Police Department
32.01 Adopting employee manual for police dispatchers by reference
32.02 Merit system adopted for Police Department
32.03 Case report summaries and accident reports fees
Fire Department
32.15 Madison Fire Department
32.16 Control of Fire Department
32.17 Reserved
32.18 Reserved
32.19 Reduction or addition of fire companies
32.20 Fire Chief
32.21 Fire Chief’s command staff
32.22 Reserved
32.23 Fire companies’ and firefighters’ duties during alarms
32.24 Refusal to respond to alarms or follow commands
32.25 Appropriations to volunteer fire companies
National Incident Management System
32.40 Adoption of National Incident Management System
(A) The city, by its Common Council, hereby adopts a merit system, subject and pursuant to the provisions of IC 36-8-3.5 et seq. applicable to the Police Department. IC 36-8-3.5 et seq. is incorporated herein by reference, including all subsequent amendments thereto by the Indiana State Legislature.
(B) Notwithstanding division (A), the Merit Board created herein pursuant to IC 36-8-3.5 et seq. shall not be authorized to expend money to employ instructors, purchase materials, or provide information to applicants for promotion examinations.
(Ord. 2008-1, passed 4-15-08)