In a case of demolition by neglect of an historic resource on public or private property, the following provisions shall apply:
(a) If the historic resource has been designated on the master plan as an historic site or an historic resource within an historic district, the director shall issue a written notice to all persons of record with any right, title or interest in the subject property, or the person occupying such premises, of the conditions of deterioration and shall specify the minimum items of repair or maintenance necessary to correct or prevent further deterioration. The notice shall provide that corrective action shall commence within 30 days of the receipt of such notice and be completed within a reasonable time thereafter. The notice shall state that the owner of record of the subject property, or any person of record with any right, title or interest therein, may, within 10 days after the receipt of the notice, request a hearing on the necessity of the items and conditions contained in such notice. In the event a public hearing is requested, it shall be held by the commission upon 30 days' written notice mailed to all persons of record with any right, title or interest in the subject property and to all citizens and organizations which the director feels may have an interest in the proceedings.
(1) After a public hearing on the issue of necessity of improvements to prevent demolition by neglect, if the commission finds that such improvements are necessary, it shall instruct the director to issue a final notice to be mailed to the record owners and all parties of record with any right, title or interest in the subject property advising of the items of repair and maintenance necessary to correct or prevent further deterioration. The owners shall institute corrective action to comply with the final notice within 30 days of receipt of the revised notice.
(2) In the event the corrective action specified in the final notice is not instituted within the time allotted, the director may institute, perform and complete the necessary remedial work to prevent deterioration by neglect and the expenses incurred by the director for such work, labor and materials shall be a lien against the property, and draw interest at the highest legal rate, the amount to be amortized over a period of 10 years subject to a public sale if there is a default in payment.
(3) Failure to comply with the original or final notice shall constitute a violation of this chapter for each day that such violation continues and shall be punishable as set forth in section 24A-11.
(4) In the event that the commission finds that, notwithstanding the necessity for such improvements, action provided in paragraphs (1) and (2) of this subsection would impose a substantial hardship on any or all persons with any right, title or interest in the subject property, then the commission shall seek alternative methods to preserve the historic site or historic resource located within an historic district. If none are confirmed within a reasonable time, the director shall not proceed in accordance with paragraphs (1) and (2).
(b) If the historic resource is listed in the “Locational Atlas and Index of Historic Sites in Montgomery County, Maryland,” or the microfilmed addenda to that atlas, published by the Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission, the director shall advise the planning board which, after receiving the recommendation of the commission, shall conduct a public hearing to determine whether the historic resource will be designated as an historic site or historic district in the master plan for historic preservation.
(1) Where the planning board determines that the historic resource will not be included in the master plan for historic preservation, no further action will be taken.
(2) Where the planning board determines that the historic resource in all likelihood will be included in the master plan for historic preservation, the Planning Board shall initiate an amendment to the master plan for historic preservation under Division II of the Land Use Article of the Maryland Code.
a. In the event that such amendment is adopted and the historic resource is placed on the master plan for historic preservation as an historic site or an historic resource within an historic district, the director shall give written notice to all persons with any right, title, or interest in the subject property of the conditions of deterioration and shall specify the items of repair or maintenance necessary to stabilize the condition of the historic resource and prevent further deterioration.
b. Such notice shall provide that such stabilization work shall commence within 30 days of receipt of the notice and shall be completed within a reasonable time thereafter.
c. In the event that stabilization action is not instituted within the time allotted, or not completed within a reasonable time thereafter, the director may institute, perform and complete the necessary stabilization work and the expenses incurred by the director for such work, labor or materials shall be a lien against the property, and draw interest at the highest legal rate, the amount to be amortized over a period of 10 years subject to a public sale if there is a default in payment. (Ord. No. 9-4, § 1; Ord. No. 11-59; 2013 L.M.C., ch. 4, § 1.)
(a) Application for permits for historic resources on locational atlas. Any applicant for a permit to demolish or substantially alter the exterior features of any historic resource which is listed in the "Locational Atlas and Index of Historic Sites in Montgomery County, Maryland," or the microfilmed addenda to that atlas, published by the Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission, but which is not designated as an historic site or historic district on the master plan for historic preservation, must disclose that fact on the application. If the historic resource is located in an area under review for designation as an historic district and is not under review for designation as an historic site, the application must be reviewed under the procedure in Section 24A-7 if the applicant seeks review under that Section.
(b) Referral to the planning board. If the applicant does not seek review under Section 24A- 7, the Director must promptly forward the permit application to the Planning Board to make a finding, after a public hearing, as to the significance of the historic resource and to determine whether, after considering the recommendations of the Commission, the property will be designated as an historic site or an historic resource within an historic district, listed in the master plan for historic preservation. The Planning Board's public hearing on an application to demolish or substantially alter any historic resource listed in the locational atlas satisfies the requirements of section 33A-6 for a public hearing on a preliminary draft amendment to the historic preservation master plan if all notice requirements of that section are met.
(c) Determination by the planning board.
(1) Where the planning board determines that the historic resource will not be included in the master plan for historic preservation, the director shall forthwith issue the permit.
(2) Where the planning board determines that the historic resource in all likelihood will be included in the master plan for historic preservation, the director shall withhold issuance of the permit once for a maximum period of 195 days from the date the application for demolition is filed. If, as a result of the master plan process, the property is designated an historic site or an historic resource within an historic district, the application shall be governed by the procedures established in section 24A-7.
If, after a public appearance as provided for in section 24A-7, the commission determines that failure to grant the permit applied for will have the effect of denying the property owner of all reasonable use of his property or causing him to suffer undue hardship, then the commission must instruct the director to issue the permit subject to such conditions, if any, as are found to be necessary to insure conformity with the purposes and requirements of this chapter.
(d) Time limits for planning board action.
(1) Within 60 days after the filing of an application, or within 15 days after the closing of the record following a public hearing, whichever occurs later, the planning board shall render its findings and determinations with respect to an application.
(2) Failure to adhere to the limits specified in section 24A-10 shall cause the permit to issue by operation of law, except in the event of a finding and further proceedings as provided in subsection (c)(2) of this section. (Ord. No. 9-4, § 1; Ord. No. 11-59; Ord No. 13-99, §1.)
Editor's note-Section 2 of Ord. No. 13-99 states: "Effective date and applicability. This ordinance takes effect on the date of Council adoption and applies to any permit application under Section 24A-10(a) of the Code that was not decided before the date this ordinance takes effect."
Any person who violates a provision of this chapter, or fails to comply with any of the requirements thereof, or disobeys or disregards a decision of the commission, or fails to abide by the conditions of a permit, shall be subject to punishment for a class A violation as set forth in section 1-19 of chapter 1 of the County Code. Each day a violation continues to exist shall constitute a separate offense. (Ord. No. 9-4, § 1; 1983 L.M.C., ch. 22, § 28; Ord. No. 11-59.)
The provisions of this chapter are severable and if any provisions, clause, sentence, section, word or part thereof is held illegal, invalid or unconstitutional, or inapplicable to any person or circumstances, such illegality, invalidity or unconstitutionality, or inapplicability shall not affect or impair any of the remaining provisions, clauses, sentences, sections, words or parts of the chapter or their applications to other persons or circumstances. It is hereby declared to be the legislative intent that this chapter would have been adopted if such illegal, invalid or unconstitutional provision, clause, sentence, section, word or part had not been included therein, and if the person or circumstance to which the chapter or part thereof is inapplicable had been specifically exempted therefrom. (Ord. No. 9-4, § 1; Ord. 1159.)
(a) There is a county easement program to preserve historic resources in Montgomery County. The commission must administer the program in accordance with this section.
(b) (1) An owner of an historic resource may offer the county a preservation easement to protect or conserve interior or exterior features of the historic resource and its environmental setting or appurtenances by making application to the commission.
(2) Upon receipt of an application, the commission must immediately forward the application for review and comment to:
(A) the planning board if the historic resource is located within the Maryland-Washington Regional District; and
(B) the appropriate agency of a municipality if the historic resource is located within a municipality.
Review and comment under this paragraph must be made within 45 days and should include an evaluation of the proposal using the criteria specified in this section as well as identification of competing or supporting land use priorities or other relevant factors or issues. Recommendations may include proposed easement terms and conditions.
(3) The commission must review the application to determine if acceptance of the preservation easement would further the county's historic preservation goals. In making its determination, the commission should consider, among other relevant factors:
(A) the relative significance of the historic resource;
(B) the structural condition;
(C) the owner's planned or completed preservation efforts;
(D) the existing zoning and nature of the surrounding neighborhood; and
(E) whether an easement will promote long-term survival of the historic resource.
(c) If the historic resource is designated as an historic site in the county master plan for historic preservation, either as an individual site or located within an historic district, the county may acquire an easement upon positive recommendation of the commission and approval of the county executive. If the historic resource is not designated as an historic site in the master plan, the additional approval of the county council is required prior to any acceptance by the county. The commission must forward any comments received under subsection (b)(2) to the county executive and the county council, as appropriate.
(d) A preservation easement under this section should be granted in perpetuity and include appropriate terms and conditions that:
(1) restrict changes and alterations;
(2) require maintenance, repairs, and administration;
(3) authorize public access;
(4) provide a right of governmental inspection;
(5) provide for a right of assignment to the Maryland Historical Trust or other appropriate agency or entity; and
(6) establish enforcement remedies.
(e) The county may hold a preservation easement jointly with the Maryland Historical Trust.
(f) A preservation easement must be recorded by the grantor among the land records of the county at the grantor's cost. The grantor must notify the supervisor of assessments and the Office of the Public Tax Advocate of the recordation of the preservation easement.
(g) Reserved.*
*Editor's note—When originally enacted, 1989 L.M.C., ch. 4, did not contain a subsection (g).
(h) A preservation easement may be extinguished by judicial proceeding if an unexpected change in the conditions applicable to the property, such as casualty, make it impossible or impractical to continue to use it for preservation purposes. The terms of an easement related to extinguishment should identify appropriate changes in condition, provide that the county share in any proceeds from a subsequent sale or exchange of the property after the easement is extinguished, and be in accordance with any applicable executive regulations. The sharing in proceeds may include the recapture of property taxes saved by the grantor or its successor in interest, either in part or in full, as a result of the easement.
(i) The commission may enter into a cooperative agreement with the Maryland Historical Trust or other appropriate agencies or entities for technical assistance in administering the historic easement program. This may include assistance in property evaluation, negotiation, and inspection.
(j) (1) The easement program authorized under this section is in addition to, and does not supersede or otherwise affect, any other county or municipal program or policy requiring the donation of a preservation easement as a condition of financial assistance. It must operate in conjunction with other county or municipal easement programs.
(2) The grant of an easement under this section does not eliminate or otherwise alter any county or municipal regulatory requirement applicable to the historic resource, including any requirement to obtain an historic area work permit.
(k) The county executive, with the advice of the commission, may adopt regulations under method (2) to administer the historic preservation easement. (1989 L.M.C., ch. 4, § 1; Ord. No. 11-59.)
Editor's note-Section 24A-13, relating to the applicability of this chapter within incorporated municipalities, derived from Ord. No. 9-4, § 1, was repealed by § 15 of 1985 L.M.C., ch. 31. See § 2-96. Subsequently, § 1, of 1989 L.M.C., ch. 4. added a new § 24A-13. Section 2 of that act reads as follows:
Sec. 2. To assist the County in its administration of the historic preservation easement program, the supervisor of assessments is requested to maintain records of both the assessmentof the property as restricted under this program by easement and the assessment that would apply if the property was not subject to an easement.