Sec. 4.10  Nominations.
   The method of nomination of all officers provided for in the charter who are elected by the electors of the city shall be by petition. Such petition shall be signed by not less than 50 nor more than 100 qualified registered electors of the city. In the case of candidates for councilman, the petitioners shall reside in the district for which the nomination is made. No person shall sign his name to a greater number of petitions for any one office than there are persons to be elected to said office at the following regular city elections.  If the signature of any person appears on more petitions than permitted by this section, such signature shall not be counted on any one of the petitions so signed for that office. The signatures shall be executed according to state law. Each signer shall indicate next to his signature the date of his signing, and the place of his residence, giving the street and number or other description sufficient to identify it.
   Nominating petitions shall be filed with the clerk at least thirty days prior to the date of holding the primary election. On the last date to file, no petition shall be accepted at an hour later than 5:00 p.m. The clerk shall publish notice of the last day and time permitted for filing nominating petitions, at least one week before, and not more than three weeks before that date.