36.01 Purpose
36.02 Definitions
36.03 Applicability
36.04 Board of Ethics
36.05 Prohibition on use of municipal position for personal or private gain
36.06 Conflicts of interest; disclosure; recusal and abstention
36.07 Prohibition inapplicable; disclosure, recusal and abstention not required
36.08 Investments in conflict with official duties
36.09 Private employment in conflict with official duties
36.10 Future employment
36.11 Personal representations and claims permitted
36.12 Use of municipal resources
36.13 Interest in contracts
36.14 Nepotism
36.15 Political solicitations
36.16 Confidential information
36.17 Gifts
36.18 Affirmative responsibility to report
36.19 Posting and distribution
36.20 Enforcement
For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
“BOARD.” The City Council and any city administrative board (e.g., Planning Board, Zoning of Board of Appeals), commission or body comprised of two or more elected officials or employees.
“CODE.” This code of ethics.
“ELECTED OFFICIAL OR EMPLOYEE.” A paid or unpaid officer or employee of the city, including but not limited to, the members of any municipal board.
“INTEREST.” A direct or indirect financial or material benefit, but does not include any benefit arising from the provision or receipt of any services generally available to the residents or taxpayers of the city or an area of the city, or a lawful class of those residents or taxpayers. An elected official or employee is deemed to have an “INTEREST” in any private organization when he or she, his or her spouse, or a member of his or her household, is an owner, partner, member, director, officer, employee, or directly or indirectly owns or controls more than 25% of the organization’s outstanding stock.
“MUNICIPALITY.” The City of Madison, Indiana. The word “MUNICIPAL” refers to the City of Madison, Indiana.
“RELATIVE.” A spouse, parent, stepparent, sibling, step-sibling, sibling’s spouse, child, stepchild, uncle, aunt, nephew, niece, first cousin, or household member of an elected official or employee, and individuals having any of these relationships to the spouse of the officer or employee.
(Ord. 2016-7, passed 5-16-16)
This code of ethics applies to the elected officials and employees of the city. The provisions of this code of ethics shall apply in addition to all applicable state and local laws relating to conflicts of interest and ethics, and all rules, regulations, policies and procedures of the city.
(Ord. 2016-7, passed 5-16-16)