   30.01   Meetings
   30.02   Quorum
   30.03   Ordinances
   30.04   Order of business
   30.05   Rules for procedure
   30.06   Privileges of citizens
   30.07   Councilmanic districts
   30.08   Standing Committees
   30.09   Meeting participation by electronic means of communication
   Code of ethics, see Ch. 36
§ 30.01 MEETINGS.
   (A)   The Common Council shall hold its first regular meeting in January after its election. In subsequent months, the Common Council shall hold regular meetings at least once a month, unless its rules require more frequent meetings.
   (B)   A special meeting of the Common Council shall be held when called by the Mayor or when called under the rules of the Common Council.
(IC 36-4-6-7)
§ 30.02 QUORUM.
   A majority of all the elected members of the Common Council constitutes a quorum.
(IC 36-4-6-10)
   (A)   All ordinances, until passed, shall be designated as bills, and all bills shall be introduced and signed by a member of the Common Council.
   (B)   Every bill shall receive three readings in Council previous to passage; provided, the third reading may be by title only, and, that no bill shall receive its second and third reading, or be passed, at the same meeting at which it was introduced, except by a suspension of the rules as hereinafter provided.
      (1)   The first reading of the bill shall be for information, and if opposition be made to it, the question shall be only, "Shall the bill be rejected?" If no opposition be made, or if the motion to reject be negatived, the bill shall go to its second reading without question, but if the motion to reject prevails, the bill shall not be in order for one month thereafter.
      (2)   Upon the second reading of a bill it shall be in order to commit, to amend, to lay upon the table, to postpone, or to pass to its third reading, and after commitment and report, and at any time before its final passage a bill may be re-committed.
      (3)   On the third reading of a bill no amendment shall be in order except by unanimous consent of the Council.
   (C)   When a bill is passed it shall be recorded by the Clerk in the book of ordinances, and signed by the Mayor, and attested by the Clerk of the date of passage by the Council. When a bill is vetoed by the Mayor, the message of veto, together with the bill, shall be reported and read to the Council by the Clerk after which the President shall put the question thus, "Shall the bill be passed over the Mayor's veto?" and the vote thereon shall be taken by calling the roll, and if two-thirds, or more, of all members of the Council vote aye when their names are called, the bill shall be deemed passed; otherwise it shall be deemed rejected
('66 Code, § 30.01(22)