The Park and Recreation Board shall act in an advisory capacity only, making such recommendations and reports to the Manager, Council, Planning Commission, Director of Parks and Recreation, and other officers, departments, divisions, and boards and commissions as it deems advisable regarding the acquisition, development, maintenance and operation of parks, playgrounds and recreational facilities and programs of the Municipality. The Board may cooperate with organized groups concerned with park and recreation programs and may stimulate citizen interest in the care and preservation of parks and historical and scenic sites. The Board may act as trustee for any property, asset, or funds donated to the Municipality for park or recreation purposes, provided the donor designates or provides for the designation of the Board or the Municipality as such trustee. In such an event the Board shall have all those powers and duties necessary to carry out the purposes of the trust.
There is hereby created and established a Personnel Review Board, which shall consist of five members who shall hold no other office or employment with the Municipality. The members of the Board shall be appointed by the Mayor, subject to confirmation by the Council by a vote of at least four members of the Council. The members of the Board shall serve for terms of three years; however, the first appointment of members of the Board under this Charter shall be as follows: one of such members shall be appointed for a one year term; two of such members shall be appointed for two year terms; and two of such members shall be appointed for three year terms. Thereafter, each member shall be appointed for a three year term and shall continue in office until his successor is appointed and confirmed.
Appointments and promotions in the classified service of the City shall be made according to merit, which will be ascertained, insofar as practicable, by competitive examination. The classified service of the City shall include all offices and positions of the City except the following, which shall constitute unclassified offices and positions:
A. Members of Council,
B. The Clerk of Council,
C. The Mayor and Vice Mayor,
D. The Manager,
E. The Law Director, Assistant Law Directors, Prosecutors or special legal counsel,
F. All heads of departments and heads of divisions within departments,
G. A position or office requiring and held by a person possessing professional, technical or scientific skills, knowledge or experience who holds such position by contract,
H. Members of boards and commissions established by this Charter or by ordinance of Council,
I. Volunteer members of the Division of Fire, members of the auxiliary police unit within the Division of Police, and part-time employees of the Division of Police and Fire,
J. The secretary of each board and commission established by this Charter or by ordinance, provided that if such secretary holds other employment within the classified service of the City, this section shall not exempt such person from the requirement of competitive examination to hold such other employment,
K. Unskilled laborers for whom no test can be devised, as determined by the head of the Department of Personnel, and approved by the Personnel Board of Review,
L. One personal secretary to the Manager, Mayor and each head of any department created by this Charter or the Council; provided that it shall be necessary for such positions to have been created by the Council, and
M. Any temporary or part-time office or position requiring the qualifications of an expert, as determined by the Personnel Director and as approved by the Personnel Board of Review.
Employees of the City who have worked at least six months immediately preceding the effective date of the civil service provisions of this Charter in positions not exempted from the classified service shall 1) be included within the classified service, 2) be continued in their then current positions, and 3) have the benefit and protection of the civil service provisions of this Charter with respect to such positions.
(Amended November 5, 1996)
Persons in the unclassified service of the City other than members of Council, the Mayor and Vice Mayor, members of boards and commissions, the City Manager, Law Director, Assistant Law Director, Prosecutors or persons possessing professional, technical or scientific skills, knowledge or experience employed by Council by contract may be suspended, demoted or removed from office or employment for incompetency, dishonesty, drunkenness, discourteousness to the public, gross neglect of duty, insubordination, or conduct contrary to the best interests of the City or any other reasonable or just cause by:
(1) Summary action taken by the Manager subject to a hearing and review by Council if such hearing and review is requested in writing by the officer or employee within ten days of the Manager’s decision. After conducting the hearing and review at which the employee shall have the opportunity to be heard and present evidence on his/her behalf, the Council may affirm, modify or reverse the decision of the Manager and in taking such action, may impose lesser penalties than imposed by the Manager. Prior to any reduction, suspension or removal for any of the above stated reasons or in any case where allegations are made that may seriously damage the employee’s reputation and which would be likely to place a stigma upon said employee in seeking future employment, including allegations of fraud, theft, dishonesty in financial affairs, untruthfulness, mental illness, racism, felonious conduct, moral unfitness or any similar accusation, the Manager shall provide oral or written notice of the charges or allegations, including an explanation of the evidence against the employee and provide an opportunity for the employee to present his/her side of the story.
(2) Resolution of Council after investigation of charges presented to Council by any citizen, officer or employee. If Council determines after an investigation that such charges are meritorious, it shall give the employee or officer notice of the charge and the date for a hearing at which hearing the employee or officer shall have the opportunity to answer the charges and present evidence upon his/her behalf. After such hearing, Council shall make its determination, by resolution, as to the charges presented and impose such disciplinary measures as they may deem warranted.
(Amended November 5, 1996)
The Personnel Review Board shall have the power to hear appeals from administrative determinations made pursuant to the rules promulgated by the head of the Department of Personnel under Section 6.11 of this Charter, as may be authorized by said rules, and may have such other powers and duties as may from time to time be given to it by ordinance of Council.