Advisory Commission on Industrial Development
33.001 Establishment
33.002 Revolving fund
33.003 Property to be used for industrial development Board of Public Works and Safety
33.015 Establishment
33.016 Members
Commission for the Handicapped
33.030 Creation
33.031 Purpose
33.032 Duties
33.033 Composition
33.034 Appointment, removal, and residence
33.035 Officers and meetings
Department of Economic Development
33.050 Establishment of Department; Economic Development Commission to govern
33.051 Powers and duties
33.052 Appointment of members
Labor Management Relations Commission
33.075 Establishment
33.076 Members
33.077 Term of office
33.078 Officers, meetings, and procedures
33.079 Executive Director
33.080 Ex officio members
Port Authority
33.095 Establishment
33.096 Board of Directors
33.097 Procedure
33.098 Compensation of Board members
Department of Redevelopment and the Redevelopment Commission
33.110 Creation of Department of Redevelopment
33.111 Creation of Redevelopment Commission
33.112 Qualifications for commissioners
33.113 Restrictions on Redevelopment Commission
Madison State Hospital Re-Use Authority
33.130 Establishment
Madison-Jefferson County Animal Shelter Advisory Board
33.140 Establishment
33.141 Appointment of members
33.142 Vacancies and replacements
33.143 Powers
33.144 Termination
33.145 Fiscal officer
33.146 Contributions
33.147 Contracts
33.148 Supervision of officers
Ordinance Violations Bureau
33.160 Establishment
33.161 Administrator
33.162 Powers and duties
33.163 Schedule of ordinances and code violations
33.164 Late charges
33.165 Notice, ordinance violation citation
33.166 Form of ordinance violation citations
33.167 Service of citation
33.168 Duty to appear
33.169 Procedure on admission of violation
33.170 Procedure on denial of violation, failure to appear or failure to pay
33.171 Limitations
33.172 Continuing violations
33.173 Diversion program
Public Arts Commission
33.180 Establishment
33.181 Membership; terms
33.182 Purpose and goals
33.183 Definitions
33.184 Responsibilities
33.185 Meetings
33.186 Funding sources and uses for the Public Arts Commission
Redevelopment Authority
33.190 Establishment
National Incident Management System, see § 32.40
Pursuant to the provisions of IC 36-7-13-1 through 36-7-13-9, there is hereby established an advisory commission on industrial development which shall be called the City of Madison Advisory Commission on Industrial Development whose membership shall be established and members appointed as provided for by IC 36-7-13-5.
(Ord. 1987-11, passed 6-2-87)