
ABANDONED SIGN. A sign that advertises a bona fide business, lessor, owner, product, or activity no longer conducted or available upon the premises where the sign is displayed.
ACCESSORY SIGN. A sign that is accessory to the main or principal use of the premises.
ANIMATED SIGN. Any sign that uses movement or change of lighting to depict action or create a special effect or scene.
BANNER. Any sign printed or displayed upon cloth or other flexible material, with or without frames. National, state or municipal flags shall not be considered BANNERS.
BEACON. Any light with 1 or more beams directed into the atmosphere or directed at 1 or more points not on the same zone lot as the light source; also, any light with 1 or more beams that rotate or move.
BILLBOARD. A sign that directs attention to a business, commodity, service, or entertainment conducted, sold, or offered at a location other than the premises on which the sign is located.
BUILDING MARKER. Any sign indicating the name of a building and date and incidental information about its construction, which sign is cut into a masonry surface or made of bronze or other permanent material.
BULLETIN BOARD/ANNOUNCEMENT SIGN. A sign related to a public school, parochial school, private school, public park, or recreation facility, church or other religious institution, which identifies activities or events to take place involving the patrons of the specific use.
CANOPY SIGN. Any sign that is a part of or attached to an awning, canopy, or other fabric, plastic, or structural protective cover over a door, entrance, window, or outdoor service area. A marquee is not a CANOPY.
(1) A sign or portion thereof with characters, letters, or illustrations that can be changed or rearranged without altering the face or the surface of the sign.
(2) A sign on which the message changes more than 8 times per day shall be considered an animated sign and not a CHANGEABLE COPY SIGN for purposes of this subchapter.
(3) A sign on which the only copy that changes is an electronic or mechanical indication of time or temperature shall be considered a "time and temperature" portion of a sign and not a CHANGEABLE COPY SIGN for purposes of this subchapter.
COMMUNITY EVENTS SIGN. A temporary sign announcing local community events sponsored by a public, quasi-public, church, charitable, or other similar organization.
CONSTRUCTION SIGN. A sign erected on a site designated on a valid building permit issued by the administrative official, which advises the public of the pertinent facts regarding the construction of the building and site improvements.
DEVELOPMENT IDENTIFICATION SIGN. A sign (either freestanding or wall) which identifies the name of the residential development or the developer, or type of residential structures included in the development, and which is harmonious with the vicinity, where located.
FLASHING SIGN. An illuminated sign on which artificial or reflected light is not maintained stationary and constant in intensity and color at all times when in use.
FREESTANDING SIGN/GROUND SIGN. A sign which is attached to or a part of a completely self-supporting structure. The supporting structure shall be set firmly in or below the ground surface and shall not be attached to any building or any other structure whether portable or stationary.
HISTORICAL MARKER OR SIGN. A sign commissioned by either a local, state, or federal historical organization or agency which designates or describes an historic site, event, place, person, organization, structure, building, or group of structure or buildings which are determined historically significant.
IDENTIFICATION SIGN. A sign stating the name or description of the use of the premises on which the sign is located.
ILLUMINATED SIGN. Any sign which has characters, letters, figures, designs, or outline illuminated by electric lights or luminous tubes as a part of the sign proper.
INCIDENTAL SIGN. A sign, generally informational, that has a purpose secondary to the use of the zoning lot on which it is located, such as “no parking,” “entrance,” “loading only,” “telephone,” and other similar directives.
INFLATABLE SIGN. A sign consisting of a balloon or other gas filled figure.
INSTITUTIONAL BULLETIN BOARDS. A sign which displays the name of a religious institution, school, library, community center, or similar public or quasi-public institution, and the announcement of its services or activities.
MARQUEE. Any permanent roof-like structure projecting beyond a building or extending along and projecting beyond the wall of the building, generally designed and constructed to provide protection from the weather.
MARQUEE SIGN. Any sign attached to, in any manner, or made a part of a marquee.
MONUMENT SIGN. A sign attached to a permanent foundation and not attached or dependent for support from any building, pole, posts, or similar uprights.
NAMEPLATE SIGN. A small sign not exceeding 2 square feet in area delineating the name of the residential property owner and/or address of the property, but containing no advertising whatsoever.
NON-ACCESSORY SIGN. A sign which is not accessory to the main or principal use of the premises.
NONCONFORMING SIGN. Any sign that does not conform to the requirements of this chapter.
PENNANT. Any lightweight plastic, fabric, or other material, whether or not containing a message of any kind, suspended from a rope, wire, or string, usually in series, designed to move in the wind.
POLITICAL CAMPAIGN SIGNS. A sign or poster announcing candidates seeking political office and/or political data pertinent there to.
PORTABLE SIGN. Any sign not permanently attached to the ground or other permanent structure, or a sign designed to be transported, including, but not limited to, signs designed to be transported by means of wheels; sign converted to A or T-frames; menu and sandwich board signs; balloons used as signs; umbrellas used for advertising; and signs attached to or painted on vehicles parked and visible from the public right-of-way, unless the vehicle is used in the normal day-to-day operations of the business.
PRIVATE TRAFFIC DIRECTION SIGNS. A sign directing traffic movement onto or within a premise located entirely there upon and containing no advertising message or symbol.
PROFESSIONAL SIGN. A small sign not exceeding 2 square feet in area delineating the name of the professional business, or organization and/or the address of the property, but containing no advertising whatsoever.
PROJECTING SIGN. A sign other than a wall sign suspended from or supported by a building or structure and projecting there from, including marquee signs.
PUBLIC SIGN. Any sign erected by a state, county, or local authority having lawful jurisdiction over public property or right-of-way for the purpose of traffic control, public safety, or public information.
REAL ESTATE SIGN. A sign placed upon a property advertising that particular property for sale, rent, or lease.
RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT SIGN. A sign placed on the premises of a subdivision, or other real estate development site, to identify a proposed start of development, the participants of the development (such as owner, contractor, architect, leasing agent, and the like), and relative date of availability.
RESIDENTIAL SIGN. Any sign located in a district zoned for residential uses that contains no commercial message except advertising for goods or services legally offered on the premises where the sign is located, if offering the service at the location conforms with all requirements of this chapter.
ROOF SIGN. Any sign erected and constructed wholly on and over the roof of a building supported by the roof structure.
SUBDIVISION SALE SIGN. A sign promoting the sale of lots or homes within a subdivision for which final plat approval has been received.
SUSPENDED SIGN. A sign suspended from the underside of a horizontal plane surface and supported by that surface.
SWINGING SIGN. A sign designed or constructed to move or pivot as a result of wind pressure, for the purpose of attracting attention.
TEMPORARY SIGN. A sign that is used only temporarily and is not permanently mounted.
WALL SIGN. A sign erected or fastened against the wall of a building, with its exposed face in a plane approximately parallel to the plane of the wall, and not extending more than 14 inches beyond the surface of the portion of the building wall on which it is erected or fastened.
(Ord. 99, passed 11-18-1996, § 20.02; Am. Ord. 173, passed 11-10-2008; Am. Ord. 09-177, passed 3-18-2009)
Except as otherwise provided, the following conditions shall apply in all districts.
(A) (1) Prior to the erection or structural alteration of a sign, a building/zoning compliance permit shall be secured from the administrative/building official.
(2) A scale drawing of the outside dimensions of the sign, or the total area encompassed by a line around all lettering or symbols, shall be presented to the administrative official so that he or she may ensure that the provisions of this chapter are met.
(3) Evidence shall also be presented to the effect that the sign will be securely attached to the building or supporting structure, and will not present a hazard.
(4) For freestanding signs, a site development plan of the intended location of the sign, and a scale drawing of the total sign structure shall also be presented to the administrative official.
(B) Illumination of signs shall be so shaded and shielded as not to interfere with the vision of persons on adjacent roadways or neighboring properties.
(C) Signs, including canopy and awning signs, except those maintained by the township, county, state, or federal governments, shall not be located in, project into, or overhang a public right-of-way or dedicated public easement; unless written permission has been obtained from the appropriate jurisdiction, and subject to the following requirements:
(1) Approval of all such signs, including the height, location, materials, construction, animation and signage, shall be reviewed and approved by the Planning Commission;
(2) No sign and or structure shall extend closer than 24 inches to any vehicular parking space or moving vehicle lane;
(3) No sign and or structure shall conflict with necessary sight distances for proper vehicular and pedestrian movements;
(4) No sign and or structure shall conflict with any existing or proposed landscape features, traffic control devices, adjacent properties and signs and pedestrian movements;
(5) All signs and or structures shall be maintained in a manner so as to continue its original appearance, and provide proper safety to the persons and property it may affect; and
(6) Signs may be double-faced, but each side of the sign shall have identical copy, and be flush with the other side.
(Ord. 99, passed 11-18-1996, § 20.03; Am. Ord. 173, passed 11-10-2008; Am. Ord. 09-177, passed 3-18-2009)
On-site signs may be permitted in residential and agricultural districts as follows:
(A) One professional sign or nameplate sign, not more than 4 square feet in area, which shall be non-illuminated;
(B) One non-illuminated temporary sign pertaining to the lease or sale of the premises upon which it is placed, not exceeding 16 square feet in total area, provided that it shall be removed within 15 days after the consummation of a lease or sale transaction;
(C) A sign or signs aggregating not more than 32 square feet in area, indicating the name of a church on the premises, its pastor and its activities;
(D) One temporary sign having a maximum area of 32 square feet, announcing the sale of lots or structures in any 1 subdivision, for a maximum period of 1 year;
(E) Signs permitted in the residential and agricultural districts shall not be erected closer to any adjacent street right-of-way line, provided that a nameplate sign not more than 4 square feet in area, as regulated above, may be placed anywhere within the front yard;
(F) One freestanding ground sign or wall sign, not over 16 square feet in area with a maximum height of 6 feet, may announce the sale of farm products grown on the premises;
(G) Subdivision identification signs, not exceeding 32 square feet for the primary entrance and 16square feet for any secondary entrance; and
(H) In any residential district and or agricultural district, 1 non-illuminated sign, not exceeding 2 square feet and identifying a licensed home occupation, shall be allowed, mounted flat against the wall of the dwelling structure. The Planning Commission can review a request to allow the sign to be ground mounted and located in a front yard area, with a minimum setback of 5 feet from the front right-of-way line. A ground-mounted sign shall not be located in any required side yard setback area.
(Ord. 99, passed 11-18-1996, §20.04; Am. Ord. 173, passed 11-10-2008; Am. Ord. 09-177, passed 3-18-2009)
On-site signs may be permitted in the commercial and industrial districts as follows.
(A) No on-site sign shall be permitted or allowed to display any goods or services that are not accessory to the business or businesses conducted on the property.
(B) No on-site sign shall be lighted by means of an external flashing or intermittent illumination source.
(C) Floodlights used for the illumination of any sign thereon, whether or not the floodlights are attached to or separate from the structures on which the sign is attached, shall not be directed in a manner so as to adversely affect adjoining or nearby residential properties or traffic;
(D) Signs may be erected on exterior wall areas, windows and or canopies, providing all of the following requirements are met:
(1) The area of a sign to be located on a building shall not exceed 15% of the area of the face of the wall upon which the sign or signs are attached, or 50% of the surface area of a canopy upon which the sign or signs are attached. The total area of all wall, window and or canopy signs shall not exceed 150 square feet. A single wall area calculation shall include the area of all windows and doors;
(2) All signs shall be flat, attached and parallel to the face of any building wall or canopy face complying with the following requirements:
(a) No wall or canopy sign shall extend farther than 14 inches from the face of the building or canopy upon which it is attached; provided, however, that where a sign extends more than 3 inches from the face of a wall, the bottom of the sign shall not be closer than 8 feet from the ground level below the sign; and
(b) The maximum height of a wall sign shall not exceed 12 feet, and the maximum width shall not exceed 60% of the width of the wall to which the sign is attached.
(c) Wall and canopy signs, as permitted, shall not extend or project above the highest elevation of the wall or canopy to which it is attached; provided, however, such signs may project above the wall when they are an integral part of the wall.
(E) Freestanding signs may be permitted with the following requirements:
(1) Each business location (1 per lot of record) or shopping center complex may be permitted 1 freestanding sign advertising the name and the establishment or shopping center complex, including any special company or brand name, insignia or emblem and special announcement of services.
(2) Freestanding signs shall be limited to 0.60 square feet per lineal foot of frontage of the occupied lot, up to a maximum of 75 square feet.
(3) Freestanding signs that include sign area for changeable and or animated displays may be increased by 24 square feet, subject to the following conditions
(a) The subject site shall have a minimum frontage of at least 100 feet;
(b) The minimum setback from any adjoining non-residential use district shall be not less than 25 feet;
(c) The minimum setback from any adjoining residential use district shall be not less than 49 feet;
(d) All freestanding signs that include animation or changeable copy shall be reviewed and approved by both the Building Official and the Planning Commission. Sign animation may be limited to display content pertaining to the business or businesses located on the property, and for civic or charitable event notifications.
(4) All supporting columns or posts for any freestanding sign shall not be greater than 8 inches in width, unless required by an architect or engineer in the design of the freestanding sign.
(a) Decorative features such as stone or brick are allowed and are excluded from the 8-inch-width requirement.
(b) No advertising shall be allowed on the supporting material, except that the property's address (6-inch numbers/letters maximum height) may be located on the supporting columns or post, so as to be visible to the public.
(5) Freestanding signs located less than 5 feet and greater than 1 foot from the front property line shall have an under-clearance of 8 feet from the natural grade.
(6) Freestanding signs located less than 10 feet and greater than 5 feet from the front property line shall not be greater than 3 feet in height, or have an under-clearance of less than 8 feet from the natural grade.
(7) Freestanding signs located greater than 10 feet from the front property line are not required to have an under-clearance from the natural grade, and are limited to the maximum sign height of 25 feet.
(8) Freestanding signs shall be located in a way so that no part of the structure extends over the public right-of-way, except those signs approved by the Planning Commission, as allowed by § 153.297(C), and shall be construed so as not to obscure vision and contribute to hazardous conditions.
(9) No freestanding sign shall be placed within a clear vision zone for a corner lot. The clear vision zone for a corner lot shall consist of a triangular area defined by the point of intersection of the right-of-way lines, and the 2 points extended along such lines a distance of 25 feet.
(10) The maximum height of all freestanding signs shall be limited to 25 feet.
(F) Customary lettering or other insignia that are a structural part of the dispensing of petroleum products, consisting only of the brand name of gasoline sold, leaded warning sign, a price indicator, and any other sign required by law, and not exceeding a total of 4 square feet on each pump; and if illuminated, the signs shall not be the flashing or intermittent-type, and shall not in any manner constitute a traffic hazard with respect to adjacent streets or intersections.
(Ord. 99, passed 11-18-1996, §20.05; Am. Ord. 138, passed 11-24-2003; Am. Ord. 173, passed 11-10-2008; Am. Ord. 09-177, passed 3-18-2009)
The following signs are permitted in all districts:
(A) Highway signs erected by the United States government, State of Michigan, Genesee County, or Charter Township of Montrose.
(B) Governmental use signs erected by governmental agencies to designate hours of activity or conditions of use for parks, parking lots, recreational areas, other public space, or for governmental buildings.
Directional signs in conjunction with drives or off-street parking areas, provided any such sign does not exceed 4 square feet in area, is limited to traffic control functions, and does not obstruct traffic vision.
(D) Historic markers or signs designating sites recognized by federal, state, or local historical commissions and/or organizations, as centennial farms, historic sites, or historical landmarks.
(E) Placards posted to control or prohibit hunting and/or trespassing within the township.
(F) Essential service signs denoting utility lines, railroad lines, hazards, and precautions.
(G) Memorial signs or tablets that are either:
(1) Cut into the face of a masonry surface; or
(2) Constructed of bronze or other incombustible material, when located flat on the face of a building.
(H) Temporary signs, not exceeding 4 square feet, may be placed for no more than 2 weeks, advertising noncommercial rummage sales, garage sales, or other similar used merchandise sales, as long as the sign is placed on private property with the owner's permission. No such sign shall be placed within the road right-of-way areas and within a clear vision zone as described in § 153.299(E)(9) above.
(I) Political signs promoting political parties, candidates or millage issues, not exceeding 32 square feet, may be placed on private property with the owners permission for no more than 45 days prior to an election, with such signs being removed within 3 days after the completion of the election. No such sign shall be placed within the road right-of-way areas and within a clear vision zone as described in § 153.299(E)(9) above.
Special decorative displays or signs used for holidays, public demonstrations or promotion of civic welfare or charitable purposes, when authorized by the Planning Commission. In considering the authorization, the Planning Commission shall consider the following standards:
(1) The size, character, and nature of the display or sign;
(2) The duration or time period during which the display or sign will be utilized;
(3) The purpose(s) for which the sign display is to be erected;
(4) The arrangements made for the removal of the sign or display after the termination of its usefulness;
The effect of the proposed sign or display on light and air circulation for lots that are both adjoining and in the surrounding neighborhood of the proposed sign or display; and
(6) Whether or not the sign or display will constitute a traffic hazard.
Construction signs showing names of building contractors, professional firms, and lending institutions on sites under construction, not to exceed 24 square feet in area. The sign shall be confined to the site of the construction, construction shed or trailer, and shall be removed prior to the project receiving final approval or an occupancy permit by the Building Official.
Portable signs, pennants, spinners and streamers, for a period of not more than 30 days for a total of 3 special events per year, provided the following conditions are met:
(1) They do not exceed 15 square feet in area on any side;
(2) They are not located closer than 10 feet to a street right-of-way;
They may be illuminated, provided the lights are not flashing or intermittent, are not placed or designed so that they can be confused with, or appear similar to, a highway sign or traffic safety device, and are connected to an electrical outlet approved by state code;
(4) No portable sign shall exceed 10 feet in height; and
(5) No portable sign shall be located in a manner so as to interfere with vehicular or pedestrian traffic flow, visibility, or safety.
(M) Temporary signs (up no more than 30 days) announcing a community event.
(N) Flags and banners, up to a maximum of 10 on a zoning lot. Requests for more than 10 require Planning Commission approval.
(O) Building markers.
(P) Incidental signs.
(Ord. 99, passed 11-18-1996, § 20.06; Am. Ord. 173, passed 11-10-2008; Am. Ord. 09-177, passed 3-18-2009)