The election of all city officers shall be on a non-partisan basis. The general election statutes shall apply to and control, as near as may be, all procedures relating to registration and city elections except as such statutes relate to political parties or partisan procedures, or except as otherwise provided in this charter.
The City of Inkster shall consist of six wards, hereinafter referred to as districts. Convenient election precincts shall be established by the city council as required and provided by law.
District No. 1 shall be bounded on the north by the centerline of Michigan Avenue, the east by the centerline of Harrison, the south by Annapolis and the west by Henry Ruff.
District No. 2 shall be bounded on the north by Cherry Hill, the east by the centerline of Eastern, the south by the centerline of Michigan Avenue and the west by Henry Ruff.
District No. 3 shall be bounded on the north by the centerline of Michigan Avenue, the east by the centerline of Princess, the south by Annapolis, and the west by the centerline of Harrison.
District No. 4 shall be bounded on the north by Cherry Hill, the east by Beech Daly, the south by the centerline of Avondale, and the west by the centerline of Eastern.
District No. 5 shall be bounded on the north by the centerline of Michigan Avenue, the east by Beech-Daly, the south by Annapolis, and the west by the centerline of Princess.
District No. 6 shall be bounded on the north by the centerline of Avondale, the east by Beech-Daly, the south by the centerline of Michigan Avenue and the west by the centerline of Eastern.
(a) A regular city election shall be held in the several voting precincts of the city at such place therein as shall be designated by the council on the 3rd Monday in May 1966 and every fourth year thereafter.
(b) A non-partisan city primary election shall be held on the 1st Monday in April, 1966, and every four years thereafter, if nominating petitions for candidates eligible to be placed on the ballot to a number greater than twice the number of positions to be filled in any elective office shall have been filed with the clerk as provided in this charter.