Sec. 4.02   Powers and duties
   The manager shall be the chief executive officer and head of the administrative agencies of the municipality. He/she shall be responsible to the Council for the proper administration of all affairs of the municipality within the scope of his/her powers and duties and for the enforcement of all laws and ordinances. He/she shall have the power and be required to:
   1.   Appoint all officers and employees except as otherwise provided for in this Charter, but subject to the approval of Council when required by this Charter or ordinance.
   2.   Removal of all officers and employees appointed by him/her, including those in the unclassified service, if any. (see Civil Service).
   3.   Institute proceedings for removal of all officers and employees within the classified service, if and when provided by Council pursuant to this Charter. (see Civil Service).
   4.   Attend all meetings of Council, with the right to participate in discussions and bring matters to the attention of Council, but without the right to vote.
   5.   Recommend any legislation for adoption by Council or recommend the repeal of obsolete legislation.
   6.   Keep the Council informed of the current financial condition and future needs of the municipality.
   7.   Prepare and submit to Council annually, a complete report on the financial and administrative activities of the municipality for the preceding year.
   8.   Prepare budget estimates annually, submit the estimates to Council and prepare the budget adopted by Council as required by law and represent the municipality at all hearings on the budget as adopted by Council.
   9.   Act as purchasing agent of all divisions of the municipality.
   10.   Issue all licenses and permits pursuant to ordinance or resolution, except as provided in this Charter.
   11.   Perform all other duties prescribed for him/her in this Charter or by Council and in the performance thereof he/she may delegate to subordinate officers and employees of the municipality any duties conferred upon him/her by this Charter or by action of the Council, but he/she shall be responsible for the faithful performance of such duties. (Amended 11-5-19)