Sec. 3.11   Salaries and compensation
   Council shall fix the salaries or compensation of the President of Council, Vice- President of Council, Manager, members of Council and each officer, employee or member of any board or commission of the municipality, either elected or appointed. Any such person may be required by Council to furnish bond for the faithful performance of his/her duties, and Council may provide for the payment of the premium for such bond by the municipality.
   The salary of each councilperson shall be $240 per year unless changed by ordinance. A councilperson, while acting as President of Council, shall receive additional compensation in an amount to be fixed by Council prior to his/her assumption of the office as herein provided.
   The compensation of each member of Council and said additional compensation of a Councilperson acting as President of Council shall be fixed by Council not less than 120 days immediately preceding the date of the next municipal election. No change of such compensation can become effective for any councilperson during the current term of any councilperson enacting such ordinance.
   The compensation of every other office, employee and member of any board or commission of the municipality as fixed by Council, shall be subject at all times to the power of Council to provide otherwise by ordinance or resolution by general classification or otherwise, and may be changed at any time at the discretion of Council. Council may authorize the payment or reimbursement of expenses incurred by any officer or employee or member of any board or commission of the municipality for traveling or other expenses incidental to the authorized furtherance of the interests of the municipality.
(Amended 11-5-19)