(Amended by Ord. No. 182,850, Eff. 1/3/14.)
91.8501.1. Purpose. (Amended by Ord. No. 185,587, Eff. 7/16/18.) The purpose of this division is to provide alternative building standards for the conversion of Existing Buildings, or portions thereof, from commercial or industrial uses to Joint Living and Work Quarters. The alternative standards are designed to provide a reasonable level of safety to the building occupants and are in conformance with the provisions of California Health and Safety Code Section 17958.11.
91.8501.2. Application. (Amended by Ord. No. 181,133, Eff. 5/11/10.) Nothing in this division shall be construed to allow the reduction of the seismic or fire and life safety elements of an Existing Building, where such elements provide a greater level of protection than the minimum requirements established by this division.
The alternative building standards of this division may be applied when the commercial or industrial uses in an Existing Building are converted (change of use or occupancy) to Joint Living and Work Quarters provided:
A. General Fire and Life Safety Requirements for All Existing Buildings. All Existing Buildings that are converted to Joint Living and Work Quarters shall comply or be made to comply with all of the building area, height, number of stories, type of construction, occupancy, means of egress and other fire and life safety requirements of this code for a new building of the same use or occupancy, except as provided in this division.
B. Structural Requirements for all Existing Buildings. For all existing buildings, the change of occupancy or use of any portion of an Existing Building to a Joint Living and Work Quarters may be permitted provided the entire building complies or is made to comply with all the structural requirements in LAMC Subsection 91.8502.12. (Amended by Ord. No. 185,587, Eff. 7/16/18.)
ARTIST-IN-RESIDENCE is an artist or artists using a space within a building for combined living and artistic working purposes.
EXISTING BUILDING is a building for which a building permit was issued prior to April 1, 1994.
FEMA 352, "RECOMMENDED POST-EARTHQUAKE EVALUATION AND REPAIR CRITERIA FOR WELDED STEEL MOMENT-FRAME BUILDINGS" is the June 2000 edition prepared by the partnership of the Structural Engineers Association of California, the Applied Technology Council, and the California Universities for Research in Earthquake Engineering (SAC) Joint Venture for the Federal Emergency Management Agency, Washington, DC.
JOINT LIVING AND WORK QUARTERS is a residential occupancy of one or more rooms or floors used as a dwelling unit with adequate work space reserved for, and regularly used by, one or more persons residing there pursuant to Health and Safety Code (H&S) Section 17958.11(a). (Amended by Ord. No. 181,133, Eff. 5/11/10.)
QUALIFIED HISTORICAL BUILDING is any building deemed of importance to the history, architecture or culture of any area by an appropriate local, state or federal governmental jurisdiction. This shall include designated buildings on, or determined eligible for, official national, state or local historical registers or official inventories, such as the National Register of Historic Places, California Register of Historical Resources, State Historical Landmarks, State Points of Historical Interest, and officially adopted city or county registers, inventories, or surveys of historical or architecturally significant sites, places or landmarks.
STATE HISTORICAL BUILDING CODE is a set of code standards known as Part 8, Title 24 of the California Code of Regulations and published as the California Historical Building Code. (Amended by Ord. No. 179,324, Eff. 12/10/07, Oper. 1/1/08.)
91.8501.4. General. A Joint Living and Work Quarters shall not be used for public sales purposes or for instructional classes when either is inconsistent with residential use. No hazardous activities such as, but not limited to, welding, open flame, or storage of flammable liquids shall occur in the Joint Living and Work Quarters. (Amended by Ord. No. 181,133, Eff. 5/11/10.)
EXCEPTION: In buildings three stories or less in height, activities such as welding, open flame, or minimal storage of flammable liquids may be allowed provided written approval is obtained from the Fire Department.
All buildings containing a Joint Living and Work Quarters shall have a sign posted in a conspicuous location at each entrance to the building. The sign shall be constructed of a durable weatherproof material and shall meet the requirements of Los Angeles Fire Department Standard No. 58. In the lower white diamond of the sign, a red colored letter "A" shall be placed so as to meet the size and letter thickness specified in the Los Angeles Fire Department Standard No. 58.
If any portion of an Existing Building is converted to a Joint Living and Work Quarters, then the entire building, including any portion not being converted, shall comply with all of the requirements of the code for a new building of the same use and type of construction except as provided in this division.
(Amended by Ord. No. 182,850, Eff. 1/3/14.)
91.8502.1. Use or Occupancy. (Amended by Ord. No. 185,587, Eff. 7/16/18.) When applying this division, Joint Living and Work Quarters shall be classified as a Group R-2 occupancy and comply with all Group R-2 occupancy requirements of this Code, except as provided in this division.
91.8502.1.1. Ceiling Height. (Amended by Ord. No. 181,133, Eff. 5/11/10.) Existing ceiling height within a Joint Living and Work Quarters may be maintained, provided the ceiling height is not less than seven feet, except that the ceiling height above a mezzanine may be six feet six inches to any structural projections from the ceiling.
EXCEPTION: The emergency escape or rescue window or door may open directly into an existing court, provided:
A. The court is accessible to the Fire Department.
B. The court is provided with a minimum of one direct exit to a corridor, exit stairway, exit passageway, exterior exit stairway, exterior exit balcony, or exterior exit ramp, or existing fire escape. The existing fire escape shall be structurally sound and shall not serve as an exit for an assembly use.
C. All openings in walls surrounding the court shall be protected as required by CBC Section 705.3 or be provided with an approved water curtain.
Existing unprotected exterior openings, which are not allowed or are required to be protected due to their proximity to a property line, may be maintained without complying with the requirements of CBC Section 705.8 provided the openings are protected with an approved water curtain. Openings in the exterior walls that are not allowed by CBC Section 705.8 due to their proximity to a property line, may not be used to satisfy other code requirements, such as light and ventilation, smoke control or emergency escape.
91.8502.3. Smoke Control System. (Amended by Ord. No. 179,324, Eff. 12/10/07, Oper. 1/1/08.) Existing high-rise buildings shall provide a smoke control system in all portions of the building including basements. The smoke control system shall meet the requirements of CBC Section 909 or all the requirements of this section.
EXCEPTION: The following areas are exempt:
A. New or existing rooms less than 50 square feet in area.
B. New or existing rooms located at or above grade level provided the room has a direct exit to the exterior of the building.
C. Floor levels with openable windows or breakable tempered glass panels in the exterior walls. The area of the openable windows or breakable tempered glass panels shall be a minimum of 20 square feet in area. The openable windows or breakable tempered glass panels shall be located in the exterior walls around the perimeter of the floor no more than 50 linear feet.
91.8502.3.1. Capacity. Smoke-control systems shall provide at least six air changes per hour for all areas within the building including basements, provide exhaust to the exterior of the building, and provide an adequate makeup air supply that is uniformly distributed.
91.8502.3.2. Smoke Dampers. (Amended by Ord. No. 185,587, Eff. 7/16/18.) If a smoke-control system serves more than one floor, then smoke dampers shall be installed in the main exhaust air ducts and the main supply air ducts serving each floor and shall comply with the activation requirements of CBC Section 717.3.3. The smoke dampers shall be installed in a manner that will prevent the movement of smoke from one floor to another floor when the dampers are closed. The vertical risers of the main exhaust air duct shall be installed in metal ducts complying with the requirements for product-conveying ducts in Divisions 5 and 6, Article 5, Chapter IX of the LAMC.
In the firefighter’s control panel, all smoke dampers within the same smoke-control zone shall be actuated by one On-Auto-Off switch in accordance with CBC Section 909.16.3, except that an alternate actuation method may be allowed when approved by both the Fire Department and the Department.
Combination fire and smoke dampers shall be listed to conform to UL 555 and UL 555S and smoke dampers shall be listed to conform to UL 555S and they shall be accessible for inspection, service and repair. Pneumatic tubing to operate these dampers shall be of noncombustible materials.
91.8502.3.3. Firefighter’s Control Panel. (Amended by Ord. No. 179,324, Eff. 12/10/07, Oper. 1/1/08.) The firefighter’s control panel shall comply with all the requirements of CBC Section, 909.16, except that graphically depicted representation of the building may be omitted when accepted by the Fire Department. The firefighter’s control panel shall monitor and be capable of overriding the Mechanical Test Panel. The Mechanical Test Panel is a separate control panel that provides controls and displays the status of the ventilation fans, dampers, and other smoke control devices as required by CBC Section 909 and shall be located in the same room as the Firefighter’s Control Panel.
91.8502.3.4. Performance Test. (Amended by Ord. No. 179,324, Eff. 12/10/07, Oper. 1/1/08.) Upon completion and before final approval of the installation of a smoke- control system required by this Code, a smoke control performance test, complying with the testing procedures of CBC Section 909.18, shall be used to verify the rate of air- flow and proper operation as specified in this division. Tests shall be conducted in the presence of both the Fire Department and the Department.
Prior to conducting the required smoke control performance test, a preliminary performance report shall be submitted to the Department by a person, holding a Certificate of Qualification as required by CBC Section 909.18, verifying that the performance criteria of the Department have been met.
91.8502.3.5. Additional Smoke Control Requirements. Existing air conditioning and ventilation systems may be used as part of the smoke-control system. Existing return air plenum and approved fiberglass air ducts may be used as part of the smoke-control system. A smoke exhaust system shall be designed in a manner that will prevent smoke from going from one room to another, except when two or more rooms are connected together by means of a permanent unobstructed opening at least 20 square feet with a minimum three feet dimension, then the rooms shall be considered as one room for the purpose of designing the smoke-control system.
91.8502.4. Fire-extinguishing System. (Amended by Ord. No. 185,587, Eff. 7/16/18.) A fire sprinkler system, standpipe system, and water storage tank shall be provided as required for a new building of the same height, type of construction and occupancy, except that a high-rise building for which a building permit was issued prior to July 1, 1974 may comply with the fire safety standards of LAMC Section 91.8604.
The fire sprinkler system, if required, shall be installed in accordance with NFPA 13 as adopted by the Plumbing Code.
91.8502.5. Fire Alarm System. If a fire alarm system is required by CBC Section 907.2.9 or 403.4.2 for a new building of the same type of construction and occupancy, or installed at the option of the owner, then the entire building shall have fire alarm systems that are in full compliance with CBC Section 907.2.9. In a high-rise building, the fire alarm systems shall be supplied by a generator used as an emergency system in accordance with CBC Section 403.4.8. For all other buildings, an alternate source of power may be used provided it is approved by both the Fire Department and the Department.
High-rise buildings shall be provided with a central control station (fire command center) that complies with all the requirements of CBC Section 403.4.6 and LAMC Section 57.508, including the minimum room dimensions of 10 feet (3048 mm). (Amended by Ord. No. 186,488, Eff. 12/27/19.)
91.8502.6. Fire Pumps and Generator (Combustion Engines and Gas Turbines) Rooms. (Amended by Ord. No. 185,587, Eff. 7/16/18.) In high-rise buildings, diesel or/and electric fire pumps shall be provided as required for a new building, except that a high-rise building for which a building permit was issued prior to July 1, 1974 may comply with LAMC Subdivision 91.8604.6.5.
Fire pump and generator (combustion engines and gas turbines) rooms shall be separated with a minimum one-hour occupancy separation from adjoining rooms and from each other.
Combustion air and room ventilation air shall be required by the Building and Mechanical Codes, except that the room ventilation exhaust may be considered as environmental air.
In rooms containing diesel fire pumps and generators, a flue venting system shall be provided which complies with the requirements of Division 8, Article 5, Chapter IX of the LAMC, except that:
A. Clearance from the flue venting system to any combustible material may be reduced to 6 inches (152.4 mm) if the vent is wrapped with an approved insulation equivalent to a two-hour fire-rated assembly for high-rise buildings and one-hour fire-rated assembly for all other types of buildings; and
B. The flue venting system may terminate at the exterior wall when installed in compliance with the exhaust system termination in NFPA 37, Standard for the Installation and Use of Stationary Combustion Engines and Gas Turbines. (Amended by Ord. No. 186,488, Eff. 12/27/19.)
C. The flue venting system may terminate under the roof overhang, provided the exhaust outlet is located lower than the overhang by a distance equal to the projection of the overhang.
91.8502.7. Means of Egress. (Amended by Ord. No. 185,587, Eff. 7/16/18.) The portion of the building converted to a Joint Living and Work Quarters shall be provided with means of egress as required by Division 10, Article 1, Chapter IX of the LAMC for a new building, except that the alternative requirements of LAMC Subdivisions 91.8502.7.1 through 91.8502.7.5 may be used in lieu of the requirements in Division 10, Article 1, Chapter IX of the LAMC. An existing fire escape which is in good operating condition, may be used as a second means of egress, provided the fire escape does not serve as an exit for an assembly occupancy.
1. Existing nonconforming fire-resistive walls and ceiling of a corridor constructed of wood lath and plaster, which are in good condition, may be acceptable as equivalent to the required one-hour fire-resistive construction.
2. Existing doors between the corridor and the Joint Living and Work Quarters that are part of the historic fabric of a Qualified Historical Building may be allowed to remain provided approved smoke gaskets and self-closing and latching devices to prevent smoke penetration are installed on the door, or the existing door shall be replaced with a door conforming to the requirements of CBC Section 716.2.2.1. (Amended by Ord. No. 186,488, Eff. 12/27/19.)
A. The dead-end corridor shall be constructed as described above in LAMC Subdivision 91.8502.7.1 for the full length of the dead-end corridor.
B. The dead-end corridor shall not exceed 40 feet (12.192 m) in length.
C. A door with a magnetic hold-open device shall be placed across the corridor to create a vestibule located furthest from the open end of the dead-end corridor. The placement of the door shall be located not more than 20 feet (6.09 m) from the open end of the dead-end corridor and the occupant load of the vestibule shall be less than 10 occupants.
91.8502.7.4. Exit Stairway. (Amended by Ord. No. 186,488, Eff. 12/27/19.) All exit stairways shall be enclosed and shall comply with all the requirements of CBC Section 1023. Existing exit stairway enclosures may be allowed to pass through the first-floor elevator lobby, provided an approved fire-rated smoke-sealed door is placed in front of the elevator door on the first floor or there is another exit stairway enclosure leading directly to the public way.
91.8502.7.5. Pressurization of Exit Stairway Enclosure. If pressurization of exit stairway enclosure is required, then a mechanical ventilation system shall be provided. The mechanical ventilation system shall provide a uniform air velocity of not less than 50 feet per minute while maintaining a positive pressure (not exceeding 25 pounds force on an interior door) relative to the adjacent areas and discharging this air to the outside of the building.
The mechanical ventilation system shall be activated simultaneously with the fire sprinkler system or the smoke detector system. The mechanical ventilation system shall be supplied with primary and secondary sources of power. The primary power shall be provided by the power system supplied by the public utilities. The secondary power shall be from an approved standby source complying with the Electrical Code.
91.8502.9.1. Light. ((Amended by Ord. No. 186,488, Eff. 12/27/19.) Windows or skylights with a total area not less than one fifteenth of the floor area of the room may be used to satisfy the natural light requirements. Kitchens may be provided with artificial light. In lieu of required exterior glazed openings, artificial light may be provided in accordance with CBC Section 1204.3.
91.8502.9.2. Ventilation. (Amended by Ord. No. 186,488, Eff. 12/27/19.) Habitable rooms shall be provided with natural ventilation by means of openable exterior openings with an area of not less than one thirtieth of the floor area of the room. In lieu of required openable exterior openings, a mechanical ventilation system in accordance with the California Mechanical Code may be provided.
Public corridors or hallways shall be provided with an adequate ventilation system when all the habitable rooms in the Joint Living and Work Quarters on the floor do not have openable exterior openings that comply with the requirements of CBC Section 1202.1.
An adequate ventilation system for the public corridors shall mean either an operable exterior window or a permanent exterior opening having a minimum area of 5 square feet (.046 m
), or a mechanical ventilation system that complies with the requirements of LAMC Subsection 91.8502.14 and CBC Section 1203.1.
91.8502.9.3. Light and Ventilation Court. A window may open into an existing court for light and ventilation, provided, the court is has adequate access at the bottom of the court for cleaning purposes. Every court more than two stories in height shall be provided with a horizontal air intake at the bottom of the court from the court to the exterior of the building, unless the court opens to a yard or public way.
The horizontal air intake shall not be less than 10 square feet in cross-sectional area and shall lead to the exterior of the building. The construction of the horizontal air intake shall be as required for the court walls of the building, but in no case shall be less than one-hour fire-resistive construction. A mechanical ventilation system complying with the Mechanical Code may vent the court in lieu of the horizontal air intake.
EXCEPTION: When approved by the Superintendent of Building, an existing court may be deemed adequate for the purpose of providing light and ventilation based upon the area and height of the court.
91.8502.10. Sound Transmission Insulation. (Amended by Ord. No. 186,488, Eff. 12/27/19.) Existing construction may remain without complying with the sound transmission insulation requirements for any newly created Joint Living and Work Quarters. All new construction shall comply with sound transmission requirements of CBC Section 1206.
91.8502.11. Energy Conservation. (Amended by Ord. No. 181,133, Eff. 5/11/10.) All new HVAC and new lighting systems shall comply with the current energy conservation requirements contained in Part 6 of Title 24 of the California Code of Regulations (California Energy Code). An Existing Building with a Joint Living and Work Quarters need not comply with the Building Envelope requirements of the California Energy Code, if the Building Envelope is not altered in anyway due to compliance with other code requirements.
91.8502.12. Structural Design Requirements (Seismic Provision). (Amended by Ord. No. 184,692, Eff. 12/30/16.) The conversion of any portion of an Existing Building to a Joint Living and Work Quarters shall be analyzed for 75% of the Design Earthquake Ground motion as defined in CBC Section 1613.2 and as specified in CBC Section 1613.3, but in no event shall there be a reduction in the capacity of the seismic force resisting system where that system provides a greater level of protection than the minimum requirements established by this division.
EXCEPTION: Unreinforced Masonry Bearing Wall Buildings (URM). The conversion of any portion of an existing URM building shall comply with of Appendix Chapter A1 of Part 10 of the California Code of Regulations Title 24 (California Existing Building Code).
Performance-based engineering analysis and design procedures may be used to evaluate the existing structure and the design of strengthening elements when approved by the Superintendent of Building. All structural elements of the building shall be strengthened to meet the minimum design analysis as specified in LAMC Subdivisions 91.8502.12.1 through 91.8502.12.3 or new structural elements shall be added when required. All new structural elements shall meet current detailing requirements of CBC Section 1604. (Amended by Ord. No. 185,587, Eff. 7/16/18.)
For other types of buildings not mentioned in this section, such as Steel Frame Buildings with Semi-Rigid Beam-Column Connections, Dual Systems with Steel Moment Frames and Concrete Shear Walls, or Steel Frame Buildings with Steel Bracing, shall comply with the standards developed by the Department.
91.8502.12.1. Reinforced Concrete Buildings and Concrete Frame Buildings With and Without Masonry Infill Walls. (Amended by Ord. No. 186,488, Eff. 12/27/19.) Reinforced concrete buildings or concrete frame buildings with or without masonry infill walls and that are within the scope of LAMC Section 91.9502, shall comply with all the provisions of Division 95, Article 1, Chapter IX of the LAMC.
91.8502.12.2. Steel Frame Buildings with Masonry Infill Walls. (Amended by Ord. No. 186,488, Eff. 12/27/19.) Steel frame buildings with masonry infill walls shall be made to comply with the standards as developed by the Department and all the relevant provisions of Article 1.2, Chapter IX of the LAMC.
All existing WSMF buildings, which have experienced greater than 0.25g-peak ground acceleration and which were constructed prior to March 7, 1995, shall be evaluated using procedures and repair criteria of FEMA 352, "Recommended Post-earthquake Evaluation and Repair Criteria for Welded Steel Moment-Frame Buildings." An engineering report shall be submitted to the Department. The engineering report shall either substantiate that the existing steel moment framed connections are in good condition, or recommend repair procedures for the welded steel moment-frame connections that are cracked or otherwise compromised.
91.8502.13. Electrical Systems. All electrical systems and installations for a Joint Living and Work Quarters and other alterations in adjoining areas shall be designed in accordance with the Electrical Code, except that the general lighting in the Joint Living and Work Quarters shall be installed based on the unit load of 4.0 volt-amperes per square foot. (Amended by Ord. No. 184,692, Eff. 12/30/16.)
91.8502.15. Elevators. (Amended by Ord. No. 186,488, Eff. 12/27/19.) Existing elevators need not comply with the requirements of Division 30, Article 1, Chapter IX of the LAMC, except where required to comply with the State Elevator Safety Order of Subchapter 6, of Chapter 4, Division 1 of Title 8 of the California Code of Regulations. Existing freight elevators shall not be used as passenger elevators.
91.8502.16. Historical Building Provisions. Qualified Historical Buildings may use the State Historical Building Code.
(Division 86 Amended by Ord. No. 171,175, Eff. 7/25/96.)
91.8601 General.
91.8602 Group E Occupancies.
91.8603 Fire Protection – Warning System.
91.8604 Fire Safety Standards.
91.8605 Emergency Homeless Shelters.
91.8606 Emergency Lighting Standards for Existing Residential Buildings, Group R, Division 1 Occupancies.
91.8607 Tenant Safety for Apartment Houses, Except for Residential Condominiums.
(Amended by Ord. No. 185,587, Eff. 7/16/18.)
In addition to the general requirements of Division 81, Article 1, Chapter IX of the LAMC, every building housing occupancy classification specified in a section of this division shall conform to the section requirements.
(Amended by Ord. No. 171,175, Eff. 7/25/96.)
91.8602.1. Scope. This section shall apply to every lawfully existing Group E Occupancy housed in a building constructed prior to July 1, 1961.
91.8602.2.1. Revocation. The Certificate of Occupancy for any lawfully existing Group E Occupancy housed in a building constructed prior to July 1, 1961, may be revoked by the Department as follows if, upon inspection, the building is found in violation of requirements of this section:
1. If the violations, defects or hazards found to be existing therein are immediately dangerous to the public health, safety or general welfare, and if effective repair is not commenced within 180 days after the issuance of an order to do so by the Department; or
2. If the violations, defects or hazards found to be existing therein are not of such a nature as described hereinabove, and effective repair is not commenced within five years after the issuance of an order to do so by the Department.
91.8602.2.2. Issuance. (Amended by Ord. No. 185,587, Eff. 7/16/18.) A new Certificate of Occupancy shall be issued for any lawfully existing Group E Occupancy housed in a building constructed prior to July 1, 1961, if such building is either made to comply with all of the requirements of this division or is made to comply with the requirements of LAMC Subsections 91.8602.6, or 91.8602.7 and 91.8602.8.
91.8602.3. Other Laws. Except as otherwise specifically provided for herein, this section does not repeal, alter or modify any other provisions of this Code.
91.8602.4. Violation. It shall be unlawful for any person to use or permit the use of any building for a Group E Occupancy:
91.8602.4.1. (Amended by Ord. No. 185,587, Eff. 7/16/18.) After a Certificate of Occupancy has been revoked in accordance with the provisions of LAMC Subsection 91.8602.2 after July 1, 1961;
91.8602.4.2. In any case where a Certificate of Occupancy has not been issued, unless the building is constructed in full conformity with all other applicable provisions of this Code; or
91.8602.4.3. Unless such building is constructed, operated, used and maintained as required by this section.
91.8602.5. Alternate Methods. The Department may, after referral to and report from the Fire Department, approve alternate methods of obtaining the equivalent fire protection and safety required by this section, provided the Department finds that the existing condition of the building under consideration makes strict conformity impracticable and that such alternate methods are within the purpose and intent of this section.
91.8602.7.1. Type V buildings two stories or more in height shall not be used to house Group E Occupancies unless such buildings are completely sprinklered.
EXCEPTION: Complete sprinklers are not required where the Group E Occupancy is only in the first story of a two-story building and the Group E Occupancy conforms to the requirements of a one-story building as set forth in this section.
91.8602.7.2. (Amended by Ord. No. 185,587, Eff. 7/16/18.) Every building over one story in height shall have sprinklers installed in all hallways, stair shafts, stairways, basements, laboratory and vocational rooms, and other usable areas not customarily used for class, toilet or assembly purposes.
1. The Department may, after referral to and report from the Fire Department, modify the above requirement, provided it is first found that equivalent alternate safety measures are provided.
2. Sprinklers may be omitted, provided every room used for instruction purposes or assembly is provided with exits giving direct egress to the exterior of the building.
91.8602.7.3. A sprinkler system required under the provisions of this part shall be electrically interconnected to the building fire alarm system.
1. The provisions of CBC Section 713 which require shaft enclosures need not be complied with, provided the provisions of this section are met. (Amended by Ord. No. 184,692, Eff. 12/30/16.)
2. Every boiler using liquid or solid fuel shall be housed in a boiler room separated from the remainder of the building by two-hour fire-resistive construction with openings protected by a fire assembly having a one-and-one-half-hour fire-resistive rating.
3. Every boiler using fuel gas shall be housed in a boiler room separated from the rest of the building by one-hour fire-resistive construction with openings protected by a fire assembly having a one-hour fire-resistive rating.
4. Each gas piping system serving a Group E Occupancy shall be provided with a gas shutoff valve designed to close the flow of gas to the piping system and a label designating such valve. The label shall be of corrosion-resistant metal with letters at least three inches high, stating: “GAS SHUT-OFF VALVE”.
5. Any fire-warning system required to be installed by the Los Angeles Fire Department pursuant to the provisions of Article 7, Chapter V of the LAMC shall meet the requirements of Article 760 of the California Electrical Code adopted by the City. (Amended by Ord. No. 185,587, Eff. 7/16/18.)
(Amended by Ord. No. 179,324, Eff. 12/10/07, Oper. 1/1/08.)
91.8603.1. Group R, Division 1 and Division 2 Occupancies.
91.8603.1.1. Existing Residential Building. (Amended by Ord. No. 186,488, Eff. 12/27/19.) Except as otherwise provided in LAMC Subsection 91.8603.1.2, the provisions of CBC Section 907.2.10 shall apply to every dwelling unit, efficiency dwelling unit, guest room and suite in any building where the original building permit was issued prior to May 18, 1980. The smoke detectors may be battery operated until August 1, 1983, at which time the smoke detectors shall be located and permanently wired as required in CBC Section 907.2.10.
Nothing in this Section shall be construed to waive the requirement for permanently wired smoke detectors, which was in effect at the time the original building permit for the building was issued.
Every permanently wired smoke detector installed in a corridor or area giving access to the sleeping rooms shall be located within 12 feet six inches of the sleeping room. Where the location of the detector is less than 12 feet six inches of an appliance, which produces products of combustion other than a forced-air heating unit, a photoelectric type detector shall be required. There shall be no more than one door separating that type of detector from any room used for sleeping purposes. A permanently wired smoke detector installed pursuant to a permit issued prior to July 31, 1981, need not comply with this paragraph until replaced.
91.8603.1.2. Existing Apartment Hotels and Hotels Over 75 Feet in Height. (Amended by Ord. No. 186,488, Eff. 12/27/19.) Every existing apartment hotel more than 75 feet in height and containing no more than nine dwelling units and every existing hotel more than 75 feet in height, where the original building permit for the building was issued prior to May 18, 1980, shall comply with the provisions of CBC Section 907.2.10 not later than August 1, 1981.
EXCEPTION: The operative date for compliance may be delayed until August 1, 1982 if the Department determines that the building complies with either the provisions of CBC Sections 420 and 602.2 or California Existing Building Code Section 601.1.1.
Notwithstanding any other provision here to the contrary, every guest room in any apartment hotel or hotel described in this section when used as a light-housekeeping room, as that term is described in LAMC Subsection 91.8116.1, shall be provided with smoke detectors in compliance with the provisions of CBC Section 907.2.10 and the provisions of LAMC Subsection 91.8603.2 pertaining to photoelectric type smoke detectors located in corridors or areas giving access to sleeping rooms. Smoke detectors may be battery operated until August 1, 1982, at which time the smoke detectors shall be located and permanently wired as required by CBC Section 907.2.10.
1. The dwelling is sold or exchanged and the original building permit was issued prior to May 19, 1980; or
2. Alterations, repairs or additions requiring a permit are made, or reroofing or shower pan replacement is performed by a Certified Licensed Contractor pursuant to LAMC Subsection 91.108.12 with a valuation in excess of $1,000.00; or (Amended by Ord. No. 185,587, Eff. 7/16/18.)
3. One or more sleeping rooms are added or created; or
4. Bars, grilles, grates, roll-down security shutters, or similar devices are installed on all emergency escape windows and exterior doors of any sleeping rooms.
Nothing in this Section shall be construed to waive the requirement to permanently install wired smoke detectors, which were required at the time the original building permit for the building was issued.
For the purposes of this subsection, the term “permit” shall not include permits required for the repair or replacement of electrical, plumbing or mechanical equipment.
91.8603.2.2. Existing Two-Family Dwellings. (Amended by Ord. No. 186,488, Eff. 12/27/19.) Every building containing two dwelling units and not more than five guest rooms, where the original building permit was issued prior to May 18, 1980, shall comply with the provisions of CBC Section 907.2.10 and the provisions of LAMC Subsection 91.8603.2.1 pertaining to photoelectric-type smoke detectors located in corridors or areas giving access to sleeping rooms. Smoke detectors may be battery operated until August 1, 1983, at which time the smoke detectors shall be located and permanently wired as required by CBC Section 907.2.10.
Nothing in this Section shall be construed to waive a requirement to install permanently wired smoke detectors, which were required at the time the original building permit for the building was issued.
(Amended by Ord. No. 171,175, Eff. 7/25/96.)
91.8604.1.1. Notification.
91.8604.1.1.1. (Amended by Ord. No. 185,587, Eff. 7/16/18.) Whenever the Department determines by inspection that a building does not conform to the minimum requirements of LAMC Subsections 91.8604.2, 91.8604.3, 91.8604.4 or 91.8604.5, the Department shall prepare a written Fire Safety Standards Repair Order directing the owner to repair and modify the building so as to conform to those minimum requirements. The Department shall serve the order either personally or by certified or registered mail, upon the owner as shown on the last equalized assessment roll and may serve the order upon the person, if any, in real or apparent charge or control of the building.
91.8604.1.1.2. (Amended by Ord. No. 185,587, Eff. 7/16/18.) Whenever, pursuant to LAMC Section 57.106.5, the Fire Department determines by inspection that a building does not conform to the minimum requirements of LAMC Subsection 91.8604.6, it shall prepare a written Fire/Life Safety Order directing the owner to repair and modify the building so as to conform to the minimum requirements of LAMC Subsection 91.8604.6.
The order shall specify the manner in which the building fails to meet the minimum requirements of LAMC Subsection 91.8604.6. The order shall direct the owner of the building to submit plans, obtain necessary permits and complete the necessary corrections.
The order shall be transmitted to the Department for service, recordation and enforcement purposes. The Department shall serve the order, either personally or by certified or registered mail, upon the owner as shown on the last equalized assessment roll and may serve the person, if any, in real or apparent charge or control of the building. These provisions are not intended to prevent the Department from also making a determination or issuing an order regarding failure to comply with LAMC Subsection 91.8604.6.
91.8604.1.2. Time for Compliance.
91.8604.1.2.1. (Amended by Ord. No. 185,587, Eff. 7/16/18.) Whenever the Department serves a Fire Safety Standards Repair Order pursuant to LAMC Paragraph 91.8604.1.1.1, the owner of a building shall submit plans and obtain necessary permits as required in that order not later than 90 days after service of the order and shall complete necessary corrections not later than one year after service of the order for work under LAMC Subsection 91.8604.2, 91.8604.3, 91.8604.4 or 91.8604.5. No extension of time, either to submit plans, obtain permits or complete the necessary corrections shall be granted except by the Board of Building and Safety Commissioners upon a finding of unusual circumstances which warrant an extension.
91.8604.1.2.2. (Amended by Ord. No. 185,587, Eff. 7/16/18.) Whenever the Department serves a Fire/Life Safety Order pursuant to LAMC Paragraph 91.8604.1.1.2, the owner of a building shall:
(1) submit main system plans, which include Plans for any required water storage tank, fire pump(s), Fire Department connection(s) and all sprinkler riser valves for sprinkler connections of each floor;
(2) obtain necessary main system permits as required in that order not later than one year after service of the order; and
(3) complete necessary corrections required by the Fire/Life Safety Order not later than three years after service of the order for work required under LAMC Subsection 91.8604.6.
1. VACANT BUILDING. If a building is vacant and secured from unauthorized entry, then the owner of the building may apply to the Department for an extension of time to comply with the requirements of LAMC Subsection 91.8604.6. An extension of time may be granted for a two year period and may be renewed for two year time periods, unless to do so poses a threat of health or safety. This extension of time expires and the building is subject to enforcement procedures if it is no longer adequately secured from unauthorized entry.
2. BUILDINGS ONLY OCCUPIED BELOW THE SECOND FLOOR. If a building is only occupied below the second floor and all floors from the second floor and above are vacant and secured from unauthorized entry, then the owner(s) of that building may apply to the Department for an extension of time to comply with the requirements of LAMC Subsection 91.8604.6, provided sprinklers are installed on the occupied floors(s) and a two-hour fire-rated separation is provided between the vacant and occupied floors. Such an extension of time may be granted for a two-year period and may be renewed for additional two year time periods, unless to do so poses a threat to health or safety. No vacant portion of the building may be reoccupied until the requirements of LAMC Paragraph 91.8604.1.2.2 Exception 3 are satisfied. This extension of time expires and the building is subject to enforcement procedures if it is no longer adequately secured above the first floor from unauthorized entry.
3. BUILDINGS WITH OCCUPANCY ABOVE THE FIRST FLOOR. The owner of a building cited for a violation of LAMC Subsection 91.8604.6 may request an extension of time to comply with those requirements. Extensions of time may be granted for a period of one year from the date of application and may be renewed for two additional one-year periods. The owner shall submit to the Department a plan of action to:
(a) Install fire sprinklers, including the base system, fire alarm, emergency power and stairwell ventilation, from the ground floor up to the floor above the highest occupied floor; and
(b) Bring elevator lobby vestibules on all required floors up to the highest occupied floor into compliance.
An additional three-year extension of time to comply with the requirements of LAMC Subsection 91.8604.6 on the remaining unoccupied floors of the building may be granted subject to the owner completing all requirements in the occupied portions of the building within the time guidelines of their plan of action, unless to do so poses a threat of health or safety.
4. ASBESTOS. If an owner of a building commits to a program of abatement of asbestos, then the Department may grant an extension of time to complete the work required under LAMC Subsection 91.8604.6, provided that all necessary permits are obtained and the required water storage tank, fire pumps, riser and all sprinkler riser valves for sprinkler connections on each floor are installed and operational prior to the grant of any extension.
Subsequent extension approvals beyond the initial approval shall also be conditioned on progress of work in conformance with the plan of work submitted with the approved extension of time.
A request for an extension of time under Exceptions 1-4 above shall be filed on an application form provided by the Department and signed by the owner of the building. Applications are subject to review and action by the Department with concurrence by the Fire Department. An extension of time may be granted only where a good faith effort to comply can be demonstrated by the applicant. Applications shall be processed according to the guidelines set forth in LAMC Section 98.0403.2.
91.8604.1.2.3. Recordation. (Amended by Ord. No. 185,587, Eff. 7/16/18.) At the time that the Department serves a Fire/Life Safety Order or Fire Safety Repair Order, the Department shall file with the Office of the County Recorder a certificate stating that the building does not meet the minimum fire safety requirements of LAMC Subsections 91.8604.2, 91.8604.3, 91.8604.4, 91.8604.5 or 91.8604.6, and that the owner of the building has been so notified.
After all necessary corrective work has been performed, the Department shall file with the Office of the County Recorder a certificate terminating the status of the building as nonconforming to the minimum fire safety requirements of LAMC Subsections 91.8604.2, 91.8604.3, 91.8604.4, 91.8604.5 or 91.8604.6.
91.8604.1.2.4. Enforcement. (Amended by Ord. No. 185,587, Eff. 7/16/18.) Notwithstanding any other provisions of this Code to the contrary, it shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to maintain, use or occupy any building within the scope of this section which does not meet the minimum standards specified in LAMC Subsection 91.8604.6.
Any person who fails to comply with an order issued pursuant to this section, within each of the time periods set forth in LAMC Paragraph 91.8604.1.2.2, or who causes or permits another person to fail to comply with such an order, is guilty of a misdemeanor which is punishable by a fine of not more than $1,000.00 and/or six months imprisonment.
For purposes of this paragraph, the phrase “any person” includes an owner, or lessor, sublessor, manager or any person in control of a building subject to this section. The legal owner of a building is that person, firm, corporation, partnership or other entity whose name or title appears in the records in the Office of the County Recorder, as well as all successors or assignees of these owners.
In addition to any other remedy available at law, if the owner or other person in charge and control of the building fails to comply with an aforementioned order within the time periods set forth in LAMC Subsection 91.8604.1, the Department may order that the building be vacated and that the building remain vacated until all required corrective work has been completed. Whenever compliance with an order issued pursuant to the provisions of this section has not been accomplished within 90 days after the date the building has been ordered vacated, or such additional time as may have been granted by the Board, the Department may order demolition of the building, in accordance with the provisions of Division 89, Article 1, Chapter IX of the LAMC.
91.8604.2.1. Purpose. (Amended by Ord. No. 185,587, Eff. 7/16/18.) The purpose of LAMC Subsection 91.8604.2 is to provide a reasonable degree of fire safety for persons occupying existing commercial and industrial buildings.
91.8604.2.2. Scope. (Amended by Ord. No. 186,488, Eff. 12/27/19.) The provisions of this subsection shall apply to all existing commercial and industrial buildings more than two stories in height which do not conform to the minimum shaft enclosure and exit requirements of this Code and which are not required to comply with the California Existing Building Code for existing buildings over 75 feet (22.86 m) in height. The provisions of this subsection shall not authorize the modification of existing buildings or portions thereof which provide a greater degree of protection against fire than the minimum requirements established by this subsection.
EXCEPTION: The requirements of this subsection shall not apply to buildings erected after January 1, 1943.
91.8604.2.3. Shaft Enclosures. (Amended by Ord. No. 185,587, Eff. 7/16/18.) Every opening in a floor shall be enclosed as required by CBC Section 713 for shaft enclosures; provided, however, that existing enclosure walls constructed of wood lath and plaster or equivalent fire-resistive materials and which are in good condition may be accepted in lieu of enclosure wall construction.
Corridor exits, which are interrupted by stairwell enclosures required by this section, shall be provided with exit door fire assemblies, which will close automatically when activated by an approved smoke detector.
1. The shaft protection required by this subdivision may be omitted if the building is sprinklered throughout.
2. Existing metal elevator doors need not be replaced if they are in good condition. These doors may have openings protected with wire glass.
91.8604.2.4. Exits. Two reasonably separated and accessible exits shall be provided from each floor.
EXCEPTION: Existing fire escapes which are in structurally sound operational condition may be used as one means of egress.
Exit signal with letters at least six inches high shall be installed in conspicuous locations at each exit from the floor and whenever otherwise required to clearly indicate the direction of egress from area served.
91.8604.3.1. Purpose. (Amended by Ord. No. 185,587, Eff. 7/16/18.) The purpose of LAMC Subsection 91.8604.3 is to provide a reasonable degree of fire safety for persons living and sleeping in apartment houses, hotels, apartment hotels, and in buildings housing Group R-4 or I-1 occupancy. Group R-4 or I-1 occupancy includes homes with medical care for ambulatory patients or children six years of age or over, and honor farms or conservation camps housing inmates who are not restrained. Alterations are required to these existing buildings, which do not conform to the minimum exiting, shaft enclosure and corridor protection requirements of this Code.
91.8604.3.2. Scope. (Amended by Ord. No. 185,587, Eff. 7/16/18.) The provisions of LAMC Subsection 91.8604.3 shall apply to all existing buildings more than two stories in height, which contain Group R-1, R-2, R-4 or I-1 Occupancy. Group R-4 or I-1 occupancy include homes with medical care for ambulatory patients or children six years of age or over, and honor farms or conservation camps housing inmates who are not restrained. The provisions of this subsection shall not authorize the modification of existing buildings or portions of buildings, which provide a greater degree of protection against fire than the minimum requirements established by this subsection.
91.8604.3.3. Corridor Walls and Openings. The walls of every public corridor shall be protected by one-hour fire-resistive construction, provided, however, that existing walls constructed of wood lath and plaster and which are in good condition, will be acceptable in lieu thereof.
Transoms and openings other than doors from public corridors to guest rooms and dwelling units shall be closed and solidly covered with material which will provide the degree of fire resistiveness as shall be provided by adjacent corridor walls.
All door openings from public corridors to guest rooms and dwelling units shall provide the same degree of fire resistiveness as shall be provided by adjacent corridor walls.
EXCEPTION: Door openings from public corridors to guest rooms and dwelling units may have 20-minute protection, provided:
A. All stairways, hallways, exitways and storage or closet areas adjacent thereto are sprinklered; and
B. A sprinkler head is placed inside each unit adjacent to each door opening from the public corridor to the guest room or dwelling unit; and
C. An approved self-closing device is installed on each door opening from the public corridor into the guest room or dwelling unit.
91.8604.3.4. Shaft Enclosures. All stairwells shall be enclosed in approved shaft enclosures, provided, however, that existing enclosure walls constructed of wood lath and plaster which are in good condition will be accepted in lieu of approved shaft wall construction.
EXCEPTION: In buildings erected prior to January 1, 1943, stair shaft enclosures may be omitted if the building is sprinklered throughout and the sprinkler system is interconnected to the alarm system required under LAMC Subsection 91.8604.5. (Amended by Ord. No. 185,587, Eff. 7/16/18.)
91.8604.3.5. Existing Conditions.
91.8604.3.5.1. Existing means of exit, including fire escapes, are acceptable where they exist in the required number and are maintained in good condition.
91.8604.3.5.2. No standpipes will be required where none exist.
91.8604.3.5.3. No emergency hallway illumination will be required where none exist.
91.8604.3.5.4. Dead-end corridors not over 20 feet in length may have access to a second exit through a stair shaft enclosure.
91.8604.4. Fire Safety for Existing Group R-4 or I-1 Occupancy. (Amended by Ord. No. 185,587, Eff. 7/16/18.) This subsection applies to every existing Group R-4 or I-1 Occupancy over two stories in height with homes providing medical care for ambulatory patients or children six years of age or over, or with honor farms or conservation camps housing un-restrained inmates. When these buildings do not conform to the minimum shaft and corridor protection requirements of the LAMC, they shall be made to conform to the minimum requirements as specified in LAMC Subsection 91.8604.3.
91.8604.5.1. Scope. (Amended by Ord. No. 185,587, Eff. 7/16/18.) The provisions of LAMC Subsection 91.8604.5 are in addition to those in LAMC Subsection 91.8604.3 and apply to all existing buildings three or more stories in height which contain Group R-1 or R-2 Occupancies and which were erected prior to January 1, 1943.
91.8604.5.2. Closure of Doors. All required stair shaft, cut-off and area separation doors shall be equipped with approved self-closing devices and electrically operated hold-open devices designed to release the door by the activation of smoke detectors located on each side of the doorway and within 12 inches of the ceiling.
91.8604.5.3. Sprinklers. All interior stairways, hallways, exits and storage or closet areas adjacent thereto shall be provided with an approved automatic sprinkler system connected with an alarm system that emits an audible signal throughout the premises. In any room having a door opening into an interior hallway, stairway or exitway, a sprinkler head shall be located inside the room directly over the door. Sprinklers so installed shall be equipped with listed residential sprinkler heads and may utilize polybutylene plastic pipe for laterals only. Sprinkler materials and installation shall comply with the Plumbing Code and Supplemental Rules and Regulations.
91.8604.5.4. Self-closing Device. Each apartment or guest room door opening into an interior stairway, hallway or exit shall be equipped with an approved self-closing device.
91.8604.5.5. State Fire Code. (Amended by Ord. No. 185,587, Eff. 7/16/18.) Where the Group R-1 or R-2 Occupancy regulated by LAMC Subsection 91.8604.5 has floors used for human occupancy more than 75 feet (22.86 m) above the lowest floor level having building access, the provisions of the California Building Code relating to those occupancies shall apply in lieu of any less restrictive provisions set forth in this section.
91.8604.6.1. Purpose. (Amended by Ord. No. 185,587, Eff. 7/16/18.) The purpose of LAMC Subsection 91.8604.6 is to provide a reasonable degree of fire safety for persons occupying existing high-rise buildings.
91.8604.6.2. Scope. (Amended by Ord. No. 184,692, Eff. 12/30/16.) The provisions of this subsection shall apply to every existing high-rise building for which a building permit was issued prior to July 1, 1974.
EXCEPTION: The provisions of this subsection shall not apply to Group R-1 or R-2 Occupancy, as defined in CBC Section 310.1. The provisions of this subsection shall not authorize the modification of existing buildings or portions of the buildings, which provide a greater degree of protection against fire than the minimum requirements established by this subsection.
91.8604.6.3. Definition. (Amended by Ord. No. 185,587, Eff. 7/16/18.) For the purposes of LAMC Subsection 91.8604.6, a high-rise building is a building of any type of construction having floors (as measured from the top of the floor surface) that may be used for human occupancy located more than 75 feet (22.86 m) above the lowest floor level having building access.
91.8604.6.4. Requirements. (Amended by Ord. No. 185,587, Eff. 7/16/18.) Every building within the scope of LAMC Subsection 91.8604.6 shall be provided with an automatic fire sprinkler system complying with all applicable sections of the LAMC. The sprinkler system shall cover all areas of the building.
1. Sprinklers need not be installed in locations expressly excepted in the Los Angeles Plumbing Code provided other approved fire protection equipment is installed.
2. The Department may review, on a case by case basis, buildings within the scope of this section and may approve alternative fire protection systems which meet the intent of the high-rise sprinkler requirements.
3. The Department may, with the concurrence of the Fire Department, grant exceptions from the requirements of Division 20, Article 4, Chapter IX of the LAMC as specified in LAMC Subsection 91.8604.6.5. (Amended by Ord. No. 186,488, Eff. 12/27/19.)
91.8604.6.5. Conditional Exceptions. (Amended by Ord. No. 174,829, Eff. 10/27/02, Oper. 11/1/02.) The following exceptions from the requirements set forth in Section 94.2001 of the Los Angeles Municipal Code are available upon application to the Department provided all the stated conditions are met for each category of building.
91.8604.6.5.1. Existing Buildings 75 feet to 150 Feet in Height.
1. Existing risers may be used when maintained in a safe and operable condition.
2. New, on-site water storage need not be provided. (When existing on-site water storage is available, it may be integrated into the fire sprinkler system.)
1. A three-inch test drain shall be provided in stair shafts where pressure- regulator valves are used. Valves, equipment and devices shall conform to Los Angeles Plumbing Code requirements.
2. A single pump having a minimum capacity of 750 g.p.m. shall be provided. (Diesel pumps shall have a four-hour fuel supply.)
3. There shall be a flow of 750 g.p.m. at 65 psi at the roof, and the sprinkler system design shall meet code requirements.
4. Existing sprinkler systems, existing or new standpipe systems and existing or new sprinkler risers shall be interconnected at the base of the riser system with a minimum of one fire Department connection.
5. Emergency standby electrical power with a four-hour fuel supply shall be provided for fire pumps and the following new installations:
Fire protective signaling systems;
Emergency exit lighting; and
Exit and directional signs.
91.8604.6.5.2. Existing Buildings Over 150 Feet to 275 Feet in Height.
EXCEPTION: Existing risers may be used when maintained in a safe and operable condition.
1. A three-inch test drain shall be provided in each stair shaft where pressure- regulator valves are used. Valves, equipment and devices shall conform to Los Angeles Plumbing Code requirements.b
2. At least two pumps connected to the automatic sprinkler system having a minimum capacity of 750 g.p.m. each shall be provided. (Diesel pumps shall have a four hour fuel supply.)
3. There shall be a flow of 750 g.p.m. at 65 psi at the roof, and the sprinkler system design shall meet code requirements.
4. Existing sprinkler systems, new and existing standpipe systems and new and existing sprinkler risers shall be interconnected at the base of the riser system with at least one fire Department connection.
5. Emergency standby electrical power with a four hour fuel supply shall be provided for fire pumps and the following new installations:
Fire-protective signaling systems;
Emergency exit lighting; and
Exit and directional signs.
6. A minimum usable capacity of 20,000 gallon storage tank shall be provided on site.
91.8604.6.5.3. Existing Buildings Greater Than 275 Feet in Height.
EXCEPTION: Existing risers may be used when maintained in a safe and operable condition.
1. A three-inch test drain shall be provided in each stair shaft where pressure- reduction valves are used. Valves, equipment and devices shall conform to Los Angeles Plumbing Code requirements.
2. At least three pumps connected to the automatic sprinkler system having a minimum capacity of 750 g.p.m. each shall be provided.
At least one pump shall be an electric motor-driven pump. (Diesel pumps shall have a four hour fuel supply.)
3. There shall be a flow of 1,000 g.p.m. at 65 psi at the roof, and the sprinkler system design shall meet code requirements.
4. Existing sprinkler systems, new and existing standpipe systems, and new and existing sprinkler risers shall be interconnected at the base of the riser system with at least one Fire Department connection.
5. Emergency standby electrical power with a four hour fuel supply shall be provided for fire pumps and the following new installations:
Fire-protective signaling systems;
Emergency exit lighting; and
Exit and directional signs.
6. A minimum usable capacity of 40,000 gallon water storage tank shall be provided on site.
91.8604.6.6. Elevator Lobbies. Existing high-rise buildings within the scope of this section shall comply with the following:
1. Except for the main entrance level, every elevator on each floor shall open into an elevator lobby which is separated from the remainder of the building, including corridors and other exits, by walls having a fire-resistive rating of not less than one hour. All lobby openings other than those for elevator doors, stairway enclosures and ducts shall be protected with three-fourths-hour self-closing fire assemblies actuated by combustion products-type smoke detectors.
2. Except for the main entrance level, each elevator lobby shall be provided with an approved smoke detector located on the lobby ceiling. When the detector is activated, elevator doors shall not open and all cars serving that lobby shall return to the main floor and be under manual control only. The smoke detector shall meet the requirements of Subchapter 6, Chapter 4, Division 1, Title 8, of the California Code of Regulations (Elevator Safety Orders). The detector may serve to close the lobby doors. (Amended by Ord. No. 185,587, Eff. 7/16/18.)
91.8604.6.7. Stair Shaft Ventilation. Each stair shaft which extends to the roof shall be provided with a minimum ventilation opening of 20 square feet at the roof level.