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Chapter 1A City of Los Angeles Zoning Code
Table of Amending Legislation for Chapter 1A
   A.   Procedure.
   1.   Filing Notice and Reports. The subdivider shall pay the necessary fees for and file with the City Planning Department at least 25 copies of the Tentative Map, two copies of an area map showing the location of ownerships which are located within the area covered by the Tentative Map and within a 500-foot radius of the proposed subdivision; and two copies of a certified list showing the names and addresses of owners of all property and the addresses of all residential, commercial, and industrial occupants of all property located within 500 feet of the proposed subdivision.
   2.   Action of Advisory Agency. The Advisory Agency shall approve, conditionally approve or disapprove the Tentative Map pursuant to Sec. 13B.7.3. (Tentative Tract Map) of Chapter 1A of this Code.
   (a)   The Advisory Agency may disapprove a Tentative Map because of the flood hazard, inundation, lack of adequate access, lack of adequate water supply or fire protection, insufficient sewerage facilities, potentially hazardous geological conditions or non- compliance with the requirements of this Article, the Subdivision Map Act, or the standards, rules or regulations adopted by the Commission pursuant to the provisions of Section 17.05 (Design Standards) of this Article.
   (b)   Whenever two or more lots are to be created on a common slope and the City Engineer or Superintendent of Building determines that conditions so dictate, the Advisory Agency may require as a condition of approval of the Tentative Map that appropriate deed covenants, on a form approved by the City Attorney, be recorded which provide to each owner of said common slope a joint right of entry for necessary access of persons and equipment, and a joint easement over the slope area to maintain and repair any portions of said common slope.
   (c)   All streets on the Tentative Map shall be identified by their proposed names. All proposed street names shall be approved by the City Engineer. The Advisory Agency may withhold approval of the map if the City Engineer has determined that a proposed street name would create confusion, be misleading, be unduly long or carry connotations offensive to good taste and decency.
   (d)   The Department of Building and Safety may issue a building permit for a small lot subdivision if the applicant for the permit has received a vesting Tentative Tract Map approval or Preliminary Parcel Map approval for the project and has submitted proof to the satisfaction of the Department of Building and Safety that a covenant and agreement has been recorded. This covenant and agreement shall state that the applicant and the applicant’s successors and assignees agree that the building permit is issued on the condition that a certificate of occupancy (temporary or final) for the building cannot be issued until after the final map has been recorded. The Department of Building and Safety shall then issue the building permit based upon the approved Tentative or Preliminary Map and its conditions of approval. The dedication, improvement, and sewer requirements identified in the approved Tentative or Preliminary Map or its conditions of approval must be guaranteed to the satisfaction of the Bureau of Engineering at the time of building permit issuance. Projects with the following features are not eligible to receive building permits prior to the recordation of a final map: off-site common access or a street or alley vacation or merger.
   B.   Map Requirement. Tentative Maps filed with the City Planning Department shall be prepared by or under the direction of a licensed surveyor or registered civil engineer. Such maps shall clearly show all information required by this article, and shall be drawn to an engineer’s scale of not less than one inch equals 200 feet.
   The Tentative Map shall contain all the following:
   1.   The tract number.
   2.   Sufficient legal description of the property to define its boundaries.
   3.   Names, addresses and telephone numbers of the record owner, subdivider, and person preparing the map.
   4.   North point, engineering scale, date and area.
   5.   The widths and approximate locations of all existing and proposed public easements or rights of way, or private street easements, within and adjacent to the property involved.
   6.   Locations, widths and approximate grades of existing and proposed highways, streets, alleys or ways, whether public or private within and adjacent to the property involved.
   7.   Existing street names, and names or designations for all proposed streets and highways.
   8.   Approximate radii of all center line curves for streets, highways, alleys or ways.
   9.   Lot layout, approximate dimensions of each lot and number of each lot.
   10.   The locations of potentially dangerous areas, including geologically hazardous areas and areas subject to inundation or flood hazard; the location, width and direction of flow of all watercourses, flood control channels, and mud or debris paths where ravines or swales will exist within and adjacent to the property involved; building setbacks from such hazards, the proposed method of providing flood, erosion and mud or debris control; and areas where access and emergency paths will be located in the event flood design capacity is exceeded. Lot lines shall be located so that the flow of watercourses and mud and debris paths, access and emergency paths, and setbacks shall be adjacent to lot lines or in areas or restrictions against construction.
   11.   The existing contour of the land at intervals of not more than five feet, and of not more than two- foot intervals if the slope of the land is less than five percent.
   12.   The approximate location of all buildings or structures on the property involved which are to be retained, notations concerning all buildings which are to be removed, and approximate locations of all existing wells.
   13.   The approximate location and general description of any large or historically significant trees and of any protected trees and an indication as to the proposed retention or destruction of the trees.
   14.   If any streets shown on the Tentative Map are proposed to be private streets, they shall be clearly indicated. Such streets shall conform to the requirements of Article 8 (Private Street Regulations) of this Chapter or shall have been previously approved in accordance with the then applicable provisions of the said article.
   15.   The proposed method of providing sewage disposal and drainage for the property.
   16.   A statement regarding existing and proposed zoning.
   C.   Protected Tree Reports for Tentative Tract Maps. No application for a tentative tract map approval for a subdivision where a protected tree is located shall be considered complete unless it includes a report, in a form acceptable to the Advisory Agency and the City’s Chief Forester, which pertains to preserving the tree and evaluates the subdivider’s proposals for the preservation, removal, replacement or relocation of the tree. The report shall be prepared by a tree expert and shall include all protected trees identified pursuant to Subdivision 13. of Subsection B. (Map Requirements) of this Section.
   In the event the subdivider proposes any grading, land movement, or other activity within the drip line of a protected tree referred to in the report, or proposes to relocate or remove any protected tree, the report shall also evaluate any mitigation measures proposed by the subdivider and their anticipated effectiveness in preserving the tree.
   A.   Time Limit. See Sec. 13B.7.3.F.2. (Tentative Tract Map; Scope of Decision; Time Limit for Final Map Filing) of Chapter 1A of this Code.
   B.   Procedure. See Sec. 13B.7.4. (Final Tract Map) of Chapter 1A of this Code.
   C.   Final Map Requirements. The following information shall be submitted with the Final Map: names, addresses and telephone numbers of the record owners, subdivider and person preparing the Final Map. The general form and layout of the map, including size and type of lettering, drafting and location of acknowledgments, etc. shall be determined by the City Engineer. The map shall be prepared on high-quality tracing cloth or other material approved by the City Engineer.
   1.   Each sheet of said Final Map shall be 18 × 26 inches. A marginal line shall be drawn completely around each sheet, leaving a blank margin of one inch. The scale of the map shall be such as to show all details clearly. Each sheet shall be numbered, and its relation to other sheets clearly shown. The tract number, scale and north point shall be shown on each sheet. If more than three sheets are necessary to show the entire subdivision, an index map shall be included on one of the sheets. The boundary line of a subdivision shall be indicated by distinctive symbols and clearly so designated.
   2.   Where any land to be subdivided is separated or divided into two or more parcels or portions by any parcel of land other than a street, highway, or other public way, or a railroad, public utility or flood control right-of-way, each separate parcel or portion thereof shall be subdivided as a separate parcel and shown on a separate subdivision map.
   D.   Boundary Evidence. Such stakes, monuments or other evidence determining the boundaries of the subdivision as are found on the ground, together with sufficient designations of adjoining subdivisions by lot and tract number and page of record, or by section, township and range, or other proper legal description as may be necessary to locate precisely the limits of the subdivision, shall be clearly and fully shown on the Final Map.
   E.   Monuments.
   1.   Boundary. Each Final Map shall show durable monuments of not less than two-inch steel pipe at least 24 inches long found or set at or near each boundary corner and at intermediate points, approximately 1,000 feet apart, or at such lesser distance as may be necessary by topography or culture to assure accuracy in reestablishment of any point or line without unreasonable difficulty. The precise position and character of each monument shall be shown on the Final Map. Where the elevation of the top of each such monument is not approximately level with the surface of the ground, its relative position shall be indicated.
   The establishment of boundary monuments may be required by the Advisory Agency, the Appeal Board or the City Council upon appeal, prior to the recordation of the Final Map, however, such requirement may be modified to accept the submission of complete field notes as evidence of a thorough survey, or the setting of only a portion of the boundary monuments, or the referencing of monuments to adjacent reference points. The City Engineer shall submit a recommendation concerning this matter. Said reference points shall be indicated in a set of field notes showing clearly the ties between such monuments and sufficient number to set accurately each boundary monument after recordation of the Final Map. Said boundary monuments shall be properly located by coordinates in the California Coordinate System or in such manner as determined by the City Engineer to be suitable and sufficient.
   2.   Center Line. Complete center line data, including lengths of tangents and semi-tangents, shall be shown on the map for all streets within or adjoining the tract where no official center line has been previously established. In locations where the point of intersection falls on private property, chords shall be shown instead of semi-tangents. The subdivider shall have approved monuments placed with permanent references thereto and furnish a set of field notes to the City Engineer.
   3.   Deferment. In the event any or all of the monuments required to be set are subsequent to the recordation of the Final Map, the map shall clearly show and describe such monuments. All such monuments or the furnishing of notes thereon so deferred shall be agreed to be set and furnished by the subdivider.
   When the placement of monuments is to be deferred, the Bureau of Engineering shall charge and collect a fee of $443 for the service of receiving and processing a bond to guarantee placement of the monuments.
   4.   Geodetic Controls. Ties to the Geodetic Triangulation System shall be provided where stations thereof have been established within reasonable distance from the subdivision boundary, and such ties are deemed necessary by the City Engineer.
   F.   Surveys.
   1.   Requirements. The procedure and practice of all survey work, done on any subdivision, shall conform to the accepted standards of engineering and surveying professions. The Final Map shall close in all its parts.
   In the event the City Engineer shall have established the center line of any street or alley in or adjoining a subdivision, the Final Map shall show such center line together with the reference to a field book or map showing such center line and the monuments which determine its position. If determined by ties, that fact shall be stated on the Final Map.
   2.   Notes to be Furnished. For such center line monument set, the engineer or surveyor under whose supervision the survey has been made shall furnish to the City Engineer a set of notes showing clearly the ties such monument and a sufficient number (normally four) of durable distinctive reference points or monuments. Such reference points may be lead and tacks in sidewalks, or curbs, or 2-inch × 2-inch stakes set back of the curb line and below the surface of the ground or such substitute thereof as appears to be not more likely to be disturbed.
   Such set of notes shall be of such quality, form and completeness, and shall be on paper of such quality and size as may be necessary to conform to the standardized office records of the City Engineer. All such notes shall be indexed by the City Engineer as part of the permanent public records of the City Engineer’s office.
   3.   Identification Marks. All monuments set as required herein shall be permanently and visibly marked or tagged with the registration or license number of the engineer or surveyor under whose supervision the survey was made.
   G.   Bearings.
   1.   Basis. The Final Map shall indicate thereon the basis of bearings, making reference to some recorded subdivision map, or other record acceptable to the City Engineer.
   The Final Map shall have as the basis of bearings a line based on the Geodetic Triangulation System where ties to said system are deemed feasible by the City Engineer.
   2.   Distances. The bearing and length of each lot line, block line and boundary line shall be shown on the Final Map, and each required bearing and distance shall be indicated.
   H.   Lot Numbers. The lots shall be numbered consecutively commencing with the number 1, except as otherwise provided herein, with no omissions or duplications. Each numbered lot shall be shown entirely on one sheet.
   I.   Curve Data. The length, radius and total central angle and bearings of terminal radii of each curve and the bearing of each radial line to each lot corner on each curve, and the central angle of each segment within each lot shall be shown on the Final Map.
   J.   Easements.
   1.   Lines. The Final Map shall show all the necessary data including width and side lines of all public easements to which the lots in the subdivision are subject. If the easement is not definitely located on record, a statement as to the easement shall appear on the title sheet.
   2.   Designation. Easements shall be denoted by broken lines.
   3.   Identification. Each easement shall be clearly labeled and identified and, if already of record, proper reference to the records given. Easements being dedicated shall be so indicated in the Certificate of Dedication.
   K.   City Boundary Lines. City boundary lines crossing or abutting the subdivision shall be clearly designated and tied in.
   L.   Natural Water Course Designation. In the event that a dedication of right of way for flood control or storm drainage is not required, the location of any natural water course shall be shown on the Final Map, unless such natural water course, channel, stream or creek is, shown on the grading plans to be filled or otherwise eliminated by the grading of the tract.
   M.   Title Sheet. The title sheet for each Final Map of a subdivision shall contain all the certificates and acknowledgment required by the Subdivision Map Act. The wording of such certificates and acknowledgments shall be approved by the City Attorney. Forms of certificates and acknowledgment may be obtained from the City Engineer.
   N.   (This subsection intentionally left blank.)
   The City Engineer shall cause to be filed, at the time of filing of any subdivision map with the County Recorder, a notice or notices which shall provide information with respect to each parcel in the subdivision regarding the obligation of any purchaser of such property to pay street lighting maintenance assessments pursuant to the provisions of Article 1 (Lighting District Procedures) of Chapter 3 (Street Lighting Improvements) of Division 6 (Special Assessment District Procedures) of the Los Angeles Administrative Code.
   The subdivider shall execute and record with the County Recorder a notice identifying all sewer pumping and/or drainage facilities within the subdivision, either in existence or to be constructed, which could be maintained under maintenance district procedures authorized by Division 6 (Special Assessment District Procedures) of the Los Angeles Administrative Code. Such notice shall provide information regarding the possible obligation of each lot owner for assessments and shall be recorded at the time the final subdivision map is filed with the County Recorder.
   A.   Requirements. The streets, alleys, lots and easements in all subdivisions subject to the provisions of this Article shall be laid out to provide for sewer and drainage facilities. All streets and alleys and other public ways and easements within and immediately adjoining the subdivision, together with any drainage and sanitary sewer easements, shall be graded and improved to a width and grade in accordance with plans approved by the City Engineer. Other improvements as authorized by the Subdivision Map Act may be required.
   1.   In addition to permanent improvements, temporary improvements may be required to be made prior to or concurrent with permanent improvements. In Hillside Grading Areas, temporary erosion control devices shall be designed and installed in a manner approved by the Board of Public Works and the Department of Building and Safety.
   2.   If the subdivision has been submitted only for the purpose of clarifying records by consolidating existing lots and/or metes and bounds parcels, or for the purpose of absorbing vacated streets or alleys or for the purpose of reversion to acreage, the Advisory Agency upon the recommendation of the City Engineer may waive all or a portion of the improvements which otherwise would be required.
   B.   Improvement Plans. Final plans, profiles and specifications for improvements shall be furnished to the City Engineer for approval and processing concurrently with the checking of the Final Tract or Parcel Map. Such plans, profiles and specifications shall show full details for such improvements, and shall be in accordance with the standards adopted by the City of Los Angeles.
   In lieu of final plans, profiles and specifications, the subdivider may furnish preliminary plans for improvements in a form satisfactory to the City Engineer, provided the subdivider agrees to furnish final plans, profiles and specifications to the City Engineer not later than six months from the date the Final Map or Final Parcel Map is filed for recording with the County Recorder. Preliminary plans shall be of sufficient detail and extent so as to permit the City Engineer to determine the type, extent, quantity and estimated cost of the required improvements.
   C.   Street Lighting. Plans for a street lighting system shall be submitted to and be approved by the Bureau of Street Lighting. The time requirement for submittal shall be as prescribed in Subsection B. of this Section.
   D.   (This subsection intentionally left blank.)
   E.   (This subsection intentionally left blank.)
   F.   Street Trees. Arrangements between the subdivider and the City shall be made whereby the subdivider either places street trees in subdivisions to the satisfaction of the Bureau of Street Maintenance of the Department of Public Works, or makes a cash payment to the City. The amount of cash payment shall be in accordance with rates established by the Board of Public Works. When planted by the City, street trees may be planted under contract or by City forces.
   Any street tree planted by a subdivider, or for which a payment is made to the City of Los Angeles to provide such tree, shall be subject to the street tree maintenance fee set forth in Section 62.176 (Street Maintenance Fee) of Article 2 (Streets and Sidewalks) of Chapter 6 (Public Works and Property) of this Code.
   G.   Guarantees.
   1.   No Final Tract or Final Parcel Map shall be presented to the Council for approval until the subdivider / owner has completed the improvements, or has guaranteed that all improvements will be constructed and installed within a specified time. The requirement of guaranteeing the construction and installation of improvements shall not be waived under any condition except as provided herein. Final Parcel Maps, the preliminary maps for which have been approved by the Advisory Agency specifying that improvements are not required until such time as a building permit or other grant of approval for development is issued, are exempt from this provision. California non-profit corporations shall be exempt from these requirements to the extent provided in the Subdivision Map Act.
   2.   The guarantee shall be furnished in accordance with the provisions of this subsection:
   a.   Improvement Agreement. The subdivider / owner shall execute an Improvement Agreement. Under the terms of this agreement, the subdivider / owner shall, among other things, agree to construct and install the improvements at the subdivider / owner’s expense; shall warrant all work performed against any defective work or labor done, or defective materials furnished for a period of one year following acceptance by the City Engineer of all improvements; and shall agree to reimburse the City for all costs and reasonable expenses and fees incurred by the City in enforcing the terms of the agreement including reasonable attorney’s fees.
   b.   Improvement Security. Performance of the Improvement Agreement shall be guaranteed by one of the following, at the option of and subject to the approval of the City:
   (1)   A surety bond or bonds payable to the City, executed by the subdivider / owner as principal and one or more corporate sureties authorized to act as surety under the laws of the State of California and having a certificate of authority as acceptable surety on Federal bonds; or
   (2)   A deposit of cash; or
   (3)   A deposit of negotiable United States Treasury bonds or notes, for which the faith and credit of the United States are pledged for the payment of principal and interest, payable to the bearer; or
   (4)   A deposit of fully insured certificates of deposit issued by a financial institution whose deposits are insured by an instrumentality of the Federal Government, together with a nonrevocable assignment to the City that pledges that the funds are on deposit and guaranteed for the performance of the Improvement Agreement. Such certificates of deposit may provide that interest shall be paid to the depositor. The assignment shall allow the City to withdraw the principal amount, or any portion thereof, upon declaration of default by the Board of Public Works without the necessity of any further consent by the depositor. The Improvement Security shall be on a form prepared by the City Engineer, shall be a joint and several obligation, and shall be in an amount estimated by the City Engineer to be reasonably necessary to complete the construction and installation of all of the improvements required to be done pursuant to the Improvement Agreement and to warrant the work against defective work or labor done, or defective materials furnished in the performance of the work.
   The term of the Improvement Security shall begin on the day it is approved by the City Council and shall continue until the work is accepted by the City Engineer.
   The Improvement Security shall contain the further conditions that in addition to the face amount, all parties executing the security shall be firmly bound under a continuing obligation for payment of all reasonable costs, expenses and fees, including reasonable attorney’s fees incurred by the City in enforcing the obligation secured thereby; that all parties agree to any extensions of time within which to construct and install the improvements; and that all parties further agree to such alterations of or additions to the work as may be deemed necessary by the City Engineer provided the cost increase does not exceed 10 percent of the value of the Improvement Security.
   c.   Improvement Warranty Guarantee. As a part of the Improvement Security there shall be included an amount to be determined by the City Engineer sufficient for the guarantee and warranty of the work for a period of one year following the date of acceptance of the work by the City Engineer against any defective work or labor done, or defective materials furnished in the performance of the work.
   d.   Labor and Material Payment Security. Security shall be furnished for payment of labor and materials furnished in the construction and installation of the improvements. The security shall be furnished in one of the forms described in Paragraph b. of Subdivision 2. of this Section, and shall be in an amount equal to not less than 50 percent of the Improvement Security as estimated by the City Engineer. The security shall inure to the benefit of all persons, and entities furnishing services, supplies or equipment for the improvements as referenced in Sections 3110, 3111 and 3112 of the California Civil Code. All claims under this labor and materials payment security must be filed with the City Clerk on or before the expiration of 90 days after the completion of the improvements.
   e.   Existing Security. Notwithstanding the foregoing requirements, if the subdivider / owner already has on file with the City Engineer an Improvement Security in one of the forms described in Paragraph b of Subdivision 2. of this Section, posted pursuant to Section 62.111 (Class “B” Permits – Plans – Bonds – Insurance) of Article 2 (Streets and Sidewalks) of Chapter 6 (Public Works and Property) of this Code which guarantees completion of all of the improvements designated in the Improvement Agreement and in an amount at least equal to the amount determined by the City Engineer to be necessary to complete all of the improvements, no additional Improvement Security shall be required; however, improvement warranty guarantee and labor and material security may be required.
   3.   Extension of Time. If it appears that the improvements cannot be completed by the date specified in the Improvement Agreement, written application may be made to the City Engineer for an extension of the completion date. One extension of time shall be granted to a time at which the City Engineer determines the work of improvement should reasonably be completed. Further extensions of time may be granted at the discretion of the City Engineer. If the subdivider disagrees with the determination of the City Engineer such decision may be appealed to the Board of Public Works. Any extension may be considered upon agreement by the surety and principal to:
   a.   Begin or resume construction of the improvements on a schedule to be specified by the City Engineer, and/or
   b.   Update the estimated cost of construction and installation of the improvements with an adjustment in the Improvement Security commensurate with the updated estimates, and/or
   c.   To the extent possible, construct and install the required improvements in accordance with the standards and specifications of the Board of Public Works in effect at the time such extension of time is granted; and/or
   d.   Comply with other conditions as may be deemed necessary by the City Engineer to insure diligent prosecution of the work.
   4.   Reduction of Improvement Security. When a portion of the improvements have been completed to the satisfaction of the City Engineer, the City Engineer may consent to a reduction in the amount of the Improvement Security upon written request from the subdivider / owner. The City Engineer may consent to two reductions provided the original security for the improvements exceeds $200,000 and the work completed is identifiable, capable of being maintained by the City, and accepted by the City Engineer. In extreme hardship circumstances the City Engineer may consent to one reduction without regard to the preceding provisions. The remaining security shall be adequate to cover the estimated cost of completing the remaining improvements, the improvement warranty guarantee, and reasonable expenses and fees for enforcement of the terms of the Improvement Agreement. If a cash deposit or negotiable security is on deposit, that portion of the cash or negotiable security not required as a guarantee for the remaining improvements, improvement warranty guarantee and reasonable expenses and fees for enforcement of the terms of the Improvement Agreement, shall be returned to the depositor. If a certificate of deposit is on file, reduction in the Improvement Security will be accomplished by the City Engineer issuing a notice of reduction to the depositor and financial institution. If a surety bond is on file, reduction in the Improvement Security will be accomplished by the execution of a rider to the improvement surety bond by the principal and surety thereon and shall be effective upon approval by the City Engineer and the City Attorney.
   5.   Release of Improvement Security. When all of the requirements of the Improvement Agreement and the Improvement Security have been completed to the satisfaction of the City Engineer and the improvement warranty guarantee has expired, the City Engineer shall issue a Certificate of Acceptance and Termination of Improvement Warranty Bond to the subdivider / owner and a copy thereof shall be sent to the surety company if a surety bond is on file. However, if the improvement warranty guarantee has not expired, the City Engineer may issue a Certificate of Acceptance, which exonerates the portion of the Improvement Security guaranteeing completion of the construction and installation of the improvements, but not the improvement warranty guarantee. Said warranty guarantee shall thereafter be released in total by the City Engineer on or after one year from the date of the completion notice from the Bureau of Engineering, provided no claims against said guarantee have been made by the City.
   6.   Release of Labor and Material Payment Security. On or after ninety (90) days from the date of completion notices from both the Bureau of Contract Administration and the Bureau of Engineering, security posted under Paragraph d. of Subdivision 2. of this Section to secure payment for labor and materials may be released by the City Engineer in whole if no claims are filed or reduced to an amount equal to one-hundred and fifty (150) percent of those claims filed with the City Clerk. If a cash, negotiable security, or certificate of deposit payment security is on file, the City Engineer shall:
   a.   Release the cash, negotiable security or certificate of deposit payment bond in total, if no claims have been filed; or
   b.   Reduce the cash or negotiable security or certificate of deposit payment bond to an amount equal to one hundred and fifty (150) percent total amount of the claims filed with the City Clerk.
   H.   Enforcement. If the subdivider / owner neglects, refuses or fails to construct the improvements with such diligence as to insure completion within the time specified, or within such extensions of said time as may have been granted by the City Engineer or the Board of Public Works or if the subdivider / owner neglects, refuses or fails to perform satisfactorily any act required under the Improvement Agreement, the Board of Public Works may declare the Improvement Agreement in default, and shall take whatever actions are necessary to enforce the terms and conditions of the Improvement Security. The Board is hereby empowered to order all or any part of the work to be done either by City forces or by separate contract, and the City shall be entitled to reimbursement for all costs and expenses as a result of such construction. If the Improvement Security is a cash deposit, negotiable security or certificate of deposit the Board is empowered to deduct therefrom, on behalf of the City, an amount sufficient to reimburse and to indemnity the City for any and all damages, costs and expenses sustained or incurred by the City in enforcing the terms and conditions of the Improvement Agreement.
   A.   Whenever a private street is proposed to be used or included in a subdivision, the private street shall conform in all respects with all the requirements contained and set forth in Article 8 (Private Street Regulations) of this Chapter. A Private Street Map need not be filed with the Advisory Agency in addition to the maps required by the provisions of this Article, however, provided that the maps filed in conformance with the provisions of this Article show such street and contain the information pertaining thereto which is required to be provided in such Private Street Maps.
   B.   If a private street located within the proposed subdivision has been approved in accordance with the then applicable regulations prior to filing the Tentative Map of the subdivision, such street shall be deemed to comply with the requirements of this Section and Article 8 (Private Street Regulations) of this Chapter and no further approval thereof shall be required.
   A.   Proceedings for reversion to acreage of subdivided real property may be initiated by the City Council on its own motion or by petition of all of the owners of record of the real property within the subdivision pursuant to Sec. 13B.7.3. (Tentative Tract Map) of Chapter 1A of this Code.
   1.   The petition shall take the form of a tentative tract map application to the Department of City Planning in a form prescribed by the Department. Upon the title sheet of each map filed for the purpose of reverting subdivided land to acreage, the subtitle shall consist of the words “A reversion to acreage of....”. Any map so submitted shall be accompanied by evidence of title and non-use or lack of necessity of any streets or easements which are to be vacated or abandoned. Any streets or easements to be left in effect after the reversion shall be adequately delineated on the map.
   2.   Notice shall be given and a public hearing shall be held in accordance with the procedures set forth in Sec. 13B.7.3. (Tentative Tract Map) of Chapter 1A of this Code.
   3.   A tentative tract map shall be filed under the provisions of this section for the purposes of reverting to acreage land previously subdivided. A final parcel map may be recorded in lieu of a final tract map, if the property involved originally consisted of four or fewer parcels or condominium units or if the project meets the exception criteria of Section 66426 of the State Government Code and Section 17.50 C. of the Los Angeles Municipal Code. Except as provided in Government Code Section 66445 (e), a certificate shall appear signed and acknowledged by all parties having any record title interest in the land being reverted, consenting to the preparation and filing of the parcel map.
   4.   Maps recorded solely for the purpose of combining portions of vacated streets with adjoining lots shall be treated in procedure as Reversion to Acreage Maps.
   B.   Subdivided real property may be reverted to acreage only if the City Council finds that:
   1.   Dedications or offers of dedication to be vacated or abandoned by the reversion to acreage are unnecessary for present or prospective public purposes; and
   2.   Either:
   (a)   All owners of an interest in the property within the subdivision have consented to reversion; or
   (b)   None of the improvements required to be made have been within two years from the date the final or parcel map was filed for record, or within the time allowed by agreement with the City Engineer for completion of the improvements, whichever is the later; or
   (c)   No lots shown on the final or parcel map have been sold within five years from the date the map was filed for record.
   C.   As conditions of reversion the City Council shall require:
   1.   Dedications or offers of dedications necessary following reversion;
   2.   Retention of all previously paid fees necessary to accomplish the purposes of this article;
   3.   Retention of any portion of required improvement security or deposits if necessary to accomplish the purposes of this article.
   D.   When a reversion is effective, all fees and deposits shall be returned and all improvement security released, except those retained pursuant to Subdivisions 2. and 3. of Subsection C. above.
   E.   After approval of the reversion by the City Council, the final map or parcel map shall be delivered to the county recorder. The filing of the final tract map or parcel map shall constitute legal reversion to acreage of the land affected thereby and shall also constitute abandonment of all streets and easements not shown on the map.