Where required, greenbelts and greenbelt buffers shall conform to the following standards:
(A) A required greenbelt or greenbelt buffer may be interrupted only to provide for roads or driveways for vehicular access;
(B) Grass, ground cover, or other suitable live plant material shall be planted over the entire greenbelt area, except that paving may be used in areas of intensive pedestrian circulation;
(C) A minimum of 1 deciduous tree or evergreen tree shall be planted for each 30 lineal feet or portion thereof of required greenbelt length. Required trees may be planted at uniform intervals, at random, or in groupings; and
(D) For the purpose of determining required plant material, required greenbelt area length shall be measured along the length of the greenbelt area.
(Ord. 99, passed 11-18-1996, § 21.04)