Sec. 7.03   Contracts and purchases
   The manager may, within the amounts and items appropriated by Council, make purchases and enter into contracts on behalf of the city involving expenditures less than the amount for which bids are required pursuant to Section 735.05 of the Ohio Revised Code. Purchases and contracts involving an expenditure in an amount requiring bidding pursuant to Section 735.05 of the Ohio Revised Code shall only be made with the lowest and best bidder as determined by Council, after advertising for written bids for a period of not less than two nor more than four consecutive weeks in a newspaper of general circulation within the city; provided however, that the Council may authorize a contract for professional or personal services without advertising for bids, and Council may authorize a purchase or contract involving an expenditure in any amount without advertising for bids if it determines and declares by an affirmative vote of five members that a real emergency exists and sets forth the nature of the emergency in its legislation. In the event the bid or bids received for a purchase or contract exceeds by 10 percent (10%) or more the amount budgeted for such purchase or contract, the manager may, but is not required to, reject any such bid or bids and rebid such purchase or contract as provided in this section.
(Amended 11-3-98)