In this Article, the following words and phrases have the following meanings:
Best Management Practices means techniques that are most effective in eliminating or reducing the amount of pollution or other detrimental impact to a watershed or wetland.
Best Management Practices Monitoring Plan means a written plan that documents the scientific work necessary to assess the effectiveness of best management practices in maintaining water quality.
DEP Director means the Director of the Department of Environmental Protection or the Director’s designee.
Department or DPS means the Department of Permitting Services.
Director or DPS Director means the Director of the Department of Permitting Services or the Director's designee.
Erosion and Sediment Control Concept Plan means a statement or drawing or both describing how erosion and sediment, resulting from a development, will be controlled or managed to minimize the discharge of pollutants into surface waters.
Land Use Plan means the County's General Plan (“On Wedges and Corridors”) and all amendments or additions, including master plans, sector plans, and functional plans, adopted by the District Council.
Planning Director means the Director of the Montgomery County Planning Department or the Director's designee.
Special Protection Area means a geographic area where:
(1) existing water resources, or other environmental features directly relating to those water resources, are of high quality or unusually sensitive; and
(2) proposed land uses would threaten the quality or preservation of those resources or features in the absence of special water quality protection measures which are closely coordinated with appropriate land use controls.
Stormwater Management Concept Plan means a statement or drawing or both describing how water quality impacts and stormwater, resulting from a development, will be controlled or managed to minimize the discharge of pollutants into surface waters.
Stormwater Management Plan is defined in Section 19-21.
Stream Monitoring Plan means a statement prepared by the Department of Environmental Protection describing the location of monitoring stations and the nature, form, and frequency of monitoring to be conducted to evaluate the impacts of development on water resources in a special protection area. A plan must also describe what will be monitored with regard to faunal groups, streams and riparian habitat features, biological features, and physical and chemical properties.
Stream Monitoring Program means activities conducted by the Department of Environmental Protection to carry out a stream monitoring plan for property in a special protection area, including:
(1) an inventory and evaluation of water resources to measure baseline conditions; and
(2) an assessment of any impairment of the biological, chemical, and physical integrity of the stream over time related to development impacts in any special protection area.
Technical Manual means a detailed guidance document prepared jointly by the Departments of Environmental Protection and Permitting Services, in consultation with the Planning Board, and used to implement this Article.
Water Quality Certification means State authorization required under Section 401 of the Clean Water Act for any federally permitted activity impacting jurisdictional waters of the United States, certifying that the activity complies with Maryland's water quality standards. (1994 L.M.C., ch. 32, § 1.; 1996 L.M.C., ch. 20, § 1; 1998 L.M.C., ch. 12, § 1; 2001 L.M.C., ch. 14, § 1; 2002 L.M.C., ch. 16, § 2; 2013 L.M.C., ch. 9, § 1.)