(a) Six-year programs.
(1) Before October 1 each odd-numbered calendar year, the Authority must prepare and submit a six-year capital improvements program to the Executive. The capital improvements program must include:
(A) a statement of the objectives of the capital program and relationship of the program to the County's adopted long range development plans;
(B) recommended capital projects and a construction schedule; and
(C) an estimate of cost and a statement of all funding sources.
(2) The capital improvements program must include all capital projects and programs of the Authority, including substantial improvements and extensions of projects previously authorized. Except as otherwise authorized under this Chapter, an improvement or extension of any existing project must not be undertaken unless approved in the capital improvements program.
(3) The Executive must include the Authority's six-year program, with any recommended revisions and modifications, in the comprehensive six-year program submitted to the Council under Section 302 of the County Charter.
(4) The Council must adopt a six-year capital improvements program for the Authority as a part of the County's comprehensive six-year program. The Council may amend the program. Any amendment must not become final until it is submitted to the Authority for written comment on at least 30 days notice.
(5) The capital budget of the Authority for the succeeding fiscal year includes projects in the first year of the six-year capital program. A capital project must not be undertaken unless it is approved in the capital program or otherwise authorized under this Chapter.
(b) Notice of proposed project; rejection by Executive.
(1) Before a project starts, the Authority must advise the Executive in writing of its intention to begin the project, outlining the nature and the estimated cost of the project.
(2) The Executive must notify the Authority of any rejection of the project, including reasons for the rejection. The Executive's notice of rejection must be in writing and delivered to the Authority within 60 days after the Executive receives notice of the project from the Authority.
(3) If the Executive rejects the project, the Authority must not proceed with construction or operation of the project, nor issue any bonds for the project.
(4) If the Executive approves the project, or does not reject the project within 60 days after the Authority's notice, the Authority may proceed with construction or operation of the project.
(c) Threshold. Notwithstanding other requirements of this Section, the Authority may make an improvement to an existing project without inclusion in the six-year capital improvements program or approval of the Executive if the cost of the improvement does not exceed $50,000. (1992 L.M.C., ch. 35, § 2; 1998 L.M.C., ch. 33, § 1.)