General Provisions
31.001 Qualifications of officials generally
31.002 Terms of office of elected officials
31.003 Oath of officers
31.004 Bond of officers generally
31.005 Vacancy in office for failure to file oath and/or bond
31.006 Removal of officers or employees
31.007 Surrender of effects of office
31.008 Cumulative capital improvement fund
31.009 Rate of compensation for employees of city
31.010 Compensation for attendees of conventions and seminars
31.011 Personal conduct policy
31.012 Rate of compensation for city officials
31.013 Indiana Public Employee Deferred Compensation Plan
31.014 Creation of Administrative Leave Program
City Manager
31.015 Position established
Mayor and Vice-Mayor
31.020 Appointment of Vice-Mayor
31.021 Duties of Vice-Mayor
31.022 Compensation for Vice-Mayor
City Judge
31.035 Office created
31.036 Election
31.037 Salary; expenses
31.050 Position established
31.051 Selection
31.052 Office; hours of operation
31.053 Keeping of records
31.054 Other powers and duties
31.055 Issuance of checks
31.056 Transfer of funds
31.057 Making claim payments in advance of Board allowance
City Attorney
31.065 Position established
31.066 Selection
31.067 Bond
31.068 Powers and duties
Director of Municipal Development
31.080 Position established
Director of Marketing
31.090 Position established
Director of Planning
31.100 Position established
Ordinance Enforcement Director
31.110 Position established
Every city officer before entering upon the duties of his or her office shall take and subscribe an oath, to be endorsed on his or her certificate of election or appointment before the Clerk-Treasurer or some other officer authorized to administer oaths, that he or she will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the state, and that he or she will faithfully discharge all of his or her official duties. The oath shall be filed with the Clerk-Treasurer.
(`94 Code, § 31.03)