Unless otherwise provided or limited in this charter, the city and its officers shall be vested with any and all powers, privileges and immunities, expressed and implied, which cities and their officers are, or hereafter may be, permitted to exercise or to provide in their charters under the Constitution and laws of the State of Michigan, including all powers, privileges and immunities which cities are, or may be, permitted to provide in their charters by Act No. 279 of the Public Acts of 1909, as amended, as fully and completely as though those powers, privileges and immunities were specifically enumerated in and provided for in this charter, and in no case shall any enumeration of particular powers, privileges or immunities in this charter be held to be exclusive.
The city may sue and be sued in its corporate name; may plead or be impleaded in all courts of law or in equity and in all actions whatsoever; may contract and be contracted with; may acquire by condemnation, purchase, lease, construction, gift, or otherwise, any property, real, personal and mixed, and hold, lease, use and dispose of the same, whether the same may lie within or without its boundaries. In any emergency when the necessities of life may not be obtained or essential services performed necessary to the health or welfare of the people, the city may take charge of, and supply such necessities or services, but shall not do such acts for gain or profit.
In addition to the powers provided above, the city shall have power and may:
(a) Provide for the use, regulation, improvement and control of the surface of its streets, alleys and public ways, and of the space above and beneath them.
(b) Provide for the use, by other than the owner, of property located in streets, alleys and public places, in the operation of a public utility, upon payment of a reasonable compensation to the owners thereof.
(c) Provide for a plan of streets and alleys within and for a distance of not more than three miles beyond its limits.
(d) Acquire by purchase, gift, condemnation, lease, construction or otherwise, either singly or in conjunction with other governmental bodies, either within or without its corporate limits and either within or without the corporate limits of the County of Wayne, the following improvements, including the necessary lands therefor, viz: city hall, police stations, fire stations, boulevards, streets, alleys, public parks, recreation grounds, municipal camps, public grounds, zoological gardens, museums, libraries, airports, cemeteries, public wharves and landings upon navigable waters, levees and embankments, watch houses, city prisons and work houses, penal farms, institutions, hospitals, quarantine grounds, electric light and power plants and systems, gas plants and systems, waterworks plants and systems, sewage disposal plants and systems, garbage disposal plants, rubbish disposal plants, market houses and market places, office buildings for city officers and employees, public works and public buildings of all kinds; and for the costs and expenses thereof.
(e) Acquire by purchase, gift, condemnation, lease or otherwise, private property, either within or without the corporate limits of the County of Wayne, for any public use or purpose within the scope of its powers, whether herein specifically mentioned or not. If condemnation proceedings are resorted to for the acquisition of private property, such proceedings may be brought under the provisions of Act 149 of the Public Acts of 1911, as heretofore or hereafter amended, or under such other provisions as shall be made by law.
(f) Maintain, develop and operate its property and upon discontinuance thereof to lease, sell or dispose of the same subject to restrictions placed thereupon by law; provided, that on the sale of any capital asset of a municipally owned utility the money received shall be used in procuring a similar capital asset, or placed in the sinking fund to retire bonds issued for said utility.
(g) Acquire by construction, condemnation, or purchase and own, equip, possess, lease, operate and maintain transportation facilities including a rapid transit system consisting of a tunnel, subway, surface or elevated system or any combination or qualification of these, in and through said city, and for a distance of not more than ten miles beyond its limits, for the purpose of furnishing transportation facilities to the city and to the people hereof; the city may provide by ordinance or resolution for the preparation and publication of plans for such construction, equipment and maintenance; for the operation of such facilities independently or in connection with other transportation facilities, or transportation system, owned, operated, or controlled by the city or existing therein, or in the territory in which any such rapid transit system is established; for the appropriate designation of such facility; for the taking of the fee of or easement or right of way on, under, above and through any property for the purposes thereof; by gift, grant or purchase, and by condemnation proceedings in accordance with any law of the State of Michigan providing therefor; and for the management of such facilities, for the purposes for which the same is or may be acquired or constructed and for the execution of contracts incidental to the carrying out of the purposes hereby contemplated, subject to the general laws of the state.
(h) Negotiate, execute and perform contracts with any other municipality or municipalities, duly authorized and empowered to that end, with reference to the construction, equipment, operation, maintenance and management of a rapid transit system and facilities, and finance any obligations assumed under or imposed by any such contract.
(i) Provide for the use, control and regulation of streams, waters and water courses within its boundaries, subject to any limitation imposed by law.
(j) Secure by condemnation, by agreement or purchase, or by any other means, an easement on property abutting or adjacent to any navigable stream, for the purpose of securing the privilege and right to construct, own and maintain along or adjacent to any navigable stream an elevated structure of one or more levels for the use as vehicular or pedestrian passageway or for any other municipal purpose.
(k) Acquire, establish, operate, extend and maintain facilities for the storage and parking of vehicles within its corporate limits, including the fixing and collection of charges for services and use thereof on a public utility basis, and for such purposes to acquire by gift, purchase, condemnation or otherwise the land necessary therefor.
(l) Acquire, construct, establish, operate, extend and maintain facilities for the docking of pleasure water craft within its corporate limits, including the fixing and collection of charges for use thereof, and for such purposes to acquire by gift, purchase, condemnation or otherwise the land necessary therefor.
(m) Regulate and restrict the locations of oil and gasoline stations.
(n) Establish districts or zones within which the use of land and structures, the height, the area, the size and location of buildings and required open spaces for light and ventilation of such buildings, and the density of population therein may be regulated. Such regulations in one or more districts may differ from those in other districts.
(o) Regulate trades, occupations and amusements within its boundaries, not inconsistent with state and federal laws, and prohibit such trades, occupations and amusements as are detrimental to the health, morals or welfare of its inhabitants.
(p) License, regulate, restrict and limit the number and location of bill boards within the city.
(q) Enact and enforce all such local, police, sanitary and other regulations for the public peace and health and for the safety of persons and property as are not in conflict with the general laws.
(r) Establish any department that the council shall deem necessary for the general welfare of the city and provide for the separate incorporation thereof, subject to general law.
(s) The city and its officers shall have power to exercise all municipal powers in the management and control of municipal property and in the administration of municipal government, whether such powers be expressly enumerated or not; to do any act to advance the interest of the city, the good government and prosperity of the municipality and its inhabitants, and through its regularly constituted authority, to pass and enforce all laws, ordinances, and resolutions relating to its municipal concerns, subject to the Constitution and general laws of the state and the provisions of this charter.