Prior to the establishment of a new use, change of use, addition to an existing use, or the erection of any building in a zoning district, subject to the conditions listed below, a site plan shall be submitted and approved, approved with conditions, or disapproved by the Township Planning Commission in accordance with the requirements of this subchapter.
(A) (1) Site plan reviews are required for all permitted uses, structures and special land uses in all zoning districts.
(2) One and 2-family dwellings and their accessory uses are exempt from site plan review.
(B) (1) When the proposed new construction or remodeling constitutes an addition to an existing building, existing site, or use, site plan review procedures may be modified, at the discretion of the Building Official, to provide for an administrative review and approval by the Building Official in lieu of a more formal review by the Planning Commission.
(2) The Building Official may conduct an administrative review provided all of the following are true:
(a) No variances to this chapter are required;
(b) The proposed new construction would not increase the total square footage of the building greater than 10% or 400 square feet, whichever is less. The proposed new construction shall not create any additional parking demands as required by §§ 153.275 through 153.281 or alter the character of any site plan;
(c) The site had not been reviewed and approved by the Planning Commission within the last 12 months; and
(d) No administrative reviews had previously occurred on the same site in the preceding 36 months.
(C) (1) For those cases requiring site plan review solely as a result of building re-occupancy, site plan review procedures may be modified, at the discretion of the Building Official, to provide for an administrative review and approval by the Building Official in lieu of a more formal review by the Township Planning Commission.
(2) The Building Official may conduct an administrative review provided all of the following are true:
(a) No variances to this chapter are required;
(b) The use is conducted within a completely enclosed building;
(c) Re-occupancy does not create additional parking demands, beyond 10% of that which exists; and
(d) Re-occupancy does not substantially alter the character of the site.
(D) (1) Every site plan submitted for review shall be in accordance with the requirements of this chapter.
(2) Administrative review procedures are not intended to modify any ordinance, regulation or development standards or previously approved site plans by the Planning Commission.
(3) In no instance shall administrative site plan review and approval be allowed for a special land use.
(E) An administrative review approved by the Building Official shall be forwarded to the Planning Commission along with any stated conditions within 30 days.
(Ord. 99, passed 11-18-1996, § 17.01; Am. Ord. 145, passed 1-17-2006)
Application for site plan review shall be made by submitting the following materials to the Township Clerk at least 3 weeks prior to the Planning Commission meeting at which the site plan is to be considered:
(A) Ten copies of a site plan containing all of the information required in § 153.232 below;
(B) A completed application on an appropriate form provided by the Township Clerk;
(C) Payment of an application fee, which shall be non-refundable, and be established by resolution of the Township Board;
(D) Payment of a review fee established by the Township Board to cover the cost of a review by a professional engineer, architect, or planner of submitted plans. Any portion of the fee not expended shall be returned to the developer; and
(E) The developer will be required to pay 100% of all review costs and will be provided copies of bills upon request.
(Ord. 99, passed 11-18-1996, § 17.02)
A site plan shall contain the following information:
(A) The date, north arrow and scale. The scale shall be not less than 1 inch equals 50 feet for property under 3 acres and at least 1 inch equals 100 feet for those 3 acres or more;
(B) All lot and/or property lines are to be shown and dimensioned. All required and provided setbacks shall be shown;
(C) The location and height of all existing and proposed structures on and within 100 feet of the subject property;
(D) The location and dimensions of all existing and proposed drives, sidewalks, curb openings, signs, exterior lighting, parking areas (show dimensions of a typical parking space), unloading areas, and recreation areas;
(E) The location and the pavement and right-of-way width of all abutting roads, streets, or alleys;
(F) The name and firm address of the professional civil engineering or architectural firm(s) responsible for the preparation of the site plan;
(G) The name and address of the property owner or petitioner;
(H) The location of all rubbish receptacles and landscaping and the location, height, and type of fences and walls;
(I) Size and location of existing and proposed utilities including proposed connections to public sewer or water supply systems;
(J) Location of all fire hydrants, if applicable;
(K) A summary schedule should be affixed, if applicable, which gives the following data:
(1) The number of dwelling units proposed, to include the number, size, and location of 1-bedroom units, 2-bedroom units and the like; and
(2) The residential area of the site in acres and in square feet, including the breakdowns for any sub-areas or staging areas (excluding all existing rights-of-way).
(L) Size and location of all surface drainage facilities;
(M) Existing and proposed contour shall be shown on all site plans (2-foot interval minimum) as may be required by the Township Engineer;
(N) Utility and other easements;
(O) Clusters of trees, as well as existing individual trees over 24 inches in diameter;
(P) Existing wetlands;
(Q) Floodplains, drainage courses, lakes, ponds, drains, rivers, and streams, including their water surface elevation, floodplain elevation, and normal high water elevation;
(R) List of soils on the site utilizing the Soil Conservation Service’s most recent "Soil Survey of Genesee County;"
(S) Proposed sign locations; and
(T) For multiple-family development site plans, there shall be shown typical elevation views of the front and side of each type of building proposed, as well as typical dimensioned floor plans for each type of dwelling unit.
(Ord. 99, passed 11-18-1996, § 17.03)