165.01   Administration, adoption and purpose
165.02   Classification of employees; probation period
165.03   Holidays
165.04   Employee compensation
165.05   Insurance
165.06   Work hours
165.07   Vacation
165.08   Leave of absence
165.09   Pay during periods of absence/personal business
165.10   Policies and procedures
165.11   Use of city equipment
165.12   Uniforms
165.13   Physical examinations
165.14   Pre-employment investigation
165.15   Nonsalary remuneration
165.16   Legal defense expenses
165.17   Medical insurance benefits prescription card
165.18   Employee of year awards; recipients to receive cash bonus
165.19   City Manager and Assistant pick-up plan
165.20   Pick-up plan for members of Police and Fire Disability and Pension Fund or PERS
165.21   Pick-up plan for department heads and Clerk
165.22   Pay increases; annual merit increase consideration
165.23   Residency requirements prohibited; exceptions
165.24   Employee incentive/retention programs
Charter reference:
   Conflict of interest, see Charter § 11.06
   Merit system; classified and unclassified service, see Charter § 7.08
   Personnel Department, see Charter § 6.11
   Personnel Review Board, see Charter § 7.07
   Conflict of interest, see § 525.10
Statutory reference:
   Expenses for attendance at conference or convention, see R.C. § 733.79
   Public Employees Retirement System, see R.C. Ch. 145
   Strikes by public employees, see R.C. Ch. 4117
   Welfare, see Ohio Const., Art. II, § 34