Any person aggrieved by any decision or action of the director under this division shall have the right to appeal to the board of appeals by filing a written application within ten (10) days following the effective date of the action or decision complained of in such form as the board may prescribe, and the board, within thirty (30) days from the filing thereof, shall hold a public hearing, and shall be empowered thereafter to affirm, abate, reverse or modify the decision or action of the director. (Ord. No. 5-165.)
Division 3. Standards.
(a) The campground shall be located on a well-drained site, not adjacent to swamps or marshes, properly graded to ensure rapid drainage and freedom from stagnant pools of water. Each campsite shall be well-drained and laid out in such manner as to provide sufficient open and graded space for the accommodation of camping units.
(b) Each campsite shall provide a minimum of nine hundred (900) square feet of space and, if vehicles are permitted on the campsite, shall provide additional parking space for an automobile in a manner as not to interfere with the convenient and safe movement of traffic.
(c) All campsites which accommodate vehicles shall abut upon a driveway of not less than twenty-five (25) feet in width which shall have direct access to a public highway, street, road or other public right-of-way; provided, that where one-way traffic is designated a road fifteen (15) feet in width shall be permitted, and that where an entrance gate to the campground is erected, an attendant shall be on duty at all times to allow the entrance of
emergency vehicles. All service roads shall be constructed in such fashion as to permit convenient and safe movement of traffic. Service roads and parking areas shall be composed of suitable material to provide stability and all weather access.
(d) Each campground shall provide service buildings to house those toilet and other fixtures required in section 43H030601, regulations governing camps of the state board of health and mental hygiene, which regulations are herewith made part of this article. Service buildings shall be located not closer than fifty (50) feet nor farther than fifteen hundred (1,500) feet from any campsite and may be permanently constructed; provided, that there shall be toilet and handwashing facilities no farther than six hundred (600) feet from any campsite.
(e) The campground shall comply with the zoning ordinance, chapter 59 of this Code.
(f) In addition to the water supply and sewage disposal requirements contained in sections 43H0307 and 43H0308 of the aforementioned state regulations, each campground, which admits travel trailers, shall provide facilities for filling trailer water tanks and for discharging sewage wastes from trailer holding tanks into the campground sewage disposal system.
(g) Each campground shall be equipped, at all times, with one (1) fire extinguisher in good working order for every fifteen (15) campsites. The length of travel from any campsite to the nearest extinguisher shall not exceed two hundred (200) feet.
(h) Where fireplaces are provided, they shall be surrounded by a clear zone of ten (10) feet in all directions.
(i) Campsites may be equipped with temporary platforms constructed only by the owner. Permanent or semi-permanent huts or other living room additions to camping units shall not be permitted. (Ord. No. 5-165.)
(a) Each campsite may accommodate one (1) or more camping units occupied by persons belonging to the same party in charge of an individual camper.
(b) Residence at any campsite in a particular campground by the same person or persons shall not be permitted for more than fifteen (15) days in any thirty-day period.
(c) Only camping units as defined in section 41-6 shall be permitted on campsites.
(d) Campfires and open fire cooking operations may only be established within a clear zone extending ten (10) feet in all directions.
(e) Each licensee shall keep a register of all campers and occupants including the following information:
(1) Campsite number.
(2) Name and address of each occupant.
(3) Dates of arrival and of departure of each camper.
(4) License number, state of license, make, year and model of automobile.
(5) Registration number, state of registration and ownership of towed camping vehicles, if any.
Each licensee shall keep the register available for inspection at all times by law enforcement officers or other officials of the county whose duties require access to the information contained in the register. Registers shall not be destroyed for a period of three (3) years following the date of registration.
(f) The campground shall be supervised by the owner, licensee or duly authorized attendant, and there shall be on the premises at all times a responsible person who can take emergency action.
(g) The licensee shall keep the campground, its facilities and equipment in good repair and in clean and orderly condition. (Ord. No. 5-165.)
The county executive is hereby authorized to designate, and change from time to time, by executive order, the geographical boundaries of such recreation areas within the recreation district as the county executive determines are necessary to distinguish parts of the county with common recreational needs. The purpose of these areas will be to identify geographically parts of the county so that the administration of the county's recreation program can be carried out more efficiently and effectively to meet particular needs. (1974 L.M.C., ch. 45, § 2; 1982 L.M.C., ch. 51, § 1.)