(a) The county executive by executive order may impose user fees on participants in the programs, services, or activities conducted by the commission for women. Fees must not exceed the reasonable cost of administering the program, service, or activity.
(b) The Director may waive the user fee charged to a participant if:
(1) The waiver would promote the purposes of this article; and
(2) The participant cannot afford to pay the fee. (1986 L.M.C., ch. 50, § 2; 2007 L.M.C, ch. 5, § 1.)
Editor’s note—2007 L.M.C., ch. 5, § 2, states: Affect on incumbents. If on the effective date of this Act [May 28, 2007] a merit system employee occupies a position which this Act converts to a non-merit position:
(a) that employee retains all merit system rights; and
(b) the position does not become a non-merit position until that employee leaves the position through transfer, promotion, demotion, retirement, or other separation from service.
It is hereby declared to be the public policy of the county to promote and initiate programs to improve conditions of the aging or elderly in the county; to work toward elimination of restrictions which impede older citizens from full participation in the mainstream of community life; and to assist and stimulate all levels of government and the community to be more responsive to the needs of the county's older citizens. (1974 L.M.C., ch. 52, § 2; 1977 L.M.C., ch. 30, § 14.)
(a) Creation and composition; appointment of members; election of officers. There is hereby established a commission on aging with at least eighteen (18) members appointed by the Executive, subject to confirmation by the Council. After considering the recommendations of the commission, the Executive must appoint a majority of members who are older citizens. In addition, each member must be:
(1) a County resident; and
(2) an individual who is or has been active in business, industry, labor, community service, religion, welfare, education, the professions, or representatives of major organizations or agencies significantly concerned with the problems of aging.
The Executive must appoint 1 member of the Mental Health Advisory Committee and 1 member of the Commission on Veterans Affairs. The commission must elect the following officers and directors from the members appointed by the Executive: chair, vice chair, secretary, budget and finance advisor, each to serve at the pleasure of the commission, and directors and such other officers as it determines.
(b) Terms; reappointments. The term of office of each of the appointed members is 3 years. A member must not serve more than 2 consecutive terms. Members shall continue in office until their successors are appointed and approved.
(c) Compensation. Members of the commission receive no compensation for their services.
(d) Meetings; reports. The commission shall meet at the call of the chairman as frequently as required to perform its duties, but no less than six (6) times each year. A majority of the members of the commission shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business,and a majority of those present at any meeting shall be sufficient for any official action taken by the commission. The commission shall submit an annual report to the county executive and the county council summarizing its activities, needs, recommendations and the degree to which the goals of the commission are being met. (1974 L.M.C., ch. 52, § 2; 1977 L.M.C., ch. 28, § 10; 1977 L.M.C., ch. 30, § 14; FY 1991 L.M.C., ch. 9, § 1; 2016 L.M.C., ch. 12, § 1.)
Editor’s note—See County Attorney Opinion dated 4/13/99-A discussing what should occur when an Ethics Commission member holds over as a result of the Council not having confirmed a newly appointed member.
The commission shall have the power and it shall be its duty:
(a) To research, assemble, analyze and disseminate pertinent data and educational materials relating to activities and programs which will assist in meeting the needs and solving the problems of the aging; to cooperate with public and private agencies, organizations and individuals in identifying and solving the problems of the aging; and to develop and conduct, as appropriate, in cooperation with county government, other services and programs dealing with the problems and needs of the aging.
(b) To review plans of primary concern to the aging that are developed by other commissions, agencies, offices and departments of the county government.
(c) To develop an information and referral system for all services in the county related specifically to the needs of the aging.
(d) To institute and conduct educational and other programs, meetings and conferences to promote the welfare of the aging. In the performance of its duties, the commission shall cooperate with all interested citizens, community, business, professional, technical, educational, health and civic organizations.
(e) To cooperate with the county executive and all governmental agencies concerned with matters within the jurisdiction of the commission.
(f) To study and investigate by means of public or private meetings, conferences and public hearings, conditions which may result in unmet needs or in discrimination or prejudice because of age.
(g) To advise and counsel the residents of the county, the county council, the county executive and the various departments of county, state and federal governments on matters involving the needs of the aging, and to recommend such procedures, programs or legislation as it may deem necessary and proper to promote and ensure equal rights and opportunities for all persons, regardless of their age.
(h) To work to remove the unmet needs or discrimination or prejudice on the basis of age in such areas as housing, recreation, employment, education, community services and related matters.
(i) To adopt such rules and procedures as may be necessary to carry out the purposes of this article; to keep a record of its activities and minutes of all meetings; such records and minutes shall be on file and shall be open to the public at reasonable business hours upon request.
(j) To prepare and submit to the county executive a budget to include the recommended appropriation for its own operation. In submitting a recommended budget for carrying out the operation of the commission, the county executive shall take into consideration the recommendations of the commission, and if requested by the commission, grant a hearing to the commission. (1974 L.M.C., ch. 52, § 2; 1977 L.M.C., ch. 30, § 14.)