Article I. In General.
§ 41-1. General authority of county.
§ 41-2. Applicability and intent of chapter.
§ 41-3. Acquisition of land.
§ 41-4. Adoption of regulations.
§ 41-5. "Recreation district" established.
§ 41-6. Violations.
Article II. Commercial Campgrounds.
Division 1. Generally.
§ 41-7. Definitions.
Division 2. Licenses.
§ 41-8. Required.
§ 41-9. Investigation and inspection.
§ 41-10. Fees.
§ 41-11. Application and issuance generally.
§ 41-12. Approval and certificates prerequisite to issuance.
§ 41-13. Denial, suspension or revocation--Generally.
§ 41-14. Same-Notice and hearing.
§ 41-15. Same-Summary action.
§ 41-16. Same-Appeal.
§ 41-17. Posting.
Division 3. Standards.
§ 41-18. Physical standards.
§ 41-19. Standards of operation.
Article III. Recreation Areas and Advisory Boards.
§ 41-20. Designation and purpose of recreation areas.
§ 41-21. Recreation and Parks Advisory Board.
§ 41-22. Same-Duties and responsibilities.
§ 41-23. Officers; committees; bylaws; meetings; quorum; compensation of members.
§ 41-24. Same-Services and facilities; advisor.
Article IV. Montgomery County Sports Advisory Committee.
§ 41-25. Montgomery County Sports Advisory Committee – Established.
§ 41-26. Committee – Membership; officers; and meetings.
§ 41-27. Committee – Responsibilities.
§ 41-28. Committee – Staffing.
1 | *Cross references-Animals, public nuisances, § 5-203; public sites and open spaces in subdivisions, § 50-30. |
In order to promote the health, safety, welfare, morals and comfort of its citizens, the county is hereby authorized to establish, develop and operate a coordinated and comprehensive public recreational program designed to meet the needs of all age groups of the citizens from a community, educational, fraternal, athletic and social standpoint. To carry out the purposes of this chapter the county is hereby authorized to provide and make available such recreational facilities and services as community buildings, recreation centers, playgrounds, rooms for public assembly, dances, games, nursery or other schools, swimming pools, tennis courts, baseball diamonds, athletic fields, bowling alleys, pool or billiard rooms, gymnasiums, golf courses, parties, fishing grounds, picnic grounds, cafeterias or restaurants for the serving of food and beverages and all other facilities and conveniences necessary or appropriate to provide the public recreational program herein authorized. (Mont. Co. Code 1965, § 2-68.)
Except as otherwise provided herein, the provisions of this chapter shall be applicable throughout the county and within the recreation district, it being the intent hereof that limited recreational services may be provided hereunder throughout the county, the cost thereof to be defrayed from county-wide revenues, and that more complete recreational services may be provided hereunder in the recreation district, the cost of the latter to be defrayed from special taxes levied in the district. The department of recreation shall perform its functions both county-wide and within the recreation district, within the limitations of the funds appropriated for each area. Ordinances, rules and regulations adopted by the council hereunder may apply throughout the county or be confined to the recreation district, as the council shall designate. (Mont. Co. Code 1965, § 2-78; 1968 L.M.C., ch. 5, § 3.)
The county is hereby authorized to acquire by grant, purchase, lease or condemnation any land or improvements necessary or appropriate for the purposes of this chapter and may construct such buildings and make such other improvements as are necessary or appropriate for such purposes, either on the land so acquired or on land held or acquired by the United States of America, the National Capital Park and Planning Commission, the Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission, the state or any other public agency; provided, that if the consent of any government or agency thereof is required by law for the use of such land, such consent shall first be obtained. (Mont. Co. Code 1965, § 2-69; 1969 L.M.C., ch. 36, § 3.)