The intent of this section is to permit the development of single-family residential patterns which, through design innovation, will introduce flexibility so as to provide for a more appropriate development in situations where the normal subdivision approach would otherwise be restrictive owing to the presence of environmentally sensitive lands on the site or the configuration of the site.
(A) In approving an area for the cluster housing option, the Planning Commission shall find at least 1 of the following to exist:
(1) The parcel to be developed has frontage on a major or secondary street and is generally parallel to the street and is of shallow depth as measured from the street;
(2) The parcel has frontage on a major or secondary street and is of a narrow width as measured along the street which makes platting difficult;
(3) The parcel is shaped in a way so that it contains acute angles which would make a normal subdivision difficult to achieve and has frontage on a major or secondary street;
(4) A substantial part of the parcel’s perimeter is bordered by a major street which would result in a substantial proportion of the lots of the development abutting the major street;
(5) The parcel contains a floodplain or poor soil conditions which result in a substantial portion of the total area of the parcel being unbuildable. Soil test borings, floodplain maps or other documented evidence must be submitted to the Planning Commission in order to substantiate the parcel’s qualification for cluster development; and/or
(6) (a) The parcel contains natural amenities which could be preserved through the use of cluster development.
(b) The assets may include natural stands of large trees, land which serves as a natural habitat for wildlife, unusual topographic features, or other natural assets which, in the opinion of the Planning Commission, should be preserved.
(c) Requests for qualification under these conditions must be supported by documented evidence which indicates that the natural assets would qualify the parcel under this option.
(B) In areas meeting the above criteria, the minimum yard setback, height, density, and minimum lot size per unit as required by § 153.200 may be waived.
(1) The minimum floor area for all dwelling units constructed under this option shall be at least equal to the minimum floor area requirements for the single-family residential district in which the cluster is to be constructed.
(2) The attaching of single-family dwelling units, one to another, may be permitted when the homes are attached by means of 1 or more of the following:
(a) Through a common party wall which does not have over 50% of its area in common with an abutting dwelling wall;
(b) By means of an architectural wall detail which does not form interior room space; and/or
(c) Through a common party wall in only the garage portion of an abutting structure.
(3) The maximum number of units attached in the above described manner shall not exceed 4.
(4) In a single-family cluster housing development, the dwelling unit density shall be no greater than if the gross land area were to be developed in the minimum square foot lot areas as required for each single-family district under § 153.200.
(5) A cluster subdivision in the agricultural district may receive a density bonus of 200% upon approval of the Planning Commission.
(6) Once a parcel of land is used in a cluster housing option, the remaining land will not be eligible for a density bonus under division (B)(5) above.
(7) Density shall not exceed 1 dwelling unit per 44,000 square feet, excluding road rights-of-way.
(C) Yard requirements shall be provided as follows:
(1) Spacing between any grouping of 4 or less 1-family units and another grouping of like structures shall be equal to at least 20 feet, measured between the nearest point of the 2 groupings. A grouping may include a single, freestanding unit;
(2) All the groupings shall be situated as to have 1 side of the building abutting onto a common open space;
(3) Any side of a building adjacent to a private service drive or private lane shall not be nearer to the drive or lane than 20 feet;
(4) Any side of a building adjacent to a public right-of-way shall not be nearer to the public rights-of-way than 30 feet;
(5) This nature of development, when abutting a front yard of an existing recorded subdivision which is not a part of the site plan submitted under this section, shall cause all dwelling units facing the subdivision to relate through its front or entrance facade and shall treat the side of the grouping as a front yard; and
(6) No building shall be located closer than 30 feet to the outer perimeter (property line) of the site.
(D) The maximum height of buildings shall be 35 feet.
(E) Site plans submitted under this option shall be accompanied by information regarding the following:
(1) The proposed manner of holding title to open land;
(2) The proposed method of regulating the use of open land; and
(3) The proposed method of maintenance of property and financing.
(Ord. 99, passed 11-18-1996, § 22.04; Am. Ord. 105, passed 11-10-1997)