(A) Mayor; qualifications; election; residence; term.
(l) The Mayor shall be elected by the voters of the city.
(2) A person is eligible to be Mayor only if the person meets the qualifications prescribed by IC 3-8-1-26.
(3) Residency in territory that is annexed by the city before the election is considered residency for the purposes of division (2) above, even if the annexation takes effect less than one year before the election.
(4) The Mayor must reside within the city as provided in Article 6, Section 6 of the Constitution of the State of Indiana. The Mayor forfeits office if he ceases to be a resident of the city.
(5) The term of office of the Mayor is four years, beginning at noon on January l after the election and continuing until a successor is elected and qualified.
(IC 36-4-5-2)
(B) Powers and duties. The Mayor shall:
(l) Enforce the ordinances of the city and the statutes of the state;
(2) Provide a statement of the finances and general condition of the city to the Common Council at least once a year;
(3) Provide any information regarding city affairs that the Common Council requests;
(4) Recommend, in writing, to the Common Council actions that he considers proper;
(5) Call special meetings of the Common Council when necessary;
(6) Supervise subordinate officers;
(7) Insure efficient government of the city;
(8) Fill vacancies in city offices when required by IC 3-13-8;
(9) Sign all bonds, deeds, and contracts of the city and all licenses issued by the city; and
(10) Approve or veto ordinances, orders, and resolutions of the Common Council under § 30.03.
(IC 36-4-5-3)
(C) Appointments. The Mayor shall make the appointments prescribed by IC 36-4-9-1 through 36-4-9-12 and IC 36-4-11-2.
(IC 36-4-5-4)
(A) Consolidation of offices. The office of City Clerk and the office of City Treasurer shall be consolidated and known as the office of the Clerk-Treasurer. The Clerk-Treasurer shall perform the duties performed by the City Clerk and the City Treasurer. The Clerk-Treasurer is authorized to employ a deputy or assistant if one is considered necessary for the proper conduct of the consolidated office. ('66 Code, § 31.01) (Ord. passed 11-10-20)
(B) Election; fiscal officer.
(1) The City Clerk-Treasurer shall be elected by the voters of the city.
(2) The Clerk-Treasurer is the Clerk of the city.
(3) The City Clerk-Treasurer is the fiscal officer of the city.
(4) The term of office of the Clerk-Treasurer is four years, beginning at noon on January l after election and continuing until a successor is elected and qualified.
(IC 36-4-10-2)
(C) Qualifications; residence.
(1) A person is eligible to be the Clerk-Treasurer only if the person meets the qualifications prescribed by IC 3-8-1-28.
(2) Residency in territory that is annexed by the city before the election is considered residency for the purposes of division (l) above, even if the annexation takes effect less than one year before the election.
(3) The Clerk-Treasurer must reside within the city as provided in Article 6, Section 6 of the Constitution of the State of Indiana. The Clerk-Treasurer forfeits office if he ceases to be a resident of the city.
(IC 36-4-10-3)
(D) Powers and duties as Clerk. The Clerk-Treasurer shall:
(1) Serve as Clerk of the Common Council under IC 36-4-6-9 and maintain custody of its records;
(2) Maintain all records required by law;
(3) Keep the city seal;
(4) As soon as a successor is elected and qualified, deliver to the successor all the records and property of the Clerk-Treasurer's office;
(5) Perform other duties prescribed by law;
(6) Administer oaths when necessary in the discharge of the Clerk-Treasurer's duties, without charging a fee;
(7) Take depositions, without charging a fee; and
(8) Take acknowledgment of instruments that are required by statute to be acknowledged, without charging a fee.
(IC 36-4-10-4)
(E) Powers and duties as fiscal officer. The City Clerk-Treasurer as fiscal officer shall:
(1) Receive and care for all city money and pay the money out only on order of the approving body.
(2) Keep accounts showing when and from what sources the Clerk-Treasurer has received city money and when and to whom the Clerk-Treasurer has paid out city money.
(3) Prescribe payroll and account forms for all city offices.
(4) Prescribe the manner in which creditors, officers, and employees shall be paid.
(5) Manage the finances and accounts of the city and make investments of city money.
(6) Prepare for the Common Council the budget estimates of miscellaneous revenue, financial statements, and the proposed tax rate.
(7) Issue all licenses authorized by statute and collect the fees fixed by ordinance.
(8) Serve as clerk of the Board of Public Works and Safety by attending meetings, preparing agendas, and recording proceedings.
(9) Perform all other duties prescribed by statute.
(IC 36-4-10-4.5)