Leave of absence is a definite period of time when an employee is absent from work and has obtained approval in advance for the absence. Since absence from work has a negative effect on efficiency and service to the public, leaves of absence will be granted only when necessary and when properly documented as required by the City Manager. Leaves of absence are generally unpaid. For some types of absence, pay will be continued where there is a special provision in this code for pay during absence and the employee will be required to take the paid leave unless and until it is exhausted. Leaves of absence must be requested in writing, supported by appropriate documentation, approved in writing, specifically limited in duration and extended beyond 60 calendar days only upon written approval of the City Manager. Only full-time employees who have satisfactorily completed at least one year of continuous service will be eligible to request leaves of absence in excess of ten work days. In cases of absence for one calendar month or more, there will be no accrual of vacation and sick pay credit or payment by the employer of insurance benefits unless otherwise specifically provided elsewhere in this code. Failure to comply with conditions imposed by the City Manager, e.g., return on the specified date, will result in termination.
(Ord. 94-48, passed 4-25-1994)